Dizziness, eye movements when trying to sleep

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Hi everyone. I am new to this site just trying to find some answers to what I have been going through. About 7 months ago my right ear started making a bubbling sound which was annoying but went away the next day a few days later my ear becme pluuged with pressure, tinnitus, and dizziness the next day. Doctor gave me medrol and the symptoms went away within a few days. While the ear problems were going on doctor thought I may have meinera since I lost hearing in that ear. Went back after medrol was finished and hearing back to normal. No hearing loss. I have been having dizziness since then and sometimes bubbling sound in right ear. Lately sometimes when I try to fall asleep my ear move back and forth and I feel tired but I can't sleep no matter what I do. The first time this happened my right leg twitched too causing my foot to be pulled outward. Not sure if this is connected or not. Last few days dizziness intentisifed and having a hard time with sleeping every night. Eye movements almost every night. Can't work. Anyone have any ideas. No fullness, tinnitus, or ear pain.. No loss of hearing. MD thought maybe I had inner ear infection but not sure why I still have dizziness. MRI clear. Ct done a year ago before this was clear. He tested me for bvvp but no eye twitching with movement. Any help would be appreciated.

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58 Replies

  • Posted

    Sorry not ear moving back and forth my eyes move back and forth
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    Hi Kellie, Sorry to hear.

    This info is from my otolarygologist, Menieres is episodic. Maybe this will clarify.

    Meniere's Disease, Endolymphatic Hydrops:

    Menieres Disease is a disorder of the inner ear caused by excess pressure in the endolymphatic fluid compartment, usually related to excess inner ear sodium. In addition to episodic vertigo, which usually lasts hours, the patient may have fluctuating hearing, tinnitus, and a feeling of fulness in the affected ear. It can occasionally affect both ears.

    For most patients, the cause of the disorder is not known. Spells can sometimes be induced by excess salt intake, stress, weather changes, or allergies

    Treatment usually includes restriction of salt, sodium intake, and the use of a diuretic water pill.

    Sometimes anti-dizziness medications like Antivert or Valium can decrease the severity of a spell but they cannot cure the disease. Steroids can occasionally help, but because of side effects, their use must be limited. If your doctor recommends water pills or steroids for you, please ask our nurses for all instruction sheets to better inform you of their side effects and check with your 

    family doctor. In severe cases, the Menieres disease surgery may be needed. fortunately, there are many surgical options but of all of these options, only sac decompression surgery attempts to improve function of the inner ear. The remaining options attempt to selectively ablate, remove, or destroy 

    the malfunctioning balance nerve and sometimes the hearing nerve as well. 

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      I really don't have any of those symptoms. I don't have vertigo only dizziness and haven't had any fullness, tinnitus or loss of hearing in that ear. I've been reading alot and they all say you will have these symptoms or at least one or two which I don't. So I'm not sure. Just looking for options or someone that has the same symptoms. I will post any updates maybe it will also help someone else. I also have had pt on my neck in the past for headaches r/t being on bedrest when I was pregnant and damage to my neck from that and weaken muscles. Also I have been having headaches almost everyday for a couple weeks. Going to see neurologist in few weeks
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      kEllie,,when you say you do not have 'Vertigo', what do you mean exactly?  As vertigo in itself is just a generalisation for all the different kinds of dizziness etc ,like BPPV, or Menieres, or Vestibular neuritis etc etc.  yOu could have,,for example, Migraine Associated vertigo (You don,t have to,have a migraine pains to have this)?  Most Neurologists don,t seem, in my experience, to have much knowledge about the Vestibular system as they deal more with the Brain area.  yOu really could do with seeing a Neuro-Otologist, as they do both.  sO,don,t despair i of the Neurologist finds you 'normal' as I found, and others on here have too.  oFten the 'eye moving back and forth' thing can be Nystagmus.  look that up,on line and see if if resonates with you. a Neuro,Otologist would  test for Nystagmus and there are different kinds of it,too.  
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      I have been told by multiple doctors that they are not the same. Vertigo is the feeling of spinning or room is moving. Dizziness can be the feeling of falling, unsteadiness, or inability to walk due to many reasons but not spinning

