Do I have Achalsia or not....

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2 months ago I was seen by a Consultant Gastroenterologist who informed me that results of my manometry test showed   I had achlasia.

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello, have tou also had the barium swallow test? Achalasia also shows a typical picture commonly referred to as the Birds beak formation. This test usually preceeds the manometry? in combination and with the basic endoscopy these three tests are usually adequate for confirming the diagnosis of Achalasia.

    i had a myotomy to treat my achalasia just 3.5 weeks ago and the results so far (touchwood) have been fantastic!

    good luck

  • Posted

    Disordered oesophageal mobility + manometry test pos = ACHALASIA of the cardia. Thats what you`ve got pure and simple.
  • Posted

    Achalasia is one of several subtypes of esophageal motility disorders. Motility disorders are persistent problems, usually lasting months or years, so if you experience only a brief episode of symptoms; it is unlikely that you have a true esophageal motility disorder.

    The main symptoms of motility disorders are difficulty swallowing, regurgitation of food, and pain. Not all people experience all of these symptoms. People who have achalasia notice difficulty swallowing as the primary symptom, and may ultimately have regurgitation of food as well. Pain is a relatively uncommon symptom of achalasia.

    Barium x-ray is an equally important test in ruling out a diagnosis of achalasia. Barium studies of the oesophagram (oesophagram) show a distinctive narrowing of the lower esophageal valve, esophageal dilation with retained barium in the upright position, poor esophageal emptying, and to-and-fro movement due to the loss of orderly peristalsis (coordinated wave-like muscle contractions).

    Because the condition is so rare, it’s helpful to choose a medical centre with experience in diagnosing and treating this disorder and other problems of the esophagus.

    Did they perform endoscopy? All achalasia patients should also have an upper GI endoscopy to exclude the uncommon case of a cancer (usually adenocarcinoma of the stomach) causing a pseudo-achalasia picture.

    Hope it makes a sense.


    • Posted

      Hi Vincent, Thanks for your feedback, I dont have a problem with actual swollowing but I do have pain when I eat just above my stomach  it  gets more painful as I eat, also whilst eating I'm burping without the sound, I do have small portions but if I over eat then I get the  urge to be sick.  

      I've not had a Barium x-ray only endoscopy and manometry tests. in 2007 my first endoscopy they diagnosed hiatus hernia & Gastritis. I have consistently complained of pain then in 2013 they did the manometry test they diagnosed Achalasia.

      This June I shall be seening the consultant maybe I should request a Barium test.


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