Doc upped the Sertraline?!
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i restarted Sertraline 50 mg after being off SSRI's for 2 years as my anxiety and depression became unmanageable again..
