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Hi Menopause Warriors - I would love to hear from woman who have gone thru this journey & find out how long it lasted for you and how severe your symptoms were during that time. I don’t know anybody personally who has suffered like I do and maybe if I knew there was light at the end of the tunnel it would help me cope better. I am currently not on any RX to help with menopause symptoms outside of vitamins etc. I am just so tired of fighting this battle - Any enlightenment would be greatly appreciated - 😍
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susane84679 debra16694
hi debra,
it's been 4 years for me and I know how you feel. everyday it's something else. I just posted something similar. I'm so tired of it all and I so close to just giving up. I know that every woman on the planet goes through it but it doesn't make it easier to deal with. I have found this forum to be a lifesaver because we are all fighting the same hell. I think the only thing that keeps me going is knowing one day I will wake up and it will all be over. I know that some women breeze right through while others( like us) struggle on a daily basis to keep it together. my sister-in-law is one of those women. she gets a migraine every now and then but that's it. she has been in peri for 6 years. she will be 56 on her birthday. oh how I envy her lol. just remember we are all on this boat together. hugs to you😔
debra16694 susane84679
It is so obvious that this time in a woman’s life is so misunderstood and research and the medical community need to put so much more interest into it. It’s kind of crazy how we can put men on the moon, think about inhabiting Mars, but can’t guide woman thru menopause without all these horrific symptoms. Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!
Sassyr12a debra16694
Hi Debra
I'm not sure I am a conventional menopausal woman because I've dodgy ovaries so it's been going on forever. I'm 43 now. Symptoms over the years with peri have been anxiety, depression, weight gain, thyroid issues, bloating. Due to my hormonal challenges I've had those symptoms probably since I was about 22. This year I had the crash which I'm thinking is proper menopause, with crippling anxiety, utis, bad stomach, nausea, shaking, loss of confidence, unable to sleep, crying all the time, unable to focus, depression, sweating etc. I went to my doctor and he suggested it was my hormones and the blood tests confirmed it. I started taking bhrt in March but by April I was struggling with getting well and doing my job so I took some sick leave to focus on what is really important! I have to say looking back now that I'm not sure how I got through that period, but here I am in September feeling much better (not 100% fixed but better than I was). I sleep well, the utis are less frequent, no longer depressed, I've more energy than I've had in years and I'm back at work. The one thing that still bothers me is the anxiety. On a bad day I'm shaky and frightened, on a good day I get to forget about it. It's a very strange individual journey, no 2 of us will be the same. I'm proud of how far I've come because it's only me that knows how badly I felt. Everyone my age is nowhere near starting the journey so I don't have anyone to compare with, but by the time they get there I'll have all of the answers!! There is hope Debra, you just gotta dig deep, be strong, trust your gut and look at options to help with your journey.... Hope that helps xx
debra16694 Sassyr12a
Hi Sassy - Oh Geez you have been thru the wringer - I am glad you found relief! I have such a different story which proves how different we all are. I probably started in my late 40’s with insomnia (bad) then the night sweats, flooding in my early 50’s then finally stopping @ 55 years old. I am not sure if things eased up from 55 to 58 because I was in such a stressful situation that I don’t really remember much then, but my symptoms really ramped up these last 3 years & I am currently @ 61. During this time I have experienced mega flushing/hot flashes, ocular migraines, dizziness, off balance feeling, asthma/allergy issues, shortness of breath, dry mouth, bloating, reflux, indigestion issues, extreme fatigue, heat intolerance, extreme brain fog, glucose imbalance, weight gain, high blood pressure, fatty liver, depression/anxiety, tingling/burning/electric shock of extremities, oh wait am I missing anything? Jesus, Mary & Joseph - won’t even go into how many drs, naturopaths, Specialists, & ER, Urgent Care visits i Have made. I begged the hormone specialist to put me on BHRT, but would not at my ripe old age, so I have to figure out how to deal. I have tried every supplement on the market, nothing really has helped except the Probiotic has helped my anxiety a bit - I hate to keep whining, I just wish I knew when this would end - thank you!