  • Posted

    Hi Kellie,I'm suffering with severe dizziness ATM and been of work 5 weeks now ,I've had weird problems with my eyes especially the right it feels slow and when I'm trying to sleep my eyes feel heavy and feel like they are rolling,I'm having trouble sleeping too and can't switch off,I've got a MRI scan next Sunday but after chatting to lots of people on this site all MRI scans have come back clear,I don't want anything nasty but hoping they will find something and I can get the right treatment, my dizzyness is so bad I've been housebound and bed bound for a week,if you find any answers please let me know I'm so down with this ATM,I hope you get well soon,take care lisa
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      Where u able to get temporary disability I have been off work a week now and have no more vacation left. Don't know what I'll do. Can't go to work if I can barely stand up at times. My dizziness is constant. Is yours. My eye movements are in a back and forth motion or it feels as if they are moving. I am beginning to lose hope. Been trying to get answers for 7 months. Sorry to hear you are suffering too. Wouldn't wish this on anyone
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      I'm in the UK,my doctor gave me a sick note to give to my manager at work, due back Friday but can't see myself going back,I get statuary sick pay but its nothing really,not sure how long my job will be there as almost 6 weeks off.my dizziness is constant and really starting to scare me now as its been there so long.my eyes move back and forth but a few times side to side,I went to a eye doctor and said my eyes are healthy so it must be linked to my dizziness, I understand how you feel,how old are you,I'm 32 ,lisa
    • Posted

