Dizzy, lightheaded, anxiety like attacks, nausea...6 months plus!
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So I read these threads and they can be quite reassuring knowing other people feel like me.
I started back in August with dizzy spells, went to the drs and they did bloods and prescribed me iron tablets as my Ferratin was low. After the tablets still know improvement so they gave me middle ear antibiotics. The dizziness has now got worse, at one point I even questioned carbon monoxide poisoning. Then after walking quite a distance one day in November and then stopping I went really lightheaded and my legs went weak and I had to phone my mum to pick me up as I felt like I was going to faint.
Since Christmas these dizzy spells have got worse Prob having one every fortnight but now when I get them I have an urgency to wee so end up running towards the nearest toilet in a blind panic, uncontrollably shaking.
The last 4 weeks everything has got worse with these attacks almost daily and it doesn't matter if I am alone or with someone. I'm having to get up in the night for a wee, my brain feels constantly switched on but eating helps temporarily.
The Dr put me on beta blockers as they have put it down to anxiety although I felt perfectly happy and the only thing making me anxious is these attacks.
I have constant brain fog now and am living in a daze. I started on citalopram 10 days ago and they have given me nausea which is wearing off now.
I presently have constant dizziness, anxiety and don't want to leave the house although symptoms are very much present even when I'm home I just feel more secure in case anything does happen.
I have been back to the drs as refuse to accept its all anxiety when it seems to be getting worse. I have asked for blood tests for which I get the results tomorrow.
Does anyone else experience this? Could it diabetess type 1 is in my family? I just want to feel me again as at the moment I literally feel like something serious is going on in my body and I have no control. I was really happy so am very confused by whatever is going on.
Any advice I will be grateful for.
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cristina87613 jess01083
jess01083 cristina87613
My friends and family all think there is an underlying reason as this just isn't me and who I am x
cristina87613 jess01083
cristina87613 jess01083
jess01083 cristina87613
On fluoxetine 20mg I had a period where I existed so am wondering if this is that period on the citalopram as im on a lower dose (10mg). I'm just trying to get on with it but at times I wonder if I'm going to make it through the day. My palpitations have calmed down tho x
cristina87613 jess01083
jess01083 cristina87613
Just eat little and often and I'm finding drinking water really helps x
cristina87613 jess01083
David_21660 jess01083
I had two bouts of dizzy spells last year before I, eventually, went to the Doctor with palpitations and shortness of breath. The first was in June and had two weeks sick leave, it was like my feet were on two different levels when walking and that I had had a "smoke" (which I hadn't. I had to hold on to things in the office to walk through and on the way home one night an elderly lady of about 90 asked me if I needed a hand as I was supporting myself against a wall!
In August I went on holiday with my 12 year old daughter and we had a fantastic, relaxing time touring north Wales in a camper. Whithin a couple of hours of returning to work I had the exact same dizziness and feelings again!
In November I finally saw the Doctor and she put me on sick leave, stated it was work related stress and eventually convinced me to go on cita.
My symtoms are these, I have had nausea, a slight drop in appetite, feeling spaced, freaky, buzzing in the ears, raised anxiety, multiple dreams (some dark and vivid), overactive thoughts (some bad). Had aches and pains in various places. Citalopram apparantly causes anxiety to then treat it as part of the overall repair as a "plaster for the brain". I also have only been out on my own, 4 times since November, all within the passed 7 weeks, otherwise my partnet accompanies me. It was very difficult at first as if was very anxious and me a ruftytufty ex-serviceman!
The "ups" are getting more often as now in 4th month and on 30mg however, each "down" is accompanied with being lethargic and wanting to go to sleep, I went to bed the other night at 8pm and woke at 06:45.
Another thing cita has done is to inhibit my emotions which means I do not cry! I get a small wave of emotion which has gone as soon as it starts, whereas before I would have cried e.g. like watching "It's a Wonderful Life!" at Christmas and sat through it the first time in decades without a single tear drop! Libido is affected too (happens to women as well sometimes), which I am told will return (hopefully!)
I started on 10mg and have raised each month by 10 and now on 30mg heading, I feel toward 40mg. Funny, I didn't want to start taking any drug and I was in denial, but after hearing and then experiencing the good it can do I am ready to up it one more time. Then, after the usual side effects of raising, followed by the odd downs I think I shall be way on the road to recovery!
The Doctor I am seeing is fantastic, she knows so much about "plasters for the brain" I am very lucky that, my regular Doctor was unavailable at the time and I got to see this one.
We are all different, it effects us all differently and recovery takes as long as it takes, but keep in touch here and posting questions they certainly do help!
santosh44639 David_21660
hi David
I'd like to know if you have recovered now. I'm eager to know if the medicine works as I'm suffering from the symptoms for 4 months now. and my Dr put me on anxiety disorder medicine.
David_21660 jess01083
jess01083 David_21660
Before I started the Cita I wasn't as agrophobic as I am at the moment. I felt quite comfortable going to town or to the school to get my children but since I've been taken them I can barely leave the house. So what u r saying about hem causing anxiety to treat anxiety makes perfect sense to me.
David_21660 jess01083
That is the great thing about this site! It does make sense of the things we are not use to experiencing and when yer a little spaced, anxious etc., you get the support we all need here.
It is like a crutch that someone lends you and then when you've been here a while you feel strong enough to loan it to someone else when you caand when you need it, you can always get another in its place too! Wow! I am feeling good today!
Returning, seriously, to going out on me own, it was not like the two previous ones, just to the local store (about a minute away) it was a 12 round trip!
My partner Ann (short for angel) had bad flu and I had to make this trip to spend the day with my daughter. Charlotte was fantastic, holding my hand and reminding me she was there the whole time, even though I was putting a brave face on the whole time too. The out and return journeys are a blurr, but the time with her I remember well. I am glad I had no choice and the strength to do it as it has helped as I went to the Doctors (about 8 minutes walk away) for a full health check with the nurse two weeks ago on my own, mind you I took some deep breaths when I got there and had time to relax. After I was very glad to be back home safe indoors! I look at it as a positive for the next solo expedition!
David_21660 jess01083
Rachel2468 jess01083