Do fissures bleed severely? WARNING PIC

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I've been treat for many years for fissures and haemroids, had plenty of operations over the last few years. Had a haemroidoctomy last year along with an anal stretch, things seemed to heal up and was living pain free until about 2 weeks ago when pain kicked in, it feels like a fissure pain but I also have Perianal hematomas (blood blisters) and maybe piles as well, not sure what lumps are what at the minute not being able to get seen. I went to the toilet tonight and there has been so much blood. I am in agony and sat typing this in my sitz bath.

Do fissures normally bleed so severely? I have been trying all sorts of different Creams. Just feel I'm back to square one. image

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    oh you poor thing... i think if you're passing a lot of blood you should speak to your doctor.

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      I have today. She has just prescribed more cream. I've spent today in the bath 😦

      I'm also getting mucus so now I'm scared it's an infection

  • Posted

    If it's super painful it could be a fissure. I would get a lot of blood in the beginning when it wasn't so painful, maybe not this much so it could be a mix of things. Sitz baths really help with symptoms and helps relax. In the beginning I spent a lot of time sitting in sitz baths so much my legs would looks circulation. It was hard because I'd want to get up but it would hurt to stand up, but my legs couldn't sit there any longer. I got botox and it really helped with pain. I would feel completely normal most of the time but I have had a few reoccurances, so I need to back to doctor. I imagine the botox is wearing off and it isn't fully healed. Hope you find answers!

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      I've had cream after cream lately and I'm so down and depressed, counting down the hours until the next pain killers and sitting in a sitz bath all day. I've had botox 7 times I think now. My specialist won't focus on my main problem which is my bowels and constipation. I have a new specialist and she said she wouldn't treat another fissure so once again I'm let down and forced to live in pain. There is no light at the end of the tunnel for me. I'm in agony!

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      I didn't even think doctors would do botox more than twice. I would find a new doctor that will maybe do the LIS surgery. I'm seeing a doctor today to see the status of my fissure. I did botox only once which was 2.5 months ago. I think if it isn't healed yet then I'll maybe do the surgery. I still have to work on my diet, which include lots and lots of water, fruits, fiber. I have prunes and peaches and whole wheat bread. Water really helps actually cuz it lubricates the tract. It's really hard to incorporate a new lifestyle of food for sure.

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      I drink absolutely loads of water and I eat fruit daily. How did you get an appointment in lockdown?

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      Yeah I really need to work on increasing water. It happens to be that it isn't so painful at this moment. It hurt last week for 3 days but then went away. But perhaps that's the botox causing the spasms to go down. I'm in Israel, and a lot of doctors are working. Things have started to open up a week and a half ago. The numbers for covid have been really low here compared to many other places. We are still required to wear masks though.

  • Posted

    Can't get a GP appointment myself and jus ordered a stool softener for myself after having issues since about Jan Feb time...

    Do you find different levels of bleeding? I could go to the toilet in the morning and very little blood and then go later and the toilet paper has quite a bit of blood?

    • Posted

      I hear people can get dependent on stool softener. I find fruits actually really help with bowl movements. Prunes, prune juices, dried apricots, peaches, pears, nectarines - these are really great at softening stools. Also LOTS of water. It really makes a difference. I know it's really hard to keep up with but it makes a big difference.

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      Yes the blood differs. Past few times I haven't bled at all but still in terrible pain. I have no hope!

  • Posted

    I've had this on and off for 2 years, and if lose alot of blood like you! I just left it and didn't go to the doctors about it because it cleared up after a week but would come back if I got constipated again. but because of this coronavirus and not being able to get in the doctors when I need to i panicked and rang them about 3 weeks ago because it happened again and I go amemic when it's bad (lose all the blood in my eyes and feel like crap) so I rang them and told them what was happening and he said he can't see me because of covid 19 but said if sounded like internal hemmroids and prescribed me some laxido to make my stools softer and it's worked there has been no more straining and no more bleeding! I'll stay on them for a while to make sure everything heals up inside and then I'll come off them. I wasn't really getting any pain of just get a quick scratch type pain whilst on the toilet and then there would be that much blood you couldn't see the bottom like yours is and blood splashed all over the bowl. It's so scary when that happens!

    • Posted

      I don't check if there is blood now as I know it'll put me off. I am on laxido. Haven't been to the toilet for 4 days now and taking loads of laxido. I'm just constipated all the time. I have haemroids and blood blisters (a blood clot forms) which is extra painful but I don't think it's the haemorrhoids that are causing pain as when I put cream on them it doesn't get any more painful. Had the opp 8 times so I know the different pains. Doctors just are giving me Creams and obviously no examination. I'm desperate to be seen. Haven't seen my consultant in nearly a year. It's a joke, she needs to sort my bowels out as there is an obstruction but she was very rude and said she wouldn't do any surgery point blank. So when docs are open i am going to request a new specialist

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