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5 months now I have been constantly dizzy!!! Some days worse than others! The more I move the fuzzier my head gets!!! Sick off hearing hissing and buzzing in my head! Turned 50 and it's all gone down hill! Ringing in my ears! So so fed up! Can anyone relate!
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pamela2016 teresa03176
yes to all of it 4 years for me and counting its horrible hang in there
anetta85562 pamela2016
Are post menopausal or pre?
pamela2016 anetta85562
im not post yet i pray its soon cause its getting unbearable
dev77856 pamela2016
Honey I hate to tell you this but menopause is so much worse do yourself a favor and get on some hormones if you can
pamela2016 dev77856
oh God i cant do worse im almost dysfunctional already, i cry and pray and beg god to lift these things up. how much worse can it get im already homebound and almost bedridden over this crap again. it just gets harder and harder
jaynie08827 pamela2016
i been dealing with this for a year now..i been through so many symptoms its crazy ..i been bedridden i been too anxious to even walk my dog just layi ng in bed ...now im woken in a falling electric feeling soaked in sweat..it has also effected my breathing where i feel like imeother not breathing or out of breath..i try so very hard tostay focussed on other stuff but my sleep is so limited imvery irritable..now instead of crying im just mad.mad that a women doesnt gothrough enough in our younger years we gotta live in hell our older years..imtold itgets better but all this precious time wasted feeling horrible is sad to me.i pray for u as well as all the others suffering like us..hugs to u..hang in there
pamela2016 jaynie08827
bless your heart hugs to you too i also pray daily for all if us, i been having something similar as soon as i doze off im jolted awake with some kind of adrenaline, ive had insomnia for quite some time but it's gotten worse lately. today i have to struggle to do this turkey dinner ugh i dont feel like it hope you have a good Thanksgiving hang in there praying for you
jaynie08827 pamela2016
ull b ok..mind over matter. happy thanksgiving. eat some pie pray all will be great. hugs to u
anetta85562 pamela2016
My menses stopped 4 months ago and now I have vertigo on top of the dizziness. Plus headaches. Daily. I don't think this stops ever. I am also home most of the time. It is horrible, just horrible.
anetta85562 pamela2016
Pamela they say betahistine helps dizziness. It is sold in Canada and Europe. I am scared to try it because it does cause insomnia in some people. And I am the queen of insomnia, I am scared of it. But I have friends who were saved by betahistine.
pamela2016 anetta85562
omg i cant do this stuff for the rest of my life and i know you cant either, im praying for you for god to lift it all off you you pulled your time, its time for you to start living your life again.
pamela2016 anetta85562
ive had insomnia for years now what scares me is im so sensitive to meds, im scared to try things. and ive read side effects on a few and a side effect is dizziness i cant do any dizzier then i am ugh
jaynie08827 pamela2016
nothong works fresh air and active
......gatorade Zero too. im still working on the night horrors hugs
jaynie08827 pamela2016
hey Pamela i be too but u r acting on anxiety.go to dr then açt on us u r doing what i did at first u r not alone this is allllll this crap that happens hang on hugs
jaynie08827 teresa03176
not only that but a falling feeling then a horrible heat flush 1 year now
dev77856 jaynie08827
omg a falling feeling yes!! I thought it was because I was tired and just needing to go to sleep but maybe it’s not that
jaynie08827 dev77856
is it like a weird electric feeling?? then a hot flushhh im going crazy almost like dizzy but falling