Sassyr12a debra16694
Oh Debra, that's a tough run.... You reminded me of some of my favourite symptoms thar I'd clearly blocked out including the ocular migraines which are a bloomin delight! I seem to have been born a bit genetically faulty but all stemming from hormones including osteoporosis, arthritis, ulcerative colitis, overactive thyroid, now underactive thyroid....I have a permanent illeostomy due to auto immune issues, all things which could have been avoided if I'd been given some treatment from 16 onwards..... I think by now when I tell them what treatment I want/need, they listen.... Otherwise something else will drop off! Is there any other way you can get bhrt? It would help xx
debra16694 Sassyr12a
Hi Sassyr - I am actually thinking of going to yet another Naturopath who follows the Diane Schwarbein (Suzanne Sommer’s wrote about her) method of hormone replacement since this quality of life just ain’t happening. All my friends are doing fun amazing things at this time in their lives & I am sitting here a shell of myself...I just don’t have the energy to complete daily tasks anymore - ugh! Time to go to plan B
Sassyr12a debra16694
catherine57760 debra16694
Well I feel for everyone that’s going through all this cause it so bloody hard...I’ve been going through it now for 8yrs n when I say it not easing up I mean it,some days I’ve just said to myself can it throw anymore s@it at me! But I just keep goin as hard as it is...Hope there is light at end tunnel very soon! Well I 🙏🏻 there is...
debra16694 catherine57760
Hi Catherine - thank you for replying - I guess I am looking for someone to say...well, you have experienced this, this & that so you are almost finished - (wishful thinking I know). There are no guidelines or timeline which makes this journey even more challenging & basically nobody cares about it except the woman on this forum. I look all the time for a support group for menopause sufferers in my community & none I really the only one suffering in my community? I think not! This whole stigma about this condition has got to change...mental health is finally getting attention, now menopause sufferers need their spotlight - Yes, I am on my knees daily asking for help - it’s a lonely journey -
Guest debra16694
Hi Debra, I agree with you. Menopause issues are not a sexy subject. Lyme disease only became a hot topic when celebrities spoke about it. It is scary that we live in a world that only the famous get noticed for their issues and have articles written and tv shows. I also find it degrading that a lot of healthcare providers just write us off as anxious and depressed, especially when there is no prior history of it. Like one day, we all just flip our lids! I’ve had both male and female drs pull that card with me due to ignorance. All of a sudden, they become mental health experts and want to dive into my mind 🙄. My child has special needs and I have always been his advocate. I am astonished at how clueless the “ experts” with fancy credentials and making tons of money are. Most of them could not walk a minute in my shoes, let alone feel like s**t along the way. We just have to advocate for ourselves. But, it is hellish when we do not feel good!
debra16694 Guest
Hi Lou - you are so right...Menopause is not a sexy subject. I used to hold drs up like they walked on water...this experienced has changed all that for me. Not only am I disappointed with physicians regarding this topic of menopause, but also my friends. I stumbled upon a very funny article written about this woman & everything she has had to deal with with menopause, from simple weight gain to the stress of having to take care of demanding adolescents to ailing parents all while undertaking the most significant change of her life. The article was hysterically funny, but tragically realistic & sad. I sent it to all my closest friends & said “this article resonated with me, maybe you all can understand what I have been dealing with” not one of my so called friends reached out to me. I think they are all afraid they might “catch it”. So over people thinking I am making this whole thing up - it is not in my head people!!!! You are a super hero Lou, being a mother is hard enough, being a mother to a special needs child is downright Wonder Woman on steroids! I applaud you!
Guest debra16694
Thank you Debra! 😊
Guest debra16694
debra16694 Guest
pinkcatfairy debra16694
Dear Debra
I am three years post meno and although alot of the symtoms have gone, I started to have occular migraines and although stopped, hot flashes have re appeared after having caffeine! Plus although alot better i have the odd reflux issue, so there doesn't seem a fine line where thi ngs just stop, to me symptoms are still trickling through but not as severe or as much would be my answer x
debra16694 pinkcatfairy
Hi Pinkcatfairy - Thank you for replying - Well as much as I am happy that your symptoms don’t seem as severe as they were for you, I am a bit depressed, because I am 6 years post menopause & my symptoms have ramped up in the last 3 years. Someone pointed out to me that even though I stopped menstrating 6 years ago, perhaps my hormones didn’t really decline until about 3 years ago. If I only knew that I was almost done than I would be OK, but it just seems like I have ALL the symptoms right now & they are having one heck of a party! Ugh!