Dizzy first thing
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Does anyone else's dizziness happen more or less as soon as they have got out of bed in the morning?
I have to mentally prepare myself for getting out of bed because as soon as I do within 5 minutes I have had my first dizzy spell, this then sets me on a downward spiral for the rest of the day, my anxiety then kicks in and then that's it I am on edge the hole day and the dizzy spells just keep on coming then by the end of the day I am so exhausted as I've been tense, stressed and worried about what's going on I can't relax, I am feeling so fed up all I want to do is live my life with my beautiful 2 children and not have to constantly fear what is going on.
I just can't accept what they keep telling me I am always searching for the answer as I don't believe what they say, it just doesn't fit x
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julia63553 emma93780
patty818 emma93780
Hi Emma
I know how you feel, all this craziness is enough to put anyone in the nut house.
I am the same way in the morning, that first dizzy feeling and thats it for the day. I spend the rest of the day paying attention to every little sensation and that causes much stress and tension and of course anxiety. I think for me I have dizziness in some form almost daily, wether it be in the background where I'm able to handle it or the bad days where I'm obsessed with it and causing myself much more stress and anxeity.
I thought the same way about finding out what this really is, I mean lets face it, there are so many people with MAV and they don't know how they got it, it just appeared one day, but there really is not a doctor who can fix it. I had a hard time accepting what they told me, until I took the amitryiptyline med for about a week and it stopped the dizziness on the first day, but i had a bad reaction to it so they stopped it, but the ENT said this is basically how MAV is diagnosed, by the meds working. Thats when I had to accept it. Plus I've paid close attention to things like when I moving my head up and down lets say working at the computer, you sometime have to look down at your work and then back up and this will make me dizzy, also movements like vac, mopping, dusting, washing dishes, cooking, this head and body movements cause it also. I think what I couldn't understand was that it would just come out of nowhere, be happy and then suddenly felt the dizzy off balance feeling and I had not done anything to cause it, then that headache, neck and shoulder pain, then I new I was in for it for a few days, I guess thats the migraine part. I like still keep looking for other answers, but I don't think there are any.
Im really sorry your going through this and having a bad time. I wish I could tell you and everyone the answer.
dizzyear emma93780
How long do your dizzy spells last?
emma93780 dizzyear
They don't last long usually about 30 seconds then they are gone but it's to late by then as its then triggered off anxiety and the dizzy spells just come in waves all day, I'm scared to relax some times when I'm not dizzy as I know it's never far away and I am just waiting for it, I started off dizzy this morning got slightly better in the afternoon then I've come home and bam back to square one all I want to do is get on, bath my kids, do the dinner without feeling rubbish x
dizzyear emma93780
Hi Emma,
The primary cause of vertigo that is caused by head position changes that lasts about 30 seconds is a condition called BPPV. This is caused by movement of debris in your ear canals when your head position changes. The good news, is if you have this, it should be relatively easy to fix. There are physical maneuvers that are used to help move the debris out of the ear canal to a place where it doesn't trigger the vertigo eppisodes. You should lookup videos on the Dix-Hallpike and Epely maneuvers. For many people, these resolve the Vertigo.
julia63553 dizzyear
In my case the Eply manoeuvre dosnt seem to be working after 4 attempts. My GP is convinced i don't have anything else so isn't prepared to send me to a specialist of any sort and thinks he should just keep on doing this every week until it goes. . In the meantime I feel ghastly, dizzy, nauseous, lethargic and very tired, and getting very depressed. Any ideas?
dizzyear julia63553
There are other manuevers that can be tried. You may need to look up BPPV videos to learn more. Most of these you can do without the Dr., even the epely. There are 3 canals that could have dibris. I think the movements are different depending on the canal that has the dibris that you are trying to remove. Did the dix-hallpike manuever make you dizzy? To the right? To the Left? If not, then the Epely manuever will probably not help. If it did, then there is still a good chance that it can help. I haven't read about anything else that causes these short vertigo attacks. I think it is very likely to be BPPV. Did the Epely maneuver help even for a while, or basically no change?
julia63553 dizzyear
I was interested to read this reply I have had 4 epleys from the gp and although not as bad as it was its not going. He did the Dix-hallpike bit on both sides and elicited a response on both sides. He says my o ly hope is to just keep going back for more epleys and it should go. In the meantime my mood and exhaustion dosnt help. Has anyone else had such a stubborn response. I sometimes feel life isn't worth living if it has to be like this all the time
arria emma93780
During the day I am dizzy as my brain is confused by all the light, sound and motion. 4 years no other solutions.