Do most afib patients need to stay on blood thinner forever?
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I have a very good friend that was diagnosed with Afib 4 months ago. She has had her heart put back in rhythm 3 times so far. She is 63 years old and is currently taking Eliquis and a heart regulator. The next step for her is ablation if her heart goes out of rhythm again. Her cardiologist wants her to stay on the meds for 6 months, then re-evaluate. Is it likely or unlikely that she will need to stay on the blood thinner? I have done some reading online, but cannot find anything in relation to continuing or discontinuing the blood thinner. What is general protocol in terms of someone with Afib continuing with a blood thinner to prevent blood clots throughout life? I deeply care about my friend. How many Afib patients are able to go off the blood thinner?
Thank you in advance for taking time to reply.
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sherpa_al aaffiibb
Quite an old thread, but with some recent comments. I was diagnosed with atrial flutter last November, having had a couple of episodes of racing heart and breathlessness under exercise during 2016. Within weeks, and before I could see a specialist, I had had a stroke, and after was prescribed Eliquis as an NOAC.
I asked my GP practice why they had not prescribed an anti-coagulant upon the atrial flutter diagnosis, and the response was that my CHADs risk was deemed very low, my only score being male over 65. I lead a healthy lifestyle, plenty of exercise, non-smoker, moderate drinker, not overweight, no heart disease history in the family, but nonetheless I had a stroke which has left me with permanently impaired vision.
I had an ablation in June, and have had no serious episodes since; I have my consultant review in a couple of weeks. I still get occasional palpitations and ectopics, but am able to manage this mostly through diet and managing my stomach. However, I would take an very large amount of persuasion to stop taking the Eliquis. Having had a stroke based on a very low probability, what's to stop it happening again?
Sherpa Al
betty47298 aaffiibb