Do I/don't I
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To cut it short I was prescribed 50mg back in January for anxiety which led to depression. Probably the toughest experience I have had in my life,a constant battle with yourself,is there anything worse,you have to live with you every single second of the day.
The 1st 3-4weeks of taking the drug were hell,the side affects were a constant the weeks went on my body got used to it,my mind also,things gradually got better. not just relying on the drug,I tweaked my lifestyle from day 1 on it CBT,multi vitamins,omega oils,healthy food,training,exercise,found new music,made an effort to be a better person....basically dragged myself back up the spiral stair case I was falling wasn't a smooth ride,there was good days,bad days,sh*t days excellent days & average days..up down up down,but over time it levelled out & now I'm 5days off it after tapering down very slowly over a period of 6weeks. I would say the drug itself helped,but without doing all the other things along with it- it would have been a waist of time. A few side affects did persist throughout,chronic tiredness/fatigue 3 or 4 hours after taking it,sexual side affects & vivid dreams-the dreams were a bit much at times(enough to affect your mood the next day) but i told myself "it's only a dream" & over time it got easier to deal with. Over the 6weeks of tapering down from 50mg to 25mg these side affects eased off,also after blood tests regarding the tiredness(which gave a positive result,I'm healthy & well) my doctor agreed the side affects are related to the drug. So 6 months on,the doctor gave me the all clear,time to stop from this whole horrible experience,I've learned to be more positive,look out for myself & others more & ultimately be happy. That's my story summed up,I hope anyone reading it finds the strength to battle through...don't just rely on the drug-see it as a crutch to get you through a difficult time,you can ultimately do this without it,but it may also help you along the way.
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lynne09047 colin878
wow that's quite a story!! it makes so much sense to me, ( see my post on coming off zoloft) thanks so much for sharing this, hope you will never have to go thru it again, good luck,
Mashuga colin878
jGloucs colin878
Thanks again, always good to hear other people's stories of success.
kikidee76 colin878
This is the first time on an anti dep' and it was due to anxiety however the one time I've ever had a true full blown panic attack was during the first few weeks of sert so I'm convinced it was the drug that caused it. Having said that, because I've been doing well now for quite a while, my inner critic is trying to convince me that it's duedue solely to sert and if I come off it I'll have a terrible time.
Christine x
I try to see the whole experience as a learning curve,I have certainly learned a lot from it.My life was in no way bad before & it isn't any worse now,it was just a combination of things I let get on top of me,if it does ever return & things start spiralling out of control I'll know the warning signs & seek help right away.
The huge turning point for me personally was asking for help,going to the hospital and saying "I am not well,please help me",after that with the drug & all the lifestyle changes,things slowly got better. I said to the doctor & my close family at the start "I just want to be myself again" well I would say now I am a better person than I was before,definetly stronger & I absolutely appreciate everyone & everything I have more than I ever have.
I sincerely hope you all find your feet again & the happiness you all can all do it,don't give up. And again...when the time is right & its your time to come off the drug,do it very very slowly to minimise anymore unwanted side affects from it.
All the best
Colin x
natalie2608 colin878
colin878 natalie2608
I was on it for 6months.For me it got to the stage where i felt I didn't need it & my doctor agreed,so your doctor is right in her advice-it's entirely about how you feel-are you ready to give it a shot drug free? I did research on omega oils etc & gave them a shot & they helped for sure. With it being the summer now,getting out & about in the fresh air as much as possible also helped.hope you find your way through. Colin
imelda16796 colin878