do i really have IBS?

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Hi all im looking for some advice on IBS.

I was told by my doctor that i have it around 4 years ago but have never had any tests to confirm anything,during this time my IBS has got worse and i worry that maybe i dont really have it and maybe the doctor has missed something as my symptoms can be so debilitating that i sometimes think surely IBS cant make me feel this unwell?

when it all first started,my symptoms were the odd "off" stomach i.e some days i would have trapped wind and cramps and be constipated but it happened infrequently and i could still function normally.

as time has gone on i have had more frequent episodes and more and more symptoms to the point i am at now (and have been for around 2 years now) i now suffer almost all the time and can have constipation,diarrohea,ribbon stools,gas pains,bloating,whole body weakness and aching all over i also feel breathless sometimes and its gotten so bad to the point i had to stop working because i feel so ill i cannot function and feel so weak tired and ill that all i can do is lie down.

these episodes when they are really bad can last over a week and during that time i have no appetite so barely eat.

I am at the point now where i feel so down with it all and feel like i cant be a normal wife and mum as it effects me so much i also feel like people look and think she cant be that bad its only ibs! but it does seriously affect my life.

does anyone else experience it to this extreme? and is it really just ibs?

any advice is appreciated


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    NB NICE Guidelines to GPs state they must test for Coeliac disease before giving a diagnosis of IBS.

    If you have not had this go back to your GP and request it or a referral to a Gastroenterologist. Below is a useful recent article which may be of help to sufferers of IBS type symptoms (which could also be Coeliac or Crohn's):

    "At a recent London conference entitled ‘Mythbusting the Bloat,’ over 70 experts on nutrition and gastrointestinal health got together to discuss bloating, in an attempt to try to clear up some of the theories and myths surrounding this common condition.

    So what is bloating, and who gets it?

    The conference attendees came up with a good description of bloating – ‘an uncomfortable abdominal sensation of fullness’ - which is something I think we can all relate to. The surprising thing is that over 20% of us regularly suffer from bloating, and it’s twice as likely to happen to women as to men.

    While almost anyone can experience bloating at any point in their lives, some factors do seem to increase the likelihood of an episode. These include:

    Having an underlying gastrointestinal condition such as coeliac disease or IBS

    Being overweight or obese

    Being pre-menstrual

    Not getting regular exercise

    Being constipated

    Having anxiety or depression, anorexia or bulimia

    Having certain other conditions or diseases, such as ovarian tumours or gallstones

    Other influences on our "gut feeling" can be more temporary, like food poisoning, a bacterial infection, or transient lactose intolerance, but the symptoms are the same: an uncomfortable build-up of gas in the intestinal tract that can leave us feeling downright miserable.

    Is food the problem?

    To a certain degree, yes; certain types of food and food ingredients have been implicated when it comes to bloating. However, no-one actually knows precisely what causes it – mainly because the triggers for it can differ greatly between people. What leads to excess gas build-up in one person may have no effect on another, which could be due to an over-sensitivity of the gut to triggers, a genetic predisposition or something else altogether.

    Over the years, researchers have identified many potential food culprits, including:

    Wheat (especially bread)


    Milk (lactose)

    Fibre-rich foods

    Beans and pulses

    Some fruits and vegetables



    However, science hasn’t found any simple answers, and no one food is the "smoking gun" that causes bloating in everyone. For example, a recent review by the British Nutrition Foundation, looking specifically at bread, found no evidence that regular consumption of bread caused bloating, nor did the way that bread is produced have any effect.

    Scientists are currently looking in more detail at the component ingredients of foods such as bread to see whether it’s something within the food, rather than the food itself, that's causing the problem. Ingredients like yeast, fructans, gluten, wheat and many others are being investigated in-depth to try to get to the bottom of this uncomfortable issue.

    Fighting the bloat

    Because everyone is so different, the first step toward feeling better is to look at your lifestyle to try to identify your particular triggers.

