Do probiotics help?
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ok so i have struggled for the past four years with multiple perimenopause symptoms.....i have even tried antidepressants on 4 separate occasions and they helped with anxiety but no relief from my biggest problem which is the digestive and stomach issues! I can get acid reflux for no reason at all, i continually get a gagging feeling in my throat (even if im not stressed or anxious), but the worse of my symptoms is almost daily nausea, loss of appetite, slow digestion, noisy gut gurgling, bloating and constipation. It is so bad now where i can barely eat!! When i do eat the next day i will have a massive stomach attack where im so nauseous i feel like i have the stomach flu, no diarrhea, and my tongue gets a white mucous all over it!! I have tried food elimination diet including dairy.....dairy is not a problem but i did notice granola and oatmeal makes me extremely sick when it used not to! I have been checked for celiac disease which i dont have. So my question us has anyone tried probiotics to help their digestion and did it help with nausea, food sensitivities and constipation?
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debra16694 Guest
hi Brandy - Everthing i have read points to the gut as a cause for most of what ails us, so i think getting on a good probiotic would be a great suggestion to see if it helps. i just read that it may take a couple of weeks to see if it makes a difference - Also, you mention your tongue having a coating of "white" you might want to check if you have "Candida" which is basically a yeast over taking your system - generally a naturopath can test for it & you can take supplements to keep it in check with eliminating certain foods - i would also suggest taking apple cider vinegar capsules for the reflux, they helped me a great deal & activated charcoal when the gas & bloating got out of hand - ugh! this is so tough all these symptoms - our bodies have just gone haywire!
Guest debra16694
Thank you for the advice! Oh boy this is rough, when i was growing all i ever heard about menopause was it caused hot flashes! My mom only has hot flashes and depression with her hormone imbalance and here i am with almost all of the 66 symptoms! I honestly thought i was dying from something awful, i had all kinds of tests run, i was checked for candida i dont have it, it makes me feel like a crazy person cause i come away with no answers and no way to minimize the suffering
debra16694 Guest
hi Brandy - oh, good news on the Candida - sounds like you are doing everything you can - my digestion, gas, bloating, reflux was really bad about a year ago & then its acting up again with early morning anxiety, so i think i am going to get on the Probiotic bandwagon - there appears to be a direct correlation with gut/anxiety issues -
kelly55079 Guest
I have wondered this myself.. A few months ago I bought a good probiotic but haven't taken it yet.. But perhaps this will help me.
Woodlands1 Guest
Hi, Brandy. I, too, had numerous digestive issues last year for about 6 months. It got so bad along with the health anxiety that I convinced myself I had a terminal illness. I did start a good quality probiotic and it has helped tremendously. You have to be consistent taking them, though. I still get occasional tummy issues, but no where near what it was before I started taking the probiotic. I have also found that getting back into daily exercise has helped too. Sometimes, even if I am exhausted I still force myself to go on a run or do a weight workout. That, honestly, has saved me. Take it a day at a time. Know you are not alone. I hope you feel better soon!
Guest Woodlands1
Thank you i am going to buy one then and give it a shot!
kelly55079 Woodlands1
Just started this probiotic... Do you think it helps with other things as well? I take several vitamins but I still feel exhausted at times so I will do my best to take this on a daily basis. I was concerned do I really 'need' another pill to take but some say it helps them with being bloated and keeps them regular...
Max2626 Guest
Hi Brandy definitely buy and take a good probiotic religiously - I think this has really helped me - I take two every morning - do your research and find a good one if you want to DM me I can recommend one from Amazon. Also apple cider vinegar and aloe vera juice are really good for the reflux - you have to take for a least a few weeks though to get things feeling better so don't give up. When reflux is bad I also take gaviscon right before bed for a good few weeks and this helps too. I've recently started swimming so agree that exercise also helps as I feel calmer - good luck honey DM for anything I can help with x
Guest Max2626
Thanks!! Thats funny you mentioned gaviscon i started taking those before bed. I have ordered me a probiotic and i have started doing yoga and aerobics....i hope this helps some i need relief!
Max2626 Guest
Good luck let me know how you get on 😃 x