Do any of you have a hard time believing it's all anxiety.
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For many many years this is the diagnosis i get.......Anxiety!!! How can this last for years and 24/7. i sometimes feel doctors make mistakes and just label you with anxiety because there is nothing else. i know this sounds crazy but having a problem with being in denial as I am told. When will i feel normal again!!! Anyone here having this problem.
2 likes, 14 replies
jan34534 gale_a84426
Hi Gale!as you know I am in the same boat! i’ve had it for about the same length of time as you. I would rather have another condition that was more manageable than to ever have this! not enough is known about it and I think that’s why there’s so many frustrated miserable people with anxiety and panic., Along with all the symptoms.are you still getting symptoms all day long? I always have at least one going on, then they switch. So frustrating!
I don’t know what happened to my messages because I don’t see the word Messages on the top right corner. All I see is notifications. ❤
gale_a84426 jan34534
So glad you replied. Was trying to message you too. And oh ya symptoms are here everyday. Soon as i get out of bed the tingling and the burning starts all over my body and stays throughout the day. Usually not as bad when i go to bed. Having a hard time functioning. Still say my doctors have not diagnosed me wrong. How is it going for you Jan?? I want some relief here and feel normal again. Please reply ok.
jan34534 gale_a84426
Hi. yes it can be very frustrating and I’m sorry you are going through this. I can’t believe how long both of us have had this!!
when is the last time you have had any kind of a test? Also have you seen specialists recently like a neurologist or any other doctor? i’m just trying to take it one day at a time.
Im trying to figure out how to get my messages back. It’s weird.
lois95799 jan34534
the website eliminated all private messages.last week.
gale_a84426 jan34534
Ya you and i are in the same boat!!!! Scares me because there are so many symptoms. i have not had any more tests.......sick of hearing the same old thing. Always thought you were doing better........but guess you have your days too. Usually i am pretty bad for maybe a week but this time its been with over a month. Can it last that long Jan? If you ask me a disease is gonna last longer like this. But people are telling me you would be alot sicker and probably disabled. All i want is to feel normal.
jan34534 lois95799
oh OK thank you.
jan34534 gale_a84426
i know that anxiety can be a chronic condition just like diabetes or heart disease. for some people it’s not as bad as others . but like myself, I’ve had it since I was a child and then it took different forms. Back then I was just anxious but I didn’t have the weird symptoms. In my late 20s is when I started getting the symptoms and from then on it was a roller coaster . It’s never truly gone away completely. I doubt it ever will. but I hope that you can get some relief from the symptoms also. I guess they took away private messaging.
gale_a84426 jan34534
Jan thats how mine started......i was very insecure and had no confidence. Then in my 20's started with fatigue and more and more symptoms came along. i feel worse now than i ever did. Think it will be with me for the rest of my life too. Guess we will have to use this for pm now. hope it comes back soon!!!!! Hope you dont mind me messaging you. Thanks.
jan34534 gale_a84426
I don’t mind at all if you send me a message. The only thing is they took away the private messaging.
Shae777 gale_a84426
Hello I am 24 yr old female, I dnt drink or smoke. Im 5'5 145lbs.
Almost 2 months ago, I had a pain occur where the best I can describe it as if someone took a balloon and slowly squeezed all the air out. It happened again 10 days later. Both while sitting and both sudden and gone withing a fewseconds. Since that incident, i have had persistent discomforts and pain in the chest since this. Seemingly amplified at night. The pains and discomforts are now accompanied sometimes by headaches and/or pain and/or burning sensation in my limbs.
Last night when trying to sleep the sensations were heart palpitations, light headed, and feeling weak in the chest, tightness in left arm, and sometimes a pinching pain in chest.
I also have a dry cough from a tickling sensation in throat all day everyday now.
My EKG, blood work, and chest xray were all normal but yet everyday and almostALL day no matter what I'm doing i am constantly having shortness of breath that feels like my heart is just about to shut down.
GSX1400 Shae777
I am very similar to you right now. I have gone through hell for most of my life but in recent years my anxiety has become even worse. It doesn't help that my partner passed away last September leaving me with a 5yr old daughter to look after and provide for.
Currently I am also experiencing the tickle in my throat with occasional cough. I also bring up some phlegm and my chest feels so tight a lot of the time, almost like I have asthma or something.
Another issue I have is constant burning/tingling sensation in my hip joints which gets worse throughout the day.
I can also wake up with pains in my chest or upper back. It's hell!
Sleeps have also been very terrible and patchy.
How are you doing now?
Anxiety sucks.
reislerart gale_a84426
Yeah, I'm also constantly fearing that I have some serious neurological disease. I got really strong anxiety yesterday again and my symptoms seem to have gotten worse because of it. I have so many physical symptoms that I find it difficult to accept that it could just be anxiety (you can see all my symptoms in my recent post).
What symptoms have you been experiencing? In my case, I'm finding the brain fog, dizziness, and overall body aches/weakness to be the worst of them all.
Mike-NZL reislerart
same here constant symptoms, worse being sleep. do you guys have any trouble with it? i get 4 hours a night drugged and feel so tired all the time. dont think i can manage a lifetime of this. its a disorder that should just not exist. ask myself what have i done to deserve this hell.
reislerart Mike-NZL
I have frequent issues with sleep since the start of my symptoms. I would often wake up in the middle of the night to then have trouble falling asleep again for several hours. Other times I'll have trouble falling asleep at all (unless I take CBD oil which has helped tremendously with falling asleep). Still other times I would wake up all sweaty or cold. It was especially bad near the start of my symptoms where I would get hypnic jerks that wake me up before I fall asleep and at times not being able to fall asleep at all (I've had nights where I didn't get any sleep at all and was absolutely dead the next day). Then there's also the frequent nightmares that would wake me in the middle of the night.
I've been having so many random symptoms that I don't know what to think anymore, I just want to be able to think and run normally again.