    Clearly, if you've been diagnosed with a condition where bloating is a symptom, such as coeliac disease, you have a clear path of action – remove gluten from your diet completely, and you will hopefully see a big improvement. You will need help with this via the Coeliac UK website.

    If you have IBS, on the other hand, your triggers could be more variable - anything from gluten to lactose, beans, legumes, onions, and more. In this case, getting input from a dietitian is imperative to ensure that you're restricting your diet carefully and making sure you still get the nutrition you need.

    Make note of everything you eat and what makes your symptoms worse - to take to the GP/Consultant.

    (Recent advances in our understanding of IBS have led to the development of the FODMAP diet, which could be a real help if you follow it,,,, under medical supervision.)"

  • Posted

    I too am not convinced I have IBS. I have an almost constant discomfort in one spot in my RH side slightly higher than where my ovary is sited, and occasionally also a feeling of fullness that extends upwards from that point up to my ribs. This has also caused on occasion my rh shoulder to ache and an intense burning feeling in my lower back. I assume this is something to do with my colon due to the position of these symptoms, and because my doc says I have IBS. However I don't feel that these are typical of IBS from what I have read, I have had constipation but never diarrhoea, and despite keeping a food diary can't see any patterns other than maybe bread and pastries. I have never had cramping pain. I'm worried because the only tests I've had are gluten and an ultrasound scan, both negative. Many of you seem to have had colonoscopies but my doc seems convinced I need no further tests and nothing is wrong, yet I continue to feel the same discomfort day after day and diet control doesn't help much. Does anyone else here have discomfort that occurs on only one side of the abdomen?
    • Posted

      Yes, my abdominal pain seems to be mostly located in the upper left part of abdomen right under my ribs, i do get abdominal pains elsewhere sometimes but its mostly just the one spot sad
    • Posted

      Hi, I've only just seen and joined this site as I've just seen your post and what you described is almost identical to what I've been getting.

      Have had the 'right hand side lower pain' for so many years no - one seemed to know what it was.

      But in 2008 I was getting these pains so frequently, the bouts lasting about 10 days at a time, I could almost set my clock to them. I thought I was going mad. The pain was so bad, but when I pressed my side there was nothing obviously 'painful', if you get my drift.

      The bouts made me feel so unwell and nauseaus   I could hardly bear them. The feeling sick was the worst for me, as I am underweight at the best of times and just couldn't eat.

      like you, I didn't experience diarrhoea, but did get constipated. So I thought it couldn't be ibs.

      But ended up going for scan after scan. I did have a smallish ovarian cyst but the doc assured me this was not causing the pain. I went to have it drained, but it never cured my ibs symptoms.

      I can have periods of as long as 9 months without anything, and i fool myself into thinking it's gone! But it always comes back with a vengeance.

      I am having a really bad bout at the moment, been over 10 days now, feeling so nauseaus I can hardly stand it no more. Went to the docs again to ask for some anti sickness pills to help me, and just my luck to get the most unsympathetic GP there that day. He told me I was too old for ibs (I'm 60 next week!) But told him I'd been having these symptoms for most of my life! He's sent me for another scan! So it starts all over again.

      Sorry this hasn't been very positive reading for you, but I wanted to say that the symptoms you're getting are just like mine, I was told may years ago after numerous scans ect that it must be ibs as nothing else was found! 

      I can't believe though how I'll it makes you feel, I'm actually glad it's just not me! 

    • Posted

      Hi - just found this site and reading your post - sounds identical to symptoms I am gettting. Pain starts slowly then builds up and nothing seems to relieve it. All down my right side, bloating, no diarrhoea, belching +++ after eating or drinking anything. Once the pain evenually goes the right side of my abdomen feels very tender almost as if its bruised on the inside.

      Seen by GP x3 had x2 ultrasounds - nothing.

      Have been told to avoid wheat and take peppermint oil capsules when symptoms start.

