Do I have a brain tumour? Can someone put my mind at ease?

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I’ve never experienced headaches before. 3 months ago, I started getting headaches so bad that I would cry. They would start when I woke up and go until I fell asleep. Nothing soothed them. Water, pain killers, natural oils ect. I thought maybe I had a sinus infection, which I treated and the headaches never went away. I’ve been montitoring my diet, my sleep schedule, what I’m doing ect. They start the second I wake up, they’re so severe. It both my temples. Hurts more when I lay down, or bend over. Sound is a huge factor. The smallest noise causes so much extra pain. Lately the headaches have been so bad. Light doesn’t bother me/darkness doesn’t relieve any pain. Nothing relieves all the pain. I have no idea what’s wrong with me. I’m onky 20, so I’m really really scared. The pain doesn’t ease up at any point in the day. It’s just constant tight heavy pain in my temples all day every single day. What could this be?????? 

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Kenzie,

    sorry you are having so much pain.

    Nobody can say for sure what is causing this, but it sounds to me like a variant of a migraine.  I would suggest to put your mind at absolute rest, that you get an MRI scan.

    In the mean time, try some Sumatriptan, you can get it from the pharmacy over the counter in 50mg dose.  Its the best treatment to get rid of the pain.  You can have 2 x doses of 100mg in 24 hours.

    But definitely get your dr to send you for an MRI and if necessary to be refered to a Neurologist.  If it is a migraine, then he will set up a treatment plan, to prevent the headaches in the first place.

    Good luck Kenzie, let us know how you get on.

    Take care and best wishes


    • Posted

      Thank you for this advice. I am going to get in my doctor ASAP I just think it’s just going to be hard to get in for an MRI so I’m worried. Then the more I read online the more it freaks me out. My headaches have gotten so much worse over the last few months they’re so severe today I can’t even get out of bed my temples are throbbing..... I’m just so scared!
    • Posted

      OK try, I know it's hard, but try to calm it a bit.  Dont look at anything more online, this will stress you more and you will feel worse.

      If you have had this for a while INSIST on an MRI, there will be a bit of a wait, so like I said in the mean time try this Sumatriptan or Imigran.  If you can find a pharmacy open now get some.  Its not cheap, but it will be worth it if it helps right?

      Support is always here, I will answer any questions you have.

      Take care and TRY to keep calm OK

      Best wishes

  • Posted

    Hi , i am 19 years old boy but life become so hard for me .I'm suffering from headaches since last year .i still remember it suddenly start on my left temple with mild pain then when i woked up the pain was still there .painkillers medication seems useless i am just tired of this . the pain is always there it varies in intensity also it is of shifting nature like it moves around all head i am just too scared sad

    • Posted

      do as I suggested for Kensie, go insist on an MRI scan then this will put your mind at rest.  Then the drs will look at a plan to deal with it.

      Good luck and let us know how you get on

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