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I am trying to hold down a job and it's a pretty difficult one at that but feel exhausted most of the time
I find it exasperating when I feel that people with no experience of things seem to suggest I'm a light weight
I just can't do what I did before plain and simple
I do wish this MENOPAUSE/PERIMENOPAUSE thing was taken seriously
Mrs M
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terri16632 MrsMerm
thanks Terri
I appreciate you getting back to me
terri16632 MrsMerm
I am going to see whats on the bottle now
Jay91157 MrsMerm
most days it takes me ages to get going, stiffness and general exhaustion
any kind of stress makes it much worse
to-ramona MrsMerm
I noticed that someone mentioned magnesium citrate - I'd not heard of this, but anything is worth a try!
I'm sorry I don't have any answers, but I thought you might want to know that you're not on your own
. Let me know how you get on,
Anna x
I can't cope with stress well, altercations with people, on Friday last week I had a stinker with consultant (work) related and could not face anything over the weekend, the whole business exhausted me mentally (and physically)
I am such a positive person but feel hopeless useless and helpless
to think it's only just over a year ago that I hiked for 3 times a week, sometimes for 3 hours (hill walking) I feel that I will never be able to do that again, I find it difficult just earning enough to get by
my body aches and my hands, shoulders, after my shifts I need time to recuperate
conseqently I have become an unreliable middle aged worker
But I'm ambitious and used to love life, really
the whole business, menopause for me is an oxymoran and I'm the moran in it
sorry but feeling at wits end, going to bed now to sleep again, that's all I seem to do these days
Mrs M x
to-ramona MrsMerm
Sounds very familiar! I haven't had the taste thing, but the work stuff sounds extremely similar.
I'm not a naturally positive person, and have struggled quite heavily with depression and anxiety in the past (to the point of being in hospital several times). HOWEVER, over the last 10-15 years - with the help of CBT - I have really turned this around and now I do consider myself to be a positive person (I sometimes have to work on it, but that's OK).
This seems to now be in ruins, and I feel every bit as negative/anxious/depressed as I did. Actually, that's an exaggeration - it's nowhere near as bad, but it is certainly pretty horrible. I haven't had any confrontations but my head is everywhere and I can tell it's been noticed. My reaction is almost always tears - not in front of anyone, I take myself off to the toilets. It all sounds a bit tragic, doesn't it?!
My energy has reduced massively, and my evenings and weekends are basically just catching up on sleep and rest. The aches and pains are fairly new, and a little bit baffling. For example, the soles of my feet hurt if I haven't walked on them for a while, my back hurts quite a lot, and I get sort of random pains in various places. It's awful!
Are you thinking of HRT? It's certainly my next step ... I've had a hell of a job trying to get onto it (hormone tests etc.), but I'm going to insist. If it's not for me then I'll have to think again, but enough is enough!
I have, in the interim, ordered some magnesium citrate - just on the off-chance that it will lift me a little bit ... I'll have to let you know!
Anna x