      Symptoms can abate  for months at a time and then I'm hit out of the blue again.

      If this is IBS I now have huge empathy with other sufferers, as no way I could work when the pain is that bad.

      Hope you're feeling better since you posted last :o)

    • Posted

      I'm so sorry Pam for some reason I have only just seen your post to me from 4 months back! How are you getting on? I ended up having a CT scan and exactly like you a small cyst was found! I am convinced this is causing my issues. I'm due to see a gynae on the 23rd. Although I still have bouts of pain and nausea etc, my symptoms have abated a bit. I think this is due to 2 factors. One I don't stress about it so much (I've also had a colonoscopy which was clear.) secondly I have been on thyroxine since October and this seems to have relieved my constipation issues. I still think my cyst is troublesome though as I get bloating when it is painful so I hope they will remove it. Fingers crossed!
    • Posted

      Hi Judy

      Sorry to hear you have these issues too, it can be really quite distressing when you just don't know what it is. For me the expanding feeling has calmed down a lot. There are a few potential reasons for it I feel. It turned out that I have a small ovarian cyst on that side. This was found by a CT scan. I had previously had an ultrasound which missed it. Apparently that happens often as ultrasound not the best, and ovaries can be hidden from view. The constipation I had has gone, and I believe this is due to me having been on thyroxine since oct, but also I came to realise that the severe bloating feeling was exasperated by tight fitting clothing. This could trigger quite a painful attack with bloating. Added to these points I have been less stressed about it all since the cyst was found and my colonoscopy was clear. Anyhow, I'm seeing the gynae on 23rd to see what to do about the cyst. I would try if I were you wearing loose fitting clothes for a few days and see if your symptoms calm down too. Maybe you have a cyst too!? They are awfully common

    • Posted

      I have been sick for the past 10 years. Have had 4 colonoscopies, 3 gastroscopies, barium swallow xray, ultrasounds, ct scan, MRI, bloods +++++, stool tests+++, coeliac tests. Everything normal apart from deuodenal biopsy which showed lymphocitic enteritis???parasite- blastocystis hominus ( though testing clear now), I spent 9 months on rifaximin and vancomycin, and had a faecal transplant last year which was unsuccessful and now I am much worse than before.

      My symptoms are right side abdo. discomfort ( lower right of my belly button) extending up to right side under my ribs, lower right burning backache sometimes extending into my mid back, severe fatigue, constipation, mild headache, sometimes burping, furry tongue, sore eyes, knotted feeling in my stomach, heart flutters, sometimes i get shoulder pain, anxiety ( probably from how scary it is to feel so sick most of the time with no clear explanation), cold burn feeling through my whole digestive system.But the right sided discomfort and backache has been a prevalent symptom over the last 10 years. 

  • Posted

    Just wanted to add my own experiences. Like many here, been diagnosed with IBS without any tests being made. Life hstory of stomach problems though. My own experience of these things is that YES anxiety and stress contribute to flare-ups and that conventional remedies including charcoal tablets- mint tea- etc., and not very effective. A good stiff walk after a meal (around 45 minutes later) seems to help a great deal. I'm still trying to monitor specific food issues, and so far spices and some herbs seem part of it, and also some greens- especially beans and sprouts. I really should start another strand on this, but I have recently been diagnosed with Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation (AFib), which in my case seems to go hand in had with episodes of bloating and tummy upsets. Vagus nerve issues have been mentioned but with NO advice on how to deal with it, or even if the specialist actually believes there IS a link.

    Comments on this last issue would be greatly appreciated.

    By the way, I'm a slim and very fit (in all other respects) 71 year old!!

  • Posted

    I know exactlly how you feel,

    I already had the flu, so that just weakend my immune system..which led to loss of appetite which made my stomach feel even worse.

    Then the following day(Monday) I was put into a severe situation which stressed me out so much, I was suffering from extreme stomach pain, dirrahea which followed with severe nasuea..As i was stressing over this "situation" i was in bed starting to have a minor panic attack, my breathing went all over, my hands had pins and neddles through them. 