      Hi Lisa I just turned 39. I know how u feel its seems like we have some of the same symptoms. I have a previous neck injury which may be an option but I really believe it's my ear. Don't understand why the doctors can't figure this out. I did get a prescription for Valium which I take at night and seems to help me. Maybe you can try it and see if it helps you. Do u have headaches too? I live in California.
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      Hi Kellie,I do get headaches and have tried pills for that but they havnt worked and as I pointed out to my doctor I'm dizzy all the time and its almost 6 weeks non stop,a head ache wouldn't last that long.I'm convinced its my right ear as I get pressure sometimes in it also it feels wet inside but doctor can't find fluid,I have 2 girls and its so hard trying to look after them as I'm having to rest most the time as so dizzy,I was normal 6 weeks ago,working,taking my kids out and enjoying family life now I can't even go out,lisa
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      It is one of th tests a good Neuro,Otologist would do.  tHey do some,physical movement of you wen you are lying on a bed, and look at your eyes as they do,them to see if they jump etc.  To be honest, even a decent ENT could do, it.  iF you go,on line a great Google Nystagmus, and testing etc you will get a proper,explanation. 
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      iT,s,all,to,do with eye movements.  iF you google VEDA, and the word Nystagmus you will get a comprehensive description of it all.
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      Thank you I will look it up,its weird I've had severe dizziness for almost 6 weeks now and eyes are both weird when I'm really dizzy they feel slow almost like they get stuck,the right eye also is blurred on and off vision not so great when I'm tired or dizziness is at its worst ,lisa
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      From what I,ve read it sounds similar to the symptoms of Nystagmus, and there are different kinds too. So you need to read it all pretty thoroughly. also you can ask you Drs for the test.
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      Well I,ve had it for nearly 5 years and have come to the conclusion there is not cure as such. Just treatment.  iT,s a bit like Arthritis, which I also have, there is no cure, but treatment, pills, exercise etc. the. The most important thing I,ve learned is t get a proper diagnosis, which I actually haven,t as. Out of my symptoms on their own aren,t 'big' enough for these Drs to work it,out.  sOme people,it,is a definitely BPPV, or MAV, or Menieres, but after researching so much into,all this the outcome,is much the same  amd that's desensitising ourselves to,the symptoms through therapy. 
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      btw Lisa have you read up on any of this stuff?  iF not,,do yourself,a favour and Google VEDA, they have tons of good information on ALL the different kinds of dizzy types,,symptoms. Etc  they also have a. Facebook page where you can ask,stuff.  I have learned that you, all,of,us, need to educate ourselves about our condition.
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      Hi,Gilliam,read up on Veda,very interesting,thought its meinieres I might have as been suggested before but also vestibular issues,I have been on antibiotics which seem to work after 4-5 days and I feel much better for 3-4 days then it all gets bad again,could be a bacterial infection? As weird why 2 lots of antibiotics had same affect and u did have slight ear ache,lisa
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      Yes anti b's a do seem to help short term for some reason which I can,t understand tbh.  I think it,s probably better to keep your system healthy and strengthen your immune system against infections which is what I do.  the problem with anti b's is that they mess up other things, so not a good idea for regular  use.
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      Do you take anything to build up your immune system? iam vitamin d deficient and anaemic could that be the antibiotics do you think?lisa
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      What do u take to build up immune system? I have been on a low sodium diet to see if it helps since they say that's the main treatment for meiners. Doing it just in case, can also help any vestibular disease so maybe try doing a low sodium diet and see if it helps. Last night I use the balls in sock thing I learned from physical therapy on my back and neck to put pressure on pressure points and release them. My eyes moved most of the night and dizziness increased. I remembered the other night I had done the same thing. Wondering if it is my neck or back causing this. I had chronic headaches about a year ago after a miscarriage and from being on bed rest. Went to pt and went away. I will have to check with doctor.
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      I'm just eating healthily,lots or fruit, vedge,nuts,seeds,alpha sprouts,eggs.my boyfriend suggested taking a daily berrocca vitamin which you dissolve in a glass of water or some sort of multi vitamin.I will try a low sodium diet thank you.I do have a weak neck as it plays up from time to time and have had physio on it a few months ago as couldn't move it for few days,all on the right side my trouble.I've had a bad day today with dizziness and eyes moving forwards and backwards, pressure in my head has been unreal.iam so sorry you had a misscarrige,I understand how that feels as I had one before my 2 and daughter was born,I was a month pregnant when I lost the baby,no one should have to go through it,have you any children already? Lisa xx
