Do I need to get this checked out?

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this was when i first noticed a lump, bump, or spot which is what i think it is.


a couple of weeks later, this pimple starts "splitting" purple. i still havent touched the bump because 1)there have been no whiteheads and it's quite flat to the skin.


i hadnt paid much attention to it, but then i noticed it really started changing colour. at this point its borderline black/very deep purple. i still hadnt began to worry or track its progress at this point.

One day all my family were around and they notice this large purple area on my face. They began to worry me by saying you need to get this checked out ASAP! I started worrying then, and tracking its progress. Then my auntie said a week later that it’s a swollen/inflamed pore. So I relaxed a bit but still tracked progress.



One morning I decided to take a closer look at it. This was two weeks ago. Then I wanted to see how far the purple area actually spread so I saturated the picture. I sent the picture to my friend and showed my mum and they thought nothing of it. At this point I’m researching different skin cancers and nothing quite resemble it, but nor do my other spots either.



The first time I properly noticed a bump was the 26th of May. The first time purple started coming through was the 23rd of June. And it’s been changing shape, size and colour ever since. In total, gathering from the very few pictures I have, as far back as May, I have had the progressive spot for 86 days, or 2 months and 25 days. Nearly 3 months.

Do I need to worry? Do I need to get it checked asap? I shared the new pictures from today with the same friend I sent them to before, and she is also increasingly worried!

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6 Replies

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      any spot mole or skin sore needs to be checked out if it had been there for more that a week and changes or evoles it could be nothing but its best to get things looked at early rather than later really

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      evolves i meant to say

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    is it itchy at all

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      its not itchy at all i dont even recognise its there!

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    It looks nothing like my Black Melanoma which I had on an upper arm. It was raised, shiny and hard with a red ring round its outer part. This red ring got darker as another red ring developed at the outer rim and that is how it was growing.

    Mine was InSitu grade 4 and about to become dangerous. That was in 1985 when I lived abroad.

    I can only suggest you see GP to put your mind at rest.

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