Dizzy test
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im going for a dizzy test on the 30th has anyone had one of these? im not sure what all is involved they only told me on the phone not to wear eyeliner or mascara as the machine will focus on those two things and not the eyes.
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JReady64 pamela2016
I've had a VNG. They do a lot of things to make you dizzy or that could make you dizzy To try to pinpoint where it's coming from. The result was nothing for me. They couldn't figure out what it would be Because nothing was out of whack. I'm going next week to in neutorologist to be checked for vertigo or BPPV even though I haven't really had much vertigo. Only twice in the middle of the night. Mostly it's just dizziness.
Started the bio identical hormones almost 4 weeks ago and taking vitamin B12 and vitamin D supplements as those levels were really low. The OBGYN said that the feel good range is at the top of those ranges and I was either below the bottom of the range are very close to the bottom of the range on both. Low vitamin B12 can cause dizziness.
We shall see.
pamela2016 JReady64
thanks for replying i hope i dont get nauseous doing this test its been three years of this off balance dizziness its hard to explain it cause nothing spins or moves its just inside my head like my brain is swimming.
pam90720 pamela2016
thats me too, Pamela.... i have the off balance, motionsickness type feeling... and also the weird brain feeling... like its doing flip flops 😦
hard to explain....
i even feel when im lying down that im floating on a raft... not bad and not always... but very annoying
rose61361 pam90720
i feel the exact same as everyone! ears Ring and I feel my heart beating all the time
pam90720 rose61361
hi rose! girl, my ear rings so loud I'm surorised yall cant hear it, lol...
i was reading in a medical book my mom has that taking 3mg of melatonin is also good to help the ringing... ❤
rose61361 pam90720
hi Pam,
Thank you for that information… Isn’t this page wonderful?
kim93615 pamela2016
I felt dizzy going through the chang now I have skipping heart beats and ringing in my ears I feel lost.
staci88515 pamela2016
I had room spinning vertigo a week ago. It was awful. I have been off balance since that day. I remember having anxiety in my 20's and would always complain that I was dizzy. The doctor told me to stand on one foot and close my eyes. If you don't fall over, you aren't truly dizzy. When I am feeling dizzy, I always try it. Make sure you are close to something to grab like the kitchen counter!
pamela2016 staci88515
its so hard to explain how this feels as nothing spins it did when it first hit me just feels like my head is a bobblehead or floating on my shoulders or being on a constant boat, when in the car when it comes to a stop it feels as if im still moving. sometimes my eyes plays tricks on me with it like things move but only for a split sec and it doesnt really move.
staci88515 pamela2016
I have that too, but I also had full on room spinning....just like when you are super drunk (not since my early 20's).
pamela2016 staci88515
do you know whats the cause of yours? im praying its hormones and will just leave me one day when this hormonal ride is over but part of me is scared to death its something serious as it never leaves me my mind starts thinking bad horrible things it could be
rose61361 pamela2016
i get the dizziness too...all the time.... feel my heart throbbing too.. its been a part of my life
pamela2016 rose61361
how long has this been apart of your life? and is it with you all the time? i cant live like this and i cant get use to this
staci88515 pamela2016
This is a new symptom for me. The vertigo only happened last week. Today at work, I had a hot flash? panic attack? sudden low blood sugar? It hit me so fast. My heart was pounding, just beating out of my chest. I got all woozy and thought I might faint. I am so scared and riddled with anxiety. I am afraid to go to work tomorrow. So much suffering.