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      yes I take a liquid D every day,,I take a Liquid B12 complex, 1000mg Vitamins C, very important, lalso take Green Barley Grass powder in juice once a day, An Omega 3 fish oil,. there are other things  you can take, but I always say you should research anything you intend taking to make sure you actually need it. b12'is very good for anemia.  I avoid the 'Multi' vitamins as I don,t think they Re much good and a waste of money.   antibiotics kill the 'good' bacteria as well as the bad, so you ideally should take a probiotic daily when in the.  I take one every day as I have gut problems 
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      I was taking actimel everyday then stopped as wasn't sure if would help?omega oils I should start taking and vit c and b12,I'm already taking vit d,lisa
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      No children I've had two miscarriages one at three weeks and one at three and a half months. I was on bed rest for last one for three months and caused my neck to become weak and had really bad headaches, fogginess and pain. Headaches seem to be the same as last time but I never had dizziness last time. If it is vestibular liw salt diet should help below 1500mg a day. Which is really hard. I've been on it for 5 days and really no relief. I eat pretty healthy and take multivitamin everyday. I try to exercise daily. I also read that exercise is key. If we sit around body won't begin to compensate for disability and the dizziness will get worse. Which is hard because I can barely stand at times.
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      Actimel and those things you get in the supermarket  are  useless Lisa, you need a proper probiotic with millions of the right strains in to combat the damage done by antibiotics. pRobiotics won,t make any difference,to your dizzy stuff, it,s just good for gut health.  
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      I'm so sorry to hear that,I was told by my doctor that a hormone imbalance can cause dizziness but not sure how you diagnose that.I had 7 days in bed as I was too dizzy to get up,I'm struggling now to cope with house work etc,my mum helps out with my girls,luckily I had my 1st at 20 so she's 13 now and helps look after my 3 yr old who's very lively,it upsets me I can't take her out and be normal but I'm so dizzy,I was awake most the night again eyes moving and pressure in head and ears,how did you sleep?are you dizzy/lightheaded all the time or do you get good days?Lisa x
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      Where would I get one from?would it be a chemist or health shop,lisa
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      hOlland and Barret, Health food shop, just ask the girl for a good, but reasonably priced Probiotic. or any Health food,shop.   P.s. Re the hormone thing, you can ask you dr for a hormone balance test, but doubt that is what is causing your problem in the vestibular system 
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      I stopped my birth control because my doctor said she can't do any lab work to test hormones while I'm taking it. It's just s lab test to see if hormones are good or not. My dizziness use to be on and off. I would have good days and bad but the last week it is continuous. The intensity gets worse at times but always there. I slept in last night no eye twitching. Do u get the eye twitching every night? I am not sure why mine comes and goes. I took another two weeks off until I can see neurologist. I am prying he has an answer for me or I don't know what I'll do.
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      What birth control are you on?my mum said maybe its linked to mine as when I'm due on I seem to get more dizzy,I've been on it for years though, microgynon I'm on.my intensity of dizziness gets so bad I feel scared like Im going to be hospitalised, my eyes twitch every night and sometimes through the day,i havnt been sleeping well as my head also feels like its swaying,I'm having a really bad dizzy day today feeling so lightheaded/spaced out,laying down eases the symptoms. I've had 6 weeks off work Friday and I'm no way fit to go back,I'm having my MRI scan Sunday but so many people have told me they get clear results,then what?I just want a diagnosis and a cure so I can go back to work as don't think my managers happy I'm off sick,take care Lisa x
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      How old are you if you don't mind me asking?I'm 33 at Christmas,Lisa x
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      I know how you feel. Maybe stop birth control, start low salt diet under 1500mg per day and see if it helps. If the low salt diet helps at all then maybe it's ear. Also Valium has really helped me. I take it at night and it allows me to sleep when my eyes are moving. All other dizziness med made no difference for me. I've had MRI mine came back clear. Go to neurologist Wed. I will let u know what they say for me if I get any answers. Then Im waiting to see balance center in Sacramento but I heard it takes awhile to get in. Good luck. Message me anytime.
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      I am a nurse and we are going to be having our yearly inspection. I'm in management there so I feel like I am letting them down. Just have to do what is best for us.
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      I'm going to try the low salt diet and stop my pill and see if it makes a difference, worth a try suppose.good luck for Wednesday, I hope it goes well for you,maybe if you get answers might help me out too.take care, Lisa x

