Do I get the gold?!
Posted , 9 users are following.
Hi all. After suffering from acid probs since being on pred, I have now undergone a gastroscopy. The doctor took acid reflux in her stride but when I complained that all my food tastes of plastic and my voice has gone funny (I can't raise my voice to make myself heard and after saying two or three sentences I have to 'catch' my breath) that she sent me for an urgent referrel. I expected them to stick one of those balloon things in my oesophagus and that would be that. Oh no! Apparently, I now have a stomach ulcer, gastritis, oesophagitis and suspected Barretts disease! They have changed my stomach meds and I have to go for another scope in a few weeks. Now, my question is this: With these new ones, I now have ten 'conditions' (I won't bore you with the list)! Do I 'win' the gold medal?!!! Has anyone else got this or should I not be blaming 'poor' old pred for everything? Feeling somewhat overwhelmed by all this. Hope you are all having a 'good' day. Debbie
4 likes, 21 replies
ptolemy debbie27473
lodgerUK_NE debbie27473
Give this a whirl in the meantime whilst waiting for another scope.
Take one unwaxed lemon, put it in the microwave for 1 minute, squeeze all the juice out and divide into three, add water and take drink one glass three times a day. The acid in the lemon turns to alkali in the stomach and can stop acid reflux or heartburn in its tracks.
I have a friend with both PMR and GCA and like me (GCA only) whilst on pred our taste buds changed and we found certain founds tasted different and in some cases downright nasty. As we lowered the pred, the taste nuds changed again slowly but surely. Both of us now don't have a problem tasting things.
lodgerUK_NE debbie27473
Posted lodgerUK_NE
pat38625 debbie27473
EileenH debbie27473
Go on - tell us the rest so we know how lucky we are
Nefret may be around - she has a fairish list but I'm not sure she is in to double figures yet. She might be though - and some of hers are not pred-related.
I have atrial fibrillation - which wasn't the pred, it was the PMR...
debbie27473 EileenH
That's without the bad knees & fungal infection (toenails), I am only 55 but do you think I should book my place in a nursing home?! BTW I have applied for PIP. If I get it, I am hiring a 'man what does'!
EileenH debbie27473
You're cheating - Nos 6-9 inclusive come under the same umbrella. Claim dismissed
debbie27473 EileenH
Now, as for cheating......I think that if you can have any of the conditions without the others then they must surely count lol
kay97415 debbie27473
ptolemy kay97415
kay97415 ptolemy
pauline59158 debbie27473
Have to laugh or you'll go mad..... opps I think I already have!!!
linda17563 debbie27473
debbie27473 linda17563
debbie27473 pauline59158
EileenH debbie27473
Hope springs eternal I suppose...
debbie27473 EileenH