Do I come off Setraline or stay on.
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Basically im looking for some opinions from people who have experience with sertraline/zoloft.
I had been on Sertraline for 3+ years .i slowly reduced my dosage at the end of 2014 and was Setraline free by around february/march 2015.
The side effects were terrible. brain zaps. anxiety, etc....
however. ive now been Sertraline free for around 6/7 months. But in the last couple of months i've been struggling with my moods.
I've been experiencing stress mainly. but obviously feelings of depression and anxiety accompany this.
My physical symptoms are the worse. i have frequent headaches, intrusive/morbid thoughts (particular in moring) . i also have constant jaw ache along with obsessive behavoir.
Im out of work at the moment and really need to get back into work,however , i dont physically feel as if i can.
Reluctantly i decided to go and see my doctor which has now resulted in me being back on the sertraline.
Im 5 days in and the side effects are terrible.I really do not know whether it is worth taking these tablets or not. When i had taken these tablets before i did not experience anything like this.
So now i wonder if my initial symptoms that i have been experiecing recently are as a result of coming of the sertraline in the first place, even though i felt okayish for a few months? can the withdrawel symptoms be delayed ? does anyone have any knowledge of this.
Also .. if i do stop now 5 days in would i need to taper off them to minimise withdrawels or would just stopping be fine ?
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Blackhole paul785
paul785 Blackhole
to be honest i really dont know whether i need them or not. i have no idea whether they are the cause or the cure.
Blackhole paul785
paul785 Blackhole
doctors give very little help they just tend to write the script and do little else.
im worried that by taking these tablets that i may never lose all of the side effects. and also that i will be more anxious than usual
mieagles paul785
I would recommend that you get back on them if they make your life easier, stay strong paul