Dizzy/Memory Issue
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Hi, all. I've had this dizziness, spaced out, lightheaded feeling for almost a year with peri. So, for anyone that has this too. Does it make you feel confused? When I'm in a car. I can't keep up with my surroundings. It's like my brain while in the car is moving slower than the buildings I'm passing and I feel confused on roads I've always driven on with people. Is this just a normal symptom of peri? Is this what the off balance does to you? Is it due to the dizziness causing anxiety which is making me feel as though I have memory loss? I've had a huge issue with feeling grounded and unsure of where I'm literally standing since this hit. Honestly, I feel like I have amnesia and I'm out of it but, I don't remember myself before this happened. Maybe I'm not calm enough yet to realize what is going on. I go to the doctors next week for hormones and a vitamin level check. They usually come back fine though.
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pamela2016 NothinforNothin
yes i do that too its very worrisome, its like my eyes cant catch up with my head or my head cant catch up with my body. like they arent in sync and on the same page. i been doing this going on 5 years tiring.
NothinforNothin pamela2016
I have no idea why my last reply was deleted. Literally nothing in it was anything that shouldn't have posted. Yes, you have described the way I feel too. I'm going to see an endocrinologist soon. I remember a post of yours saying you were going to possibly see a neurologist. Let me know how that goes for you. Your symptoms are so similar to mine I'm very curious. Sending you hugs Pamela.
Gypsy014 NothinforNothin
yes I get dizzy and confused mine happens before or after migraines they leave me with that awful flu like draggy feeling.. I think this is why we as woman try and stay home and out of stores and don't want to go anywhere for fear of being alone out there with our symptoms, who wouldn't confusion is very scary.. Hell um even scared to be alone at home with my scary symptoms, not so much anymore but it can hit me in my off day pretty bad out of the blue still.. Its definitely a symptom of the changing hormones...
NothinforNothin Gypsy014
I've tried everything. I started taking cbd pills and no lie over the counter dayquil within the past couple days. This combination seems to be working the best for me along with getting good sleep. I've tried everything. Still feeling anxious but, I felt much calmer today than I have the past year. The cbd really works. I go see an endocrinologist soon and if need be a neurologist after but, I'm not hopeful they will find anything like most others have said after they have seen both due to menopause. I'm getting antsy waiting for this to pass.
Indifferent NothinforNothin
I had these symptoms for a few years, they were very unsettling and led me to just stay home most of the time unless I had someone to drive me, be with me outside the house.
But it doesn't last forever, I am still menstruating but do not have these symptoms anymore, except sometimes the day before my period only.
I cannot stress enough to get away from sugar! Not easily done but oh so worth it. I am 90%my old self just from that one change, and when I cheat, I feel it, it's so scary going back there.
Hugs to you!
NothinforNothin Indifferent
Yes, I'm very restless waiting for this to pass and tired from feeling scared when out due to the dizziness. It makes you feel very vulnerable and that's why you lose your confidence through this. Thanks for the sugar tip. Didn't realize that could make it worse. Hugs back at ya.
Kelly429 NothinforNothin
Hi ladies, I to have been feeling very lightheaded, dizzy suffering from headaches and feeling like I'm dying a slow agonizing death. Im 55 in April and still getting my monthly misery. I stopped for 3 months and thought FINALLY I'm done...nope got it this month full force...SMH. I keep telling myself that everything I'm feeling is due to "The Change" stomach is queezy, sinuses are acting out of sorts, hot flushes..no night sweats, aches, burning mouth, thinning hair, weight gain...you name it I feel it. I take Xanax and that helps. my stress level is off the chain. Seriously I feel like I'm dying. I have spoken to my GP several times and he reassures me that I will get through this without HRT. He doesnt like the risks it carries and I dint either. I really thought that my symptoms were extreme but after reading eveyones posts, I guess Im not alone. It really is crazy what our bodies and our total being has to endure. Im glad I found this forum to post and read, its already eased my mind some, I just wish it would make the symptoms go away. In it to Win it