Dizziness for the last 2 days

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Hi.  Have any of your ladies suffered from dizziness. I don't actually knows if it is dizziness but I get this weird feeling is my head and face when getting up. I've been using antidepressants for a while but I stopped to go on a more natural product with vit B6 in it. I am just sceared that someting els is going on what I don't know about. My husband and I are sepouse to leave for Germany next weekend and I don't want to ruin that. 

I am so glad that I found your ladies. 



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11 Replies

  • Posted

    hi Nonnie

    yes i have experienced dizzyness in peri... especially when I was still having erractic periods, in my early peri start, I bled for 21 months solid.. ( ranging from heavy, light, spotting for 21 months) I was wearing sanitary pads and liners for 21 months solid, also at that time I had weird dizzy feelings, and I actually fainted 3 times on different occasions, one was in a large store and I was alone, I woke with a policeman going through my phone and two paramedics assisiting me.. 😳 my blood pressure use to drop very low, I found I had to eat little and often and never leave the house without a small breakfast etc and always carried a bag of natural almonds in my bag incase i needes something or felt faint.. i got to recognise the feeling of a faint coming so had to sit down and deep breathe... so scary..

    since that most awful time they have gone, i still get a shaky weird sensation from time to time, but your right trying B6 its worked wonders for me..

    maybe you should try if you dont already to start the day with a small bowl of cereal or toast.. ( i use to skip breakfast) but cant anymore, even though I dont feel like it I make myself have something, keep the blood sugar at a good level.. also eat little and often throughout day with dizzyness... hormonal imbalance is not nice and it is scary, but I am sure it will pass ans keep your body fuelled with food and energy ..

    Jay xx


  • Posted

    Have you come off the anti d's slowly or just stopped? They're meant to be non addictive but withdrawl made me dizzy and wierd feeling. Had to start taking them again and weaning myself off them slowly. Jaynee always has good advice and the other threads on here are really useful. Even my Doc reads them as he admits it's not something he knows too much about cry
    • Posted

      Hi Soopyloopy

       i wasnt on Anti depressants when mine started and havent been..

      mine was just sheer peri and hormonal... 

      but yes, you should always wean off anti depressants...

      from one a day, to either half a day for two weeks, then quarter a day for two weeks, then quarter every other day, and slow slow.. using a pill splitter... 

      and yes your quite right that would cause numerous problems just stopping any type of anti depressants suddenly...

      all the best to you ladies ... have a lovely day Jay xx

    • Posted

      Hi, I have been of them for 3 weeks with no bad withdrawl symptoms. If the dizzyness is because of the antidepressants I can handle it. I realy don't want to go back on them.
  • Posted

    Hi Nonnie,

    Yes I have experienced dizziness. I understand what you mean by not the regular dizziness. Hoping you have a better day


  • Posted

    Yes that happens to me. Just yesterday I laid down for a nap and when I woke up I felt a fuzzy sensation in my head, nausea, weak and shaky. Last night I had the fuzziness on the left side of my face around my eye and behind my ear and neck. All of these symptoms are crazy!
  • Posted

    Hi there Nonnie.

    I've had this myself. It's either to do with your thyroid, hormones or your blood pressure...

    I normally find if I get up quickly, I get dizzy too. 

    All you can do, is to eat light snacks during the day. It certainly helps me. If you are low on blood sugar that could be it too. Get yourself checked out.

    Just before you travel. But I'm sure you are okay.

    But I'm not a doctor either. I would just go and see your GP for putting your mind at rest okay 😊

  • Posted

    hello nonnie, i get the dizziness you discribe most days and the odd feeling in my face and tightness in my head.  I get it when iv stood for a while or when i go in shops.  I do have low blood pressure and low blood sugar so i eat little and often but as my periods are now so erratic i seem to get it more often. Please dont let it spoil your trip to Germany cos i put off going anywhere to many times and was becoming a recluse.  I have just come back from being away last week and it happens all the time for me but i have got to the stage were i just cope with it. Try to be aware of getting up to stand slowly and perhaps have your blood pressure checked to see if yours dips although i believe you can feel like this with high blood pressure.  Try not to let it worry you cos it made my anxiety worse when i first started with it 2yrs ago and i'm still here and had all tests known to man so its just one of those perimenopause symptoms some of us get.

    Be strong and enjoy your trip and let us know how you were when you return and how your coping, keep in touch you'll get lots of help on this forum. sending you a comforting hug

  • Posted

    Gosh its funny you saying about dizziness and I woke up the other morning literally with the room spinning and it didn't want to stop, it was really scary. Doctor said vertigo but I haven't had this before and wondered if it was to do with peri menopause! Most evenings when I sit down to relax after dinner I feel very slightly dizzy too. Really feel for you as dizziness is horrible x
  • Posted

    Hi NonnieeDD,

    Yes it is normal for some to have dizziness with peri, and yes you should not stop anti-depressants suddenly but as you are going on holiday you should get checked out before leaving, particularly blood pressure.  It is always good at our age to eat regular to keep your blood sugars normal.  Good luck and have a great holdiay.

  • Posted

    Yes, check thyroid, and go to an endocronologist. A GP can find there is an anomaly, but an endo will fine tune your meds and really know what is going on. Also, make sure you are getting plenty of water. Dehydration is common and one of the symptoms is dizziness!

    Best to you!

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