    I drank about 5 cups of peppermint tea which did NOT work, lemon and ginger which increased my "appetite" for food but I felt so sick to the point I couldnt look at food.

    The next day (Tuesday) I did NOT have an appetite at all, i drank a electrolyte drink (hydrolyte) and ate 4 crackers throughout the day..


    I started talking to my closest friend WORKS!!.. about what i was expericing and it made me feel a little better, Ive found that visiting the Chiropractor WORKS as they massage certain parts of your back which is linked to your digestive system.

    Ive tried "Iberogast" which DID NOT work for me at all.

    Probiotics DID NOT work for me.

    You have to find little ways on how to make yourself feel better, every one is different smile

  • Posted

    Hi everyone i was just diagnosed with ibs a couple months ago i just wanted to mention that because of lack of eating i wasnt gettin the proper nutrition needed which was making me very sick and tired ... Started taking a one a day multivitamin and while i still feel fatigued and nauseous sometimes, it improved my symptoms of tiredness/weakness tremendously just thought id mention that smile
    • Posted

      Hey all. So I just wanted some advice or comments. For the past year I've been suffering from IBS. Its gradually getting worse however. Every morning I dread going to the bathroom because of explosive D. Ive had a colonoscopy/endoscopy. All the ultrasounds and bloodwork necessary and what they DID find however was 3-4 tiny ulcers in my terminal ileum. Specialist and Doc says severe IBS and maaaaybe very mild IBD. Specialist also says come back in 6months if any anything! My doc is fed up with me lol keeps saying its ibs and to do yoga. No meds other than Dicetal anti spasmodic drug and thats all! My predominant symptoms are nausea, cramps *feels like gas but also like menstral cramps in intestines* major diareah only the mornings. Lack of appetite and weight loss (20lbs in 2 months) I feel like im going crazy! Im 30 years old and can't even go on a date or function at work because of this! How is this a functional disorder??? Who is functioning with this? Maybe mild IBS but this is a whole other level. Any help or advice. Even acknowledgment would help☺
  • Posted

    Lady sparkles I am exactly like you. I've suffered on and off for around 4 years. The last 7 mths have been hell for me.

    You have gone through exactly what I'm going through. Although I've had quite a fee tests. Inc gall bladder, liver, uterus scans. But I haven't had a colonoscopy through all this I have had to practically beg my doctor to do this test for me. It's disgusting that probably the very test that will see what's going on has been denied for me all this time, whilst all this time I've been struggling in my day to day life.

    This morning I have had diarreah twice. The diarreah I can handle it's the horrible cramps and hot flashes I get when I'm on the toilet.

    I'm very angry I've been made to wait for colonoscopy until mid February. If I took my dog to the vet she would get one quicker than me. I'm treated worse than a dog.

    I'm living on immodium and hardly any food while I wait. I'm losing weight as I cannot eat anything. Only white bread dairy free butter and bananas.

    I'm scared, unwell and depressed and all I hear is it's IBS and we will do colonoscopy to calm you that's all it is.

    • Posted

      I have been suffering with what I believe to be IBS for about 4 months now.  I notice that it gets worse just before, during and a couple of days after my period. I've had numerous blood tests and scans and all appears to be fine. I get occasional diarreah but the worst symptom is the nausea, it's ruining my day! I've lost 10 kg in 3 months and rarely have an appetite.  My gastroenterologist has told me to eliminate gluten and lactose from my diet. A friend of mine who read into my problem believes it's all down to premenopause and hormonal imbalance. Would love to know if anyone ha similar symptoms. 
    • Posted

      Exactly like me! My IBS worded days before and days after my period. It's the worst.

      Days before I'm hovering near the bathroom not knowing whether I need to pass or throw up. It's insanely annoying and uncomfortable!!

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