Do you have pain in the other hip after first hip replacement?...please read

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I had my first hip replacement in December last year on my right hip, and quite quickly within a few months (or less) my left hip started to hurt so much, the pain was terrible! I felt so completely disheartened to think I would now need the second one done.

Although xrays show my left hip is very far from perfect, I really did not want to have another THR (I am 41) so soon. This message is to those whom are in the same position.

Now I am nine months on, my left hip pain has decreased significantly and is not too bad, so for anyone not wanting to rush into a second hip replacement, it might be worth giving it a few months to settle down. I think the strain of the first hip replacement on your other hip is huge.

Having said that if the pain is unbearable and you are suffering, there is no point to wait, as we all know the pain doesn't get better, but for those with moderate to mildly severe, it has been worth waiting for me, I am hoping to give it a good few years before undertaking my next one now, as I can definitely live with the left one as it stands now.

(I hope I haven't played devils advocate by posting this!) smile 

On a serious note, I wanted to share my experience with you - it may be reassuring to you if you have the same kind of pain in your other hip.

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20 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Rose,

    it's really good to hear about your experience. I'm pleased to know that the pain in your other hip has subsided a bit.

    Wishing you all the best, Judith

    • Posted

      Thanks Judith - I just wanted to say sometimes it can work out differently in time. I know I will need another replacement at some point.

      I thought it might be useful for other patients experiencing pain in the other hip to be aware it might just be strain. In my case it was definitely strain, I know of plenty of others whom have the opposite experience and there other hip goes downhill very very quickly. No way to know which one you will be.

  • Posted

    Hey Rose

    You know me anyway but l got my 2nd hip replaced 8 weeks after the first one but this did happen to me as l was only really getting severe pain from the first hip then a few weeks after my 1st hip replacement suddenly was getting as much pain in the other hip as l had on my other before l had it replaced. Both my hips showed up as being really bad which suprised me as the pain was just on one side for a year. I planned to get the 2 done while l was off work.But l had my other replaced asap as l felt just as bad as l did before.

    But what l will say when l found out l needed both knee's replaced l only had pain in one to now l have had it replaced. I was due to get other one done asap to but l have changed my mind there is not much pain in my other knee yet so l have put it off going to see if l can last a year. But l think it was because the knee op was really really hard and l am scared to get other yet. But l agree with you about the hips its just l had mine both planned in 6 months.

    Laura x

    • Posted

      Hey Laura - yes I was with you all the way, indeed we had plenty of conversations about the next THP.

      On the plus side your is now all completely out of the way, where as my next THP looms in the distance.

      It was a post to reassure some that it might be strain that causes the pain, and does not neccessarily follow they need to have the next THP straight away, that things may settle down in time. It may be comforting to those that have experienced, I worried about it endlessly.

      That said, there is plenty of good reasons why you should get it all done at the same time, as you get it all out of the way in one go, and go back to enjoying life without any worries for the future. Which is never a bad thing smile

      How is your job going?

    • Posted

      Funny enough rose when l said to my doctor l was not doing knee replacement until a year he said you might find that the other knee settles down anyway and you might get longer. So l get what your saying totallly.

      Sorry was not meaning to take away your advice ot was not meant that way l just was agreeing that mines did that to and think you maybe right. I dread the next knee replacement l hope l last a year xx

    • Posted

      Jobs going ok that me into my 2nd week but everything with my mum is going awful the 2 days l was at work l ended up crying as my mum was in a panic texting me saying the doctor told her there was no hope. But she has lost her mind and getting mixed up so stressed with it all . I spend all my time at hospital or in phone to hospital and at the weekend we just go on and help my dad look after her. Try ang get her to eat drink. She is now. Wanting me and my husband to stay over when she comes out as she feels safer. Its so hard just on a dinner break just now then l am off back in xx
  • Posted

    I've read that it is very common to need your second hip done not long after your first. I'm 48 years old and just had both of my hips replaced 5 months apart. I was recovering nicely from my first surgery when my left hip got worse quickly.

    It's great that the pain has gotten better but in my opinion, as soon as it starts effecting your lifestyle, it's time to get it done.

    • Posted

      You are completely right Chris, I was effectively unable to walk by the time I had my first hip replaced, and this is a terrible idea. I know my recovery suffered because I waited (put it off) for so long. There is no point, the end result is just the same. 

      I am also putting this one off, but all the while I can do normal daily things I can carry on without the next THP for a little while longer. When I can't stand and get out of the car etc I will have the next one done without delay. I am much less worried about the next one. 

      Both my mum and aunt replaced their hips and almost immediately after had to get the second ones done too! It was not possible at all for them not to, they were in horrible pain. I feared so much it would be the same for me, with two young children and a husband whom works 80 plus hours a week in London - it was a terrifying prospect, so I dragged it out - prayed alot, and over time the left hip has got better (not perfect, it does collapse on me, and hurts at the end of most days) but it was definitely better than back in Jan, and I thought I would need a replacement within weeks....

      For those that are fretting as I did about the next one, they should wait and see. It will soon become apparent. The strain on the other hip I think immense. 

      How are you doing now Chris? You didn't say when your hips replaced. 

      Also think there is something said for convenience of having both hips replaced close together. If you can get them done in a smaller time frame you are all set up and prepared in every way - and of course you are able to steam ahead once you are better without the worry of another operation on the horizon.


    • Posted

      I'm doing well. I'm 6 months post op with my right hip and 4 weeks post op with my left. My right hip feels as good as new and had to get strong quickly to make up for my left.

      Feeling pretty good for 4 weeks post op and the second surgery wasn't as bad as I remembered the first one being.

  • Posted

    Hi Rose,

    I had left hip replacement in July and the surgeon did comment at the time that I would be coming back for the right hip as it is badly worn.Like you,this one hadn't given me much pain but is now worse than the first hip was!I guess I was letting the left hip take the pressure.I will have the right one done in a few months time when the first one is fully healed


  • Posted

    Hi Rose / I can't blame anyone for wanting to wait! I'm 11weeks RTHR and just getting away from crutches, still use cane when walking the dog, mostly for security reasons. Saw my surgeon yesterday and all is good. I think a lot of the people here are pushing too hard with the exercise. He told me to take it a little easy on the walking if it is causing pain.

    Anyway no I have not had pain in other hip thankfully. I had both knees done about two years ago (3 months apart) Recovery from knee surgery was a year long process and I was just feeling really good and right hip went bad, AVN. Very discouraging but I'm feeling almost back to normal. Almost. So the thought of another surgery is not very appealing! However if the pain is bad I would not wait. There are other solutions like injections that some here have had success with. Find posts from CHICO MARX or ROCKETMAN for more information. Good luck.

  • Posted


    I had my left hip replaced in Jan 2013.  It was really bad, however, I was able to work and play my various sports until the day before surgery.  Approx 1.5 yrs later, my other hip started to bother me, and I figured, I just pulled a muscle or something.  I was told my other hip would need to be replaced, which was a surprise to me.  I waited approx 2 yrs before I had the other one replaced (7/25/2016).  I could have waited longer but the pain was interfering with my leisure activites.  I should have known better, because i was born with hip displasia.

    Good Luck all  biggrin

  • Posted

    I too have had my right hip replaced I'm am 37. My left also was hurting but not like my right had!! My doc said no he didn't want to replace it cause I'm so young and will need a revision later. With hip dysplasia ... and bone Loss the revision could be complicated. So here I am 7 months later with no pain in either!! So happy I didn't!!


    • Posted

      hey snowgir, 

      good to see you here with such great news ... 

      thinking of you

      big warm hugrenee

    • Posted

      THanks Renee!! Missed you guys!! Been busy and I never got emails of new posts or old posts!! Kinda slipped my mind...then bam!! Emails!! Yay!! Hope your doing well!

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