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Hello, I am new to this forum and have never posted before on anything.
I am 45 next month amd have been suffering with an off balance feeling for over 2 years. The world doesn’t spin, it feels like I am on a boat. I do feel lightheaded and like I am going to pass out at times . The feeling did come and go but is now constant each day (some days it is worse than others) I have been tonthe doctors so many times, had mri scans, bloods done and all is ok.
I am now starting to think it is my hormones, my periods have started to change - heavy and more frequent. I have headaches, morning nausea, achy legs, feeling hot.
Could the off balance feeling be my hormones - I have read lots on these chats to suggest it may be. The only thing I haven’t read is how do I stop it. HRT, the pill - I would take anything. Need off this merry go round.
Thank you in advance if anyone can help me xxx
2 likes, 15 replies
Guest Louise4586
If you’re willing to try bcp then go for it and see if it helps. It will replace progesterone that you are starting to get low on.
Keep us updated as to how you get on!
Louise4586 Guest
karen96096 Louise4586
Louise4586 karen96096
CarolKelso Louise4586
Forgot to mention I'm on hrt also. CK
karen96096 Louise4586
Hi Amanda so glad your smiling. It's so hard for us women but stick together in here and we can get through it xx
CarolKelso Louise4586
Louise4586 CarolKelso
lena53512 CarolKelso
Unfortunately, women are still not educated in this natural stage of life.
lena53512 Louise4586
My peri menopause started with terrible off-balance feeling. It lasted around a year, then it went one day. However many other unpleasant symptoms appeared later, disappeared and came back, again disappeared. Years later, I still have periods, and I had really trying winter with depression and anxiety. I can say that previous years I suffered from physical symptoms, but as I am heading toward the final shut-down, the symptoms are more psychological- anxiety, doom and gloom. Do not know if it was physiological or I became simply tired of all this - I am really fed-up with all those years of troubles. However, I decided to go naturally, but I take supplements- C, B, calcium, iron, magnesium, evening primrose oil, fish oil.
Louise4586 lena53512
Thank you for your reply. I am so sorry to hear that you have been suffering. I hope you are nearing the end. Seems like I am just at the beginning of this journey. I admire for you doing this naturally. I have a cupboard full of supplements but after several months I haven’t seen much improvement. The dizzyness has impacted my work so at this point I will take anything to help.
It’s refreshing to find this forum and find I am not the only person like this. None of my friends my age seem to suffer or don’t admit to it.
Take care
2blessed2bstressed Louise4586
Hi Amanda,
I’m right with you! To me it’s the most debilitating part of menopause. I have learned over the last 4 years that it’s mostly due to adrenal fatigue, especially since you have had everything else ruled out. I have had every test known to man done and nothing ever shows up with th exception of low hormone levels. I have been to many naturopathic doctors who have helped me the most. If you are able to tolerate a detox, this is the best place to start as having a healthy gut is vital. Next you could go to a vitamin store and get something for adrenal fatigue. I haven’t been able to tolerate the adrenal support to well as it brings on about 200 hot flashes a day instead of the normal say 50-100. However that being said, I’m gonna go back on them because it makes the feeling of having one too many drinks go away. At any rate it’s something to try, Or you could spend a small fortune on naturopath to get it all figured out. Hrts are great for some, but the problem is , is that as soon as stop, the roller coaster starts all over again. I’m one that just wants to keep it moving and get through and move on. Good luck with whatever you decide to do..
olga_48822 Louise4586
Louise4586 olga_48822