Do's and donts dwhen going to the gym
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I am 7 months thr , although there is still some slight discomfort around the buttock and scar area I feel ok. I am going to start going to the gym. I far as I'm aware it is ok to use the exercise bikes and rowing machine, can anybody tell me any other do's or don't please.
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hope4cure chris16462
Nothing weight bearing ever. That is really to maintain good hip implant to last longer. Don't move past any restrictions until released by your dr.
However er not knowing what type of implant you have cemented, non cement, screws non screw or pressfit or both in some cases.
No no age is also in the mix. My best advice is to follow your doctor's advice and there are all the do's and don't located right here on this sight. Just do a search.
stay well and strong and happily the best exercise are glute squeezes keep the muscles to the knee and core strong. Until the bone growth has really grown into the implant to stabalize takes at least up to 8 months.
renee01952 chris16462
is there someone supervising you - a physical therapist maybe? might be important to know if you are doing the exercises correctly -
please let us know how you are getting on ..
big warm hug
Rocketman_SG6UK chris16462
Yep, I was cleared to use a static exercise bike and 'cross trainer' at 6 weeks, I never got to use the rower though.
renee01952 Rocketman_SG6UK
Rocketman_SG6UK renee01952
ooooh - yes - of course.
Not got my mind on it - too busy documenting post-THR sex positions on my website
- I found the scientific story behind the picture - so new links are included.
hope4cure Rocketman_SG6UK
chris16462 Rocketman_SG6UK
Thanks for the reply, I didn't go on the rower, realised when I got there it was too low to use.