Dizzy with hot flashes
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I'm new to your board. I have some questions, I'm hoping someone can help me. I have been post menopausal for 3 yrs now. I am also hypothyroid and my thyroid levels have been off for a couple months and we are trying to get those back to normal. In the past 8 months I've been having dizziness and my ENT says I have vestibular dysfunction and will be starting rehab theray to help with it. Its a feeling of rocking sensation when I'm sitting, standing, walking, I have it quite a bit. In the past month or two i've noticed when I have some hotflashes and night sweats, not everytime but more than before I will get very dizzy and off balance as the hot flash is coming on, sometimes they only last a few seconds, but today it seemed to go on for mins, so of course my anxiety set it. Now that the anxiety is here the dizziness continues just at a lower level. i had to take a xanax to get myself to calm down. I used to have just the normal hot flash and then this started, also the flashed are more intense sometime to the point of just plain soaked, this happen during the day and alot at night, my night sweats have gotten to the point where i sometimes have to change clothes.
I do have anxiety disorder and mostly about my health, so when the vertigo started it came back with a vengence. Do anyone have any advise or help they can offer. I would appreciated it.
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lyn180246 patty818
patty818 lyn180246
My TSh was 10, range .045 - 4.50, It was high because things have been so messed up since the steriod injections I had and my anxiety was awful so the endo dropped the dosage of meds to see if the anxiety was from that, now we are working on getting it back to normal. Its been 3 weeks and waiting til 6 to do labs to re check.
Do you have a thyroid condition?
lyn180246 patty818
elaine33371 patty818