Do vaccines heighten symptoms
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My doc told me that it is time to get a tetanus shot, it has been 20 yrs since my last one, but curious to know if it will heighten my symptoms. Has anyone got one since going through peri or meno ? Thank you
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jamie37119 hopeforever
Personally, I no longer vaccinate due to a severe reaction to the flu shot. I am also more sensitive to medications in general since starting Peri. I personally, avoid medications of any kind as much as possible because of my history. But if it is something you are concerned about maybe just look into that particular vaccine a bit more? See what the side effects are. Best of luck finding a solution that works for you.
Gigi368 hopeforever
I got my tetanus booster last year and also get my flu shot every year. Aside from a sore arm for a couple days I didn't have any heightened meno symptoms.
Takingtime hopeforever
As much as I understand the reasoning behind vaccines, I will no longer vaccinate unless absolutely necessary.I had my tetnus shot over 13 years ago and I did not have anything major happen just a really sore arm for several days........I was in my early thirties then.......I also was able to handle the annual flu shot........that was up until my late thirties, I HAD A TERRIBLE reaction or effect from the H1N1 where it attacked my nervous system and to this day over 10 years since, I have lived with chronic pain. I also now have a reaction to medications like antibiotics, and anti virals where I break out in a rash until I stop taking them.I strongly feel that vaccine messed up my immune system and I have been working hard ever since to undo what it has done. I personally think it is an individual choice we are not all cookie cutters where we can tolerate the same things. I do feel vaccines and medications can be life saving, there is a time and a place for them.
charlotte57631 hopeforever
I have had both shots and have just experienced soreness but I have to get the flu shot due to me having lupus..but in remission now..with all the symptoms of menopause it does not make a difference.☹
Thank you wonderful ladies for your response. I will discuss it with her before i make my decision. Thank you once again. God bless