    • Posted

      Its not your fault your ill and your health should come before work,wow your so young to have this,its not fair people like us want to work and can't because of ill health and there are so many lazy people out there that don't work and could.I had dizziness when I was 7 months pregnant with my first daughter,I was in hospital for 4 nights as couldn't open my eyes up,dizzy and sick so much I was bringing up my stomach lining,the doctors gave me antibiotics to treat a suspected inner ear infection, stemital tablets to help,I was bed ridden for 2 weeks after then was fine up to 5 months ago when I started getting dizzy spells then 6 weeks ago bed ridden and severe dizziness and eye problems, never had eye problems before and never felt dizziness so bad,doctors never really knew what was wrong with me over 13 years ago and don't seem to know now,I was normal up to 6 weeks ago,I hope you get well soon,Lisa x
    • Posted

      We are both way too young.  I really just want my life back.  Mine started with an inner ear infection about 7 months ago.  I havent been the same since.  Im guessing its the ear.  It lasted about a week and a half and then i was fine for a few weeks.  Then dizziness came back off and on until last week when it has progressively gotten worse and the eye movements started.  I am able to get up and walk around now but not the first few days.  I am also in school and cant miss classes, which is so stressful.  I have been going but having difficulty.  This class is very difficult and if i miss a day i would be so behind.  Im taking microbiology to further my degree.  It makes me just want to give up, but i know i will be so disappointed in myself if i do.  I am going to find out what is wrong with me if i have to see every doctor in california.  I wont give up.  I am that type of person.  I hope you have good luck and find out what is wrong with you or that i can help you find your answers too.  I am praying the neurologist can help..
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      Aww it must be so hard going to school with dizziness,you should be so proud of yourself as I think your so brave carrying on. I popped to my local supermarket today with my mum and girls to buy some omega 3 oils and immune boosting vitamins,I was holding on to the trolley the whole time and when I got home I fell down with a severe dizzy spell,eyes were rolling and had to lay down,still not great now,we both just need answers so we can carry on with life,I so wouldn't wish this on anyone,but I'm really scared I'm going to be stuck with this ,x
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      My husband called me earlier and he usually not the most supportive person. He thinks when your sick you should just keep moving on. But he has never really been ill like this so I don't blame him he doesn't know what it feels like. But he called me earlier and I began to cry because I am so miserable and he said we aren't giving up. We will go to every doctor if we have to. It was nice to hear that. So don't give up either. I know you are miserable but keep some hope of recovery. There has to be someone out there that can figure this out. If neurologist can find something I think I might go to uc Davis they supposivley have a panel of doctors that come together to figure out their hard cases.good luck again
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      Sounds like you have a lovely husband,my boyfriend has diabetes type 2 but never been ill even with that,he also thinks I should carry on when I'm ill.I have cried a lot lately and I never usually do so I don't think he knows what to do really,its my mum and 3 yr old that give me supportive hugs as my 13 year old is scared and very upset I'm ill ,she won't come near me hardly but Cry's when I'm really bad x
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      Hi Kellie,how did you get on with the neurologist today?x
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      Hi there just got back from neurologist. He says it is defiantly inner ear but not meiners. I have no symptoms of meiners. Which is good. He thinks the inner viral infection I had a eight months ago damaged the nerve in my inner ear causing the dizziness and eye movements. He has referred my to therapy to help with balance and also doing another test called baer test. Which they put different temps of water in the ear and see if it makes you dizzy and watch and monitor eye movements. At least they are doing something. I don't have anything neurological which is good too. I just need an answer. This is not reversible but I can learn to compensate and the dizziness will improve. I also have a referral to a dizziness specialist in Sacramento soon. Hope this helps you. You need to see Ent and neurologist soon. He says the earlier inner ear things are caught and treated the better the outcome.
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      I had the baer test a month ago but instead of water they used hot then cold air it works the same,make sure your husband goes with you as you can't drive after and feel even more dizzy for a day or two,the doctor warned me before and she was right,doesn't hurt just makes you dizzy and I was actually sick as you feel like your flying in circles,weird sensation. My eye movements were normal and so was the balance test so they reffered me for a MRI scan as they don't know what's wrong.thank you for letting me know your outcome,I hope you improve quickly as no one should have to suffer like us x
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      Hi Kellie how are you?lisa
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      I am doing OK. Still dealing with the dizziness. Doing physical therapy which is helping a little. Also seeing a specialist for my TMI. Thinking maybe my jaw and TMI might play a role in all of this. Been in pain with TMI lately. See specialist for vestibular nerve damage next month and they will do vng test to see if it is my vestibular system. Just takes so long to get these appointments. How have u bee ? Any improvements with u?
    • Posted

      Hi,I'm still dealing with the dizziness too,its quite bad lately,still waiting on MRI results and another ent appointment, was hoping it would just go on its own but I should be so lucky ,take care Lisa

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