Do past health conditions come back with Perimenopause
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Hi Ladies,
I hope this message finds you all well? I have been in Peri since 2013 and have most of the symptoms, the worst of which is the hot flushes, nausea and daily headaches. I have also noticed panic attacks, depression & anxiety which I had years ago have suddenly come back with a vengeance...I also noticed recently that another disorder I had in the past very mild self harm ( scratching myself till I bleed- not with scissors or knives though) has started to come back a little, I find that if I ‘m anxious or upset I decide to scratch myself, yesterday it was my hand I scratched with my broken thumb nail, it hurt but it kept my mind of how crap I was feeling with the headaches and nausea...
My question is ... is this normal for Perimenopause, for disorders to come back duty to Perimenopause??? Have any of you ladies gone through the same things?
Would love your thoughts.
Take care
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michelle50768 anna42582
Hi my love
Interesting you should mention this
I had a history of self harm and anxiety and depression growing up
I’ve been in peri 11years
I won’t list all the symptoms because I’ve literally have or had every single one!!!!
It’s been HELL!!!! That is no exaggeration
I have had an increase in skin picking more so on my fingers till they bleed
I’ve been going through a very bad phase last few months to the point I’m having to put plasters on
I’m starting a new job next week and really don’t want people to notice my sore fingers🙄
I’m 50 now been period free 9 months but prior to that was period free for 13 months
Another long story I had thyroid surgery which brought on a period😡
I would be really interested to hear the other ladies opinion on this
These women here are amazing
They have saved my sanity many times believe me
Big hugs to you
Stay strong x
CarolKelso anna42582
Hi Anna
Yes in my experience.. Any under lying condition can be re visited with a vengeance. These underlying upsets we have can lie dormant for years and when our hormones are out of sync, these things raise their ugly head. I suffered from panic in my early twenties than suddenly out-of the blue... I'm awoke n in the middle of the night with the same...for no reason only I'm going through the change. I've accepted that a going to experience all these things and im no longer afraid. It gets a grip of you but I pray and focus away from it.. Walk or exercise and rest especially ...go easy at this time of your life... We will all come out heading other side.. X CK
metamorphed anna42582
Yes, I believe they do. Mine were physical injuries, when my hormones went haywire, areas of past injuries were the places that ached the most. I had a completely frozen shoulder for 6 months, and when I got the injury way back, it took 6 months to heal properly. So menopause just wanted to remind me of past pain!!
With you, I would ask them to check progesterone, this drops off first and lack of can cause the anxiety and it sounds like yours is severe enough. If you go online to the popular video site (cant name it, but everyone knows it) and put in progesterone and anxiety, there are similar stories to yours.
I didn't previously suffer with anxiety but I have it now, but like a lot here too, it is health anxiety because of the physical symptoms of peri/meno.
hope that helps
karen66219 anna42582
I read somewhere that when women enter into this stage, the hormones effect them at their weakest point. If a woman is prone to depression, she becomes more depressed. If she is prone to anxiety, the anxiety will become worse. Whatever, the ailment is can be magnified. If this be true (and I believe it is), then what you are saying would make complete sense.
For me, I had to cut caffeine out and I have to get enough sleep. I notice if I am tired, the anxiety is worse. Mine did get so bad that I had to go on an SSRI for it. Believe me, when I tell you that I feel your pain.