Do parasites cause autoimmune diseases?

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I have recently completed 2 stool sample tests that have rendered the same outcome, positive for parasitic organisms but unable to identify. Now I have to complete the exam a third time. I have still not received any treatment and have experienced some serious health problems over the past few years, including an idiopathic cardiomyopathy a little over 2 years ago. Two years before this I was hospitalized for a serious virus that could not be identified. This involved a very high fever, diarrhea, vomiting, and the start of kidney failure, however I went to the emergency room at the right time. One month later, I had mono, then 4 months later, had a palsy in my left foot, then less than one year after, started experiencing chest pain, serious headaches, and extreme fatigue. The emergency room kept sending me home telling me it was a virus. Finally several months had passed after numerous visits to this ER, I went to a different hospital where they found a cardiomyopathy. My ejection fraction was 35%. I am only 37! Just after this, I noticed one day that I had experienced severe itching in the rectal area with several days of white discharge that had an odor of infection. I waited for a couple of months to see if things would get better, and they didn't, so I went to the ER. I told the doctor about the cardiomyopathy and previous mysterious illnesses, he completed a brief rectal exam, and said it was probably internal hemmorhoids. I asked if a parasitic infection was possible, and he said it was very unlikely because I hadn't been out of the country in several years. So he never tested my stool. Two years have passed, and I have had the same/similar problems since, and have reported this to the doctors over and over. For the past year and a half, I have developed new symptoms. Extreme fatigue, weakness, joint aches, headaches, constipation and diarrhea, greasy, yellowish stools, sweat that smells like ammonia, skin peeling out of my mouth, gas, burping, bad breath, weight loss and loss of appetite. In addition, I have mysterious skin rashes with hives on a daily basis, and started taking pictures of them to document this. In December of 2012, I tested positive for lupus with a positive ANA, and my doctor ordered the test because my eosinophil percentage had consistently been flagged on my blood reports as high. I still was not getting any answers, so I switched all of my doctors and have been going to the city. This is a world renowned hospital. Upon meeting my new doctors, they ordered a repeat of blood tests. This time the lupus was negative. The doctors quickly dismissed the lupus results prior, and said that sometimes people just test false positive, with no further explanation. Back in April of this year, my doctor informed me that my vitamin d level was very low, 12, should be between 30-40 he said, so I have been taking prescription vitamin d. I met with an infectious disease specialist a month ago, and she said she didn't think that I had parasites, but she would test because of my eosinophils. Bingo, I do have them, and now the doctors are trying to say they are parasitic but may not be causing my symptoms. For several months I have noticed that there is strange looking debris after blowing my nose into a tissue. Last night, I am about 99% certain that it was a small worm, certainly looked like one, and I was a teacher, so I am fairly well educated. I saved it in the tissue and put it in a zip lock bag. I don't know whether to call my doctor or not on Monday morning, as I don't trust him, and think he will once again be dismissive. I already went through the HIV phase with him, and told him I didn't have it, as I've only had 4 partners my entire life, have never had unprotected sex, I don't rim, and had an HIV test. I haven't been sexually active in about three years, so I knew I couldn't have it. I retested a couple of months ago to satisfy him, and it was negative once again. I have asked him if any of my past symptoms are connected, and he didn't think so. I disagree. The only diagnosis I have is another one of idiopathic nature, uticharia, (spelling) and says my blood work is fine, which it isn't, because my vitamin d was very low, and my eosinophils are still high. Any advice on what I should do? Prior to all of this stuff over the past 5 years, I was very rarely I'll. now I can no longer do many of the things that I used to, as I don't feel well enough, and I would really like to get some normalcy back in my life. Is there a doctor who can answer this without telling me that I am imagining things? The test results obviously indicate that I am not.

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    Sorry frank47, i dont mean to intrude in your post by switching to myself... Im 20 years old, about 2-4 days after eating psychedelic mushrooms Ive seem to have caught some bug (although it may not be from the mushrooms). Or so i believe its some kind of bug and or parasite. I've had mucus like stools mixed with diarrhea that has occurred every morning for the past month, i generally have 1-3 of these stools within an hour of waking up then throughout the day i have what feels like diarrhea, but bubbles and rabbit-size stools are all that come out, ive been rushing to the toilet nearly 10 times a day despite my morning procedure for the bubble/rabbit-like stools.

    Along with these symptoms ive also felt as if im having heartburn in my stomach and intestines, (although its hard to say its heartburn-like feeling because ive never had heartburn), this feeling is almost consistently throughout the day but more-so after 6-8pm. It's similar to an empty stomach feeling (as if you hadnt eaten for 2 days, but include burning-like pain). Sometimes ill have slight chest pains below my left pectoral muscle. I feel much more comfortable in my body moving around and not thinking about it (not thinking about it has become very hard recently). A new symptom im experiencing a tingle starting from my left temple (head) down to my shoulder then to my wrist in my left arm..

    I've also had a great loss of appetite, but im still shoveling food into my body. Ive lost nearly 20 pounds in the last 3 and a half weeks, I was weighing in at 148.??lbs for my first doctors visit, then yesterday I weighed in at 131lbs at a different hospital.. The only thing ive cut out of my diet is meat (despite chicken and fish), milk, and soda. Now ive added fruits such as banana, kiwi, apple, raspberries, blackberries and oranges to my diet, vegetables: are a lot harder for me to eat (unsure why, but i want to eat them but halfway threw chewing im very tempted to spit them out regardless what it is, i used to love most of these veggies also!) such as carrots, broccoli, green/red/any kind of pepper, and sprouts (not much of a variety).

    I've been into two separate hospitals. Both have been ministry associated. I am told to wait to see if my symptoms go away in 2-3 weeks from both hospitals, i asked them what i could change in my diet ... as for my first doctor had said dont change anything if you can keep it down (which i found strange?) and my second doctor had said my food regiment was fairly good for what id been feeling. (eggs, veggies, toast for breakfast - kiwi/banana/apple/raw pepper/crackers&peanut butter for snack (one or two of them). - generally have brown rice with some kind of fruit and or veggie with it along with fish/chicken for protein.

    my second doctor had recommended tums ...ehh, really?.... if my symptoms are still showing in two to three weeks im supposed to come in for a colonoscopy, so that would mean ive waited almost 2 months with my symptoms, without absolutely anything being looked at...REDICULOUS! I didnt want to wait another another 3 weeks with my stomach/intestines/anus burning continuously, along with the new feature of my tingle with my left temple down to my left wrist. I told him i wanted it done as soon as possible, his reply : "well, i would recommend waiting to see if your pain is consistent or increases, it could merely be stomach nerves acting with the mushrooms toxins"..... so 3 and a half weeks of consistent pain isnt long enough, and its been a month since i had taken the mushrooms...

    Both doctors ive seen seem quite unreliable, as both are Internal Medicine doctors. I do not wish to resume seeing my I.M. doctors after my colonoscopy (despite what the result is) . . . .

    I need help finding the correct kind of doctor that isnt related to Ministry and or Aspirus hospitals, as for most doctors I see seem to want to get out of the room as soon as possible, I feel as though doctors dont give two #$^@ whats wrong with people but just for the money they'll be getting...

    Money is not an issue for me, I can go out of country if needed, if deemed necessary

    Recommendations for a type of doctor i should see?.... please and thank you. Sorry if this post is hard to connect...

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      It sounds a lot like gallbladder issues.  When it gets boughed down with sluge, it gives the symptoms you've described.  Trust me, I dealt with the issues for almost 3 years then when I started puking green bile, the doctor said...yep time for it to come, I'm dealing with other issues but the acid like stomach and the other symptoms you described did go away.  I'm still working on ridding myself of some parasites...does anyone feel a parasite that is on the topic (skin) and it feels as though it's spiderlike?  I get this on a continuous basis and don't know how to rid myself of them  they are topic so you'd think a special soap or something but like you have one that hides in your arm pits etc....if anyone is experiencing these symptoms and you found something to help you...please share


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      Have a look on the world health organisation website and search for 'parasites'. Also search for 'neglected tropical disease'. Two of which are:

      - Lymphatic filariasis

      - helminth infections 

  • Posted

    Hi. I am 26 yrs old and convinced I have parasites although for the past two yrs I have been back and forth to the docs and not taken seriously. I can feel movement in my shoulder blade like crawling and wriggling. Over the past few months I have started to itch all over my body every few weeks and I can't cope with it. For the past yr I have also had worms coming down my nose. I can feel them, especially at night. Constant problems with one eye and swelling/wriggling movements in eyelid. I have headaches very often and general aches/pains. My hair is also falling out and I have developed allergies which came on at the same time this all started. I have been fobbed off with anti depressants and told me it is all in my head. It isn't and I am not imagining it. They don't seem to get the fact that is is this ongoing problem that is depressing me. I have young children and just want to feel normal again, not constantly itching or uncomfortable. Xx
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      It's unfortunate that this seems to be a real issue and the doctors just aren't taking any of us serious.  I don't have any mental health issues but they surely wanted to pass it off as being paranoid-schizophrenia...I wanted to smack that doctor right off her seat LOL not really, I'm non violent but man...if you don't know what someone has and you don't want to take time to find out, just say so and move along....I hate this!!! what's with the medical field anymore....aren't they making enough money?  DAH!  give me a break!


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      Carly if you find something to relieve the itch...let me know!!  I did get that DE foodgrade bar of soap and it did help some....guess I should get on a regimen and keep it going for a while to see the results....I'll share if I get any relief!


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      Most labs around the world are not really familiar with parasites and their mutations. Your symptoms sound like parasites. My son had them. I knew he had them. 5 labs missed that he had blastocystis hominis so he suffered for years. Dr. Amin at Parasite Testing dot com found them. He has a lab in the States and Europe.

      Parasites can cause all kinds of allegic reactions in the body.

      For the allergies try Quercetin. I was itching on the inside for the longest time. Quercetin is a natural anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine. It is plant based. You could also try DAO. DAO is an enzyme in the body that keeps histamines at bay. It is animal based.

      To get rid of parasites on your own try Oil of Organo. Be careful because it is very strong. Make sure you take Probiotics while taking it. You should be on Probiotics anyway.

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      sounds odd but fly spray and insect repellent.  for face and 'stuck in muscle' feeling buy the little plastic button click repellent where after use you feel they have moved out of painful position.
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      Have yuo found any help at all? Let me know and perhaps I can at least help with your sleep pattern.
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    PLEASE try FOOD GRADE diatomaceous earth for the parasite problem.To be consumed in water.Start off with 1/2 to 1 level tsp per day, work up to maybe 2/3 heaped tsp daily, in a month or 2....

    Been taking it for 3 months, results, but slow.Kills parasites and gently scrapes colon.First 1-2 months may feel only small improvements (2 steps ahead,1.5 behind...).Will get intense detox symptoms as the parasites die and release toxins and layers of crud coating colon slowly removed. Back off dosage if cant tolerate.Lots of chopped up crap falls in b.m.BUT,THIS STARTED ONLY AFTER 2 MONTHS ON D.E FOR ME !!

    Drink plenty of water, maybe herbal laxative as d.e has tendency to constipate.

    I'm 45, been on downhill since 20 yrs, lost hair, tiredness, premature aging, bad knee pain.Healthy according to doctors but but could tell wasn't at my best.Tried raw food diet etc etc but didnt help as key (parasites) not dealt with.

    Expect liver related pain (right shoulder,below breastbone), low back pain, neck pain (kidneys) as you detox + cough/cold tiredness fever etc.

    My results so far:lots of energy, some eyesight improvement,positive outlook, knee pain on some days ZERO (on the days am not detoxing, which is rare).Am detoxing continuously (evidence in b.m, various aches/pains) doubt will feel much better before 6 months.With the amount of crap falling out,suspect I am riddled with parasites......

    Funny HOW animals are supposed to be dewormed, but not humans.Saw N.geo programme abt. animals that instinctively carry out anti-parasitical treatments, internal and external; there is nothing in our everyday diets that can stop parasites from taking hold.

    I am not doing any other alternative therapy other than EARTHING with a homemade stainless steel plate that I clamp to sole of foot at night.It helps a lot with the pain and tiredness too, but is a band aid......

    I take no supplements.

    Pl. take 2/3 week miracle claims with pinch of salt (on web).It is a slow, long term process.

    sorry for the long post, wanted to share what I knew.Hope this helps.Lots of info on the net,but you have to be your own expert and go about it very carefully.Taking too much d.e initially at one go is a no no !!!IT MUST MUST MUST BE FOOD GRADE, LOOKS FEELS LIKE OFF WHITE TALCUM POWDER.


  • Posted

    Hi I found this site searching lupus/parasites because my husbands autoimmune symptoms seem to be within the range of lupus or lyme disease and I was reading on the Wyze Report website that this is probably from parasites. Ive been doing a lot of research on holistic medicine and for parasites and/or yeast in addition to the food grade DE there are treatments such as colloidal silver, cloves, black walnut, papaya seed, oregano oil, coconut oil, olive leaf, garlic, & grapefruit seed extract. I think it is helpful to use several treatments everyday in addition to removing grains and unnatural sugars from your diet. Many microbes feed on sugar/starch. Hoping everyone feels better soon. smile
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    As you have unknown parasite .it is protozoa .this is the first thing

    second send your stool for a lab. that using PCR method (not micrscopic method)for defining most


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    I used to suffer some of your  symptoms for many years and spend a lot of money in studies and hospitals. It is not an easy answer,  but do a reasearch about celiac  allergies and coconut virgin oil, lauric acid. Organic fruits and salads might help, fresh organic food for a while. Avoid stress and meditate.  All the best and blessings.

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    I was just diagnosed with parasites by a microscopist, Laura Belg-Adams. Seriously, give her a call. Your symptoms are exactly case-book and she will explain exactly what is happening. There is a reason she has patients from all over the world. Give her 90 days. What have you got to lose? In the States, 917-449-1060
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      sdricart thank you for this information.  I do believe my problems are now attacking my nerves.  I shake all the time.  Anyway, does Laura have you send in a sample or does she need to see  you?  Well, I'll give her a call and see what's the best thing to do.  

      Anyway, you have NO idea how long I've tried to find someone/anyone to help me.  My doctor was seemingly  having fun making me feel there was something mentally wrong with me ... she'd call ahead when I had an appt with a different doctor and tell him that it's my meds that is making me "think" this.  I never gave her permission to call and talk to anyone!! So with that said, you can imagine how the past 10 years have been...I wanted to just end it..but I have kids; I couldn't do that to them. Again, thank you for this information.



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      sdricart...check out the info "gutsy" and see what it's all may help you...and it's attacking my nerves as well.



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      HI Frustrated,

      I came across your posts in the forum when I was looking up info on parasites. I have lupus and am done with everything. I have a daughter who I need to fight for though. I started DE a few days ago (3 tsp per day) and am making plans to switch to gluten free diet. I am wondering how you are now, a few years after starting DE yourself. Do you still take it daily? Have you done anything else to lessen or rid yourself of the symptoms you were having? Have the parasites gone away completely? What is your life like now? I'm so sorry to bother you; I'm just losing hope .


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      Hi Emma, look up Blastocystis Research Foundation website. Do your symptoms match? Mine did. I have several autoimmune diseases: lupus, hypothyroidism, thrombocytopenia, allergies and intolerances). My UK GP sought advice from the area pharmacist and was told the 'natural methods for getting rid of this parasite are as least as effective as the triple antibiotic treatment. I'm now trying the natural method combination of Wormwood, Clove and Black walnut husk. I've had no adverse effects and I've now been able to introduce small quantities of new foods into my very restricted diet. Best wishes, Barbara

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