Dizziness/ Vertigo When Lying Down Turning Your Head
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Hello Ladies,
I don't know if anybody is experiencing Dzziness /Vertigo everytime you turn your head in bed and change positions. This just started happening after multiple trigger point injections the other night in neck and shoulders.....So trying to rule out peri/meno symptom. Thank You Ladies!!!!!!
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pamela2016 Shana_P
i cant see all of your message but i deal with this fir three years now but mine isn't just when laying down its all the time haven't found anything to help its all horrible
sunaina1983 pamela2016
Same here with me Dizziness not only lying down but full day from 8 months
Dizziness , off balance and head pressure almost every day .
some days aches and Hot flases too.
Migrane Headaches 🤣🤣
Some days r soo bad not able to go out.
Scary symtoms of peri..Fed up with all this.
Hope this phase will over soon for all of us
sunaina1983 pamela2016
Pamela dear how old r u ?
From how many years ur having Peri ?
shazzy93 Shana_P
I have been experiencing the same since i had a major bout of it in October 2017. It happens also if i bend down to pick something up or look at something on a low shelf. The Dr at the time said it was viral Labarynthitis.(sp)?
I was having hormone treatment to stop my periods due to severe endometriosis whilst awaiting a full hysterectomy and so was chemically placed into a menopause state and wondered if it was that but as its continued i do wonder if its the way im going to be forever now or?
Its not very pleasant is it 😦
julie95633 Shana_P
light headed and dizziness happens to me if i turn my head get up or bend down to quick i find climbing and coming down the stairs also happens when coming down the stairs its one at a time
2blessed2bstressed Shana_P
good morning Shana!
i was just looking this up the other day. I googled horizontal vertigo. I HAVE THE EXACT SAME THING GOING ON! Only whilst laying down. Every time I turn over or move from side to side. It goes on all night long. Ive had one episode that came out of nowhere one evening and lasted until the next day. I believe it is an inner ear problem and can be fixed. Im assuming just another menopausal issue since Ive never had this before. Anyways, your not alone in this, lucky for me I am a nurse and can come up with strange things to maybe look up, such as horizontal vertigo, never heard of it, but thought what the hell, might as well see if its a thing, and it is..lol. look it up, its there where i learned it can be fixed, Good luck!
ekaterina26286 Shana_P
Hello,it is Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)
Nettie261962 Shana_P
I get dizzy if I look up or down or side to side to fast. Been going on now for several years. Also have head pressure, goofy head spells, jelly legs, and now just developed tremors in my hands and feel shaky in my chest. Anxiety is through the roof with all this. I'm 57 now been in menopause for 10 years now but the worst had been since the dizzy started. The worst symptom lately has been a feeling of constantly being pulled to the ground. Do you ever feel this feeling?
2blessed2bstressed Shana_P
Hi Shana,
Yes I have all of what you speak of and more. I am 52 and have been going through this for the last 5 years. The jelly legs got better after seeing my herb guy, not sure what he gave me, as I didnt want to google and end up not taking them. That being said, it was some kind of liver and gallbladder remedy cleanse. I have had a feeling that isnt really dizziness, but more like Ive had one too many drinks. It isnt constant, but still sucks none the less. The dizziness happens at night while Im sleeping. The thing that we need among others is adrenal support. You can find supplements for this in vitamin shop or health food stores. It is a tremendous help, also helps with fatigue. My problem is, at this point I cant take them due to my hotflashes. I already have at least 50 -200 flashes a day. The adrenal support makes it worse. Also when i am faithful about taking my bone broth shakes with my probiotics, i notice that i feel better. Having a healthy gut is key. I refuse to do synthetic or even bioidentical hormones as once you stop taking them, symptoms will return with a vengeance. I just want to get through this and be done. Also, if you know anything about quantum physics, grounding is very important. Even if you just step outside on dirt or grass for like 5 minutes, this will help to ground yourself. Its no wonder all of my west coast family and friends dont suffer like this. There must be something to it. I have done so much research and the conclusion is, we are all different and cannot be put into the same box. I have had every test known to man done and prior to this year, they looked at me like i was crazy. Told me to go to therapy, yeah, as if im making this stuff up. This forum is a God send. Seems we all have a lot of the same symptoms on here. Anyways, if you havent tried it yet, try getting your gut health in order and maybe try some adrenal support supplements. When we are stressed, are adrenals become fatigued. You can look it up if you like and see what you think. Just google adrenal fatigue and you might be surprised with the symptoms. Also vit D deficiency is a big problem. if you are deficient, make sure you supplementing that as well. Your doctor can tell you how much you might need if at all. Well, hope this helps you. I can tell you that i have had more better days than not now. Sometimes i get nervous about letting myself think that there is a light at the end of the tunnel as I still get knocked down just when i think i may be turning the corner on this. I pray for grace and mercy on all of us who are suffering with this.