Doc says swim every day....

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Hello there!  GP said.....there's no magic answer, just swim every day.  Feeling utterly grim with new symptons every day.  Today I am tearful and anxious, who knows what tomorrow will bring.  Just need to know I'm not alone.


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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Lucy tell me about it Anxious is my name I did crying and anger what next, what poor women go through I will never know,I listen to music and take walks try and keep sane,I do tell myself it will get better thinking positive van be hard too but have to fight each day as it comrd.
    • Posted

      Hi Maria, that's grim.  Anxiety is so awful.  How long have you been suffering?  Do the walks help?


  • Posted

    Does anybody get a rotten taste in their mouth like when you're getting over flu ?
  • Posted

    Hi Lucy. Your GP sounds as good as all of mine. One of my gps told my 20 year old son who accompanied me to try to tell of my symptoms, as I was a crying wreck, that your mother is not going to die through lack of sleep.  Needless to say I wrote & complained when I felt stronger as I feel you should do as that was a crass, unhelpful piece of advice to give you. We all know what we should be doing but feeling able to do it is a different matter. I was a keep fit fanatic until this happened now I can barely get out of bed through pain & tiredness. Just remember we are all in the same boat & have coping times & heinous times. We are here for the bad times. Take care. 
    • Posted

      Hi Christine, thanks for your reply.  I hate the thought of anyone going through this hell but it does make me feel a lot better to know that I am not alone.  Just when we need help the most, when we are at our lowest ebb and making a doctor's appointment can be a challenge in itself.  I am struck by just how many and varied the symptoms of the menopause can be.  I am anti-social, scared, lonely, itchy, spotty, moody, sad, anxious and many other things too.  Do you exercise at all?  Does it make a difference?


    • Posted

      Hi Lucy. I physically can't do any exercise as all my joints ache and I am sooo tired all the time. I have seen numerous doctors but they all just say I'm depressed. I know I'm not I'm just sick and fed up living like this and it doesn't help that I used to be so active and now I'm virtually a recluse. All your symptoms are familiar to me. I even had my tonsils out in January as I was getting recurring infections. It is a horrible time of life and the only thing keeping me sane is coming on here and knowing I'm not alone in this suffering. This is real not matter what anyone says and it's awful. Keep you chin up lv. 
    • Posted

      Oh that sounds hellish! Especially as you used to be so active. Does anything help?
    • Posted

      I have good days & bad as I'm sure you do. I just console myself that this is a process I have to endure and that I will get through it. What do you feel is your worst symptom at the moment ?
    • Posted

      Morning Christine, at the moment the worst thing is the mood swings. I never know if I'm going to burst into tears or snap at someone. I feel lonely and lack confidence. I look like I've aged years overnight and have feeling of uselessness. Oh sorry, you only asked me what the worst one was, ha ha. I'm hoping today is better day. :-)
    • Posted

      You poor love. You really are having a horrendous time but trust me there are episodes when you cope better with these awful symptoms. The anxiety is the most debilitating I find as you are not able to do anything when you feel anxious. As for snapping at people, I am not ashamed to say to people ignore me it's my hormones. I tend to lock myself away when I feel like this and my husband & son know to leave me alone until it subsides. You wouldn't wish this on your worst enemy would you!! I'm here for you if ever you need to let off steam or panic with you. You are not alone & I'll keep on telling you this as I helps to reaffirm this in my own head too. Take care my love. 

      Oh btw when you are having a panic, breath in & count then exhale for twice as long. It does help. X

  • Posted

    I'm so sorry you're going through this Lucy! You are not alone ! My anxieties and tears got the worst of me too but I have been put on hydroxyzine 20mg. And it has taken away ALL of my anxiety and stress and I'm starting to feel like my normal self. I hope you feel better soon but just know we all are here for you!
    • Posted

      OH, that is SO lovely, thank you!  What is hydroxyzine?  Who prescribed it?  Doc or gynaecologist?

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