Do these symptoms suggest ovarian cancer?
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HI All.
i am going to book an app with my doctor just wanted to see if yout hink these are symptoms.
i have lower adbominal pain..well achey pain really in my penvic reagion and right sided back ache, my upper abdoman is bloated.
ive gont the worse thing and googles it and all that keeps coming up is ovarian cancer...
im so annoyed that ill have to go to the doctor again as i seem to be always there...between my thyrpid, ectopic beats, IBS (not diagnosed yet) and reflux, im there all the time.
what do you think?
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catspelle1 meljenk
meljenk catspelle1
catspelle1 meljenk
Redwoodgirl meljenk
Ovarian cancer does have vague symptoms but they tend to be more bleeding, pain in the area of the ovaries, and sometimes no symptoms at all!
You can be checked with a blood test for ovarian cancer known as a cancer marker, CA125 This is often raised in ovarian cancers (and often it can be raised for other reasons) An ultrasound can check to see if any cysts may be producing symptoms as well.
You may well have food intolerances that you are unaware of at this point. They can lead to bloating, achey feeling in the lower pelvic area. You can do an elimination diet of say two weeks no milk or dairy and noting how you feel, then the next two weeks, say, no gluten, etc.
Try not to google symptoms as you will always get the worst case scenarios every time.