Do I really have depression?
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Hey Guys,
Ok let me explain. Sorry for the long post
I went to my GP about 3 months ago because I was extremley sad. I often have/had feelings that i wanted to kill myself and thought of different ways to do it. A friend told me i needed to see a GP. So i went and she said i was depressed and i might have a personality dissorder.
She put me on prozac but about 3 weeks later took me of it because it was making me quite aggitated.
She then put me on Mirtazapine 15mg a day. After about 4 weeks she upped the dose to 30mg tablet a day. I have been taking this for must be about 7-8 weeks now, and i havent really noticed any difference in the way i feel.
I am currently aswell seeing a support worker and am going to be having CBT soon for my personality disorder. I have been thinking lately maybe i dont have depression at all and thats why the mirtazapine is not doing anything. It's just the PD making me feel really sad. I sometimes feel really low like i want to die and other times so happy i walk around singing.
I don't understand. Anyone?
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I am seeing my docter in an hour or so and am going to ask if i should keep taking the mirtazapine as i havent really noticed any difference in my mood.
It's actually quite nice to have a support worker, i have weekly appointments with him, we don't really do much though in these meetings just talk. But its nice to know he is there.
He has arranged for me to have CBT and i have a appointment next week to see if i will get taken on.
I just don't understand if i do actually have depression because if i did wouldn't the mirtazapine of lifted my mood by now.
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It went ok at the doc yesterday, she thinks i should keep taking the mirtazapine so i guess i will keep taking it. I see my support worker yesterday and i need it this week. Had a bad night last night, got very very very very drunk, passed out and ended up in A+E. Not good, for some reason i tend to go out and drink drink drink when im down.
Just a quick note --- you say that your doc changed you from Prozac to fluoxetine --- Prozac is a brand name for fluoxentine, (i.e. he gave you the same drug, just called it by its generic name). I'm not pointing this out to undermine your post in any way, just merely to say that it is sometimes a bad thing to have too much information, esp concerning poss side effects. I tend to do the same thing -- get a new med, and instantly look at the (usually long!) list of side effects. --- While it's good to be informed, I know I sometimes get a little preoccupied with trying to spot symptoms that prob really arent there. As I'm sure you know, the list of poss side effects for Mirtazapine is no less huge than for most other antidepressants, and its always a bit disconcerting changing meds, but I know for me it helped to try and keep as objective a head on as possible when deciding whether this drug was actually of help to me. Overall, I find it pretty useful, more for my panic attacks than my depression, but at the mo, I think I'm more comfortable trying to live with my depression with reduced panic and anxiety, rather than the other way around.....
Anyways, thats my bit, hope the mirtazapine works out for you, and I would just say try to keep somewhat objective when reviewing its effect, positive or otherwise, on your wellbeing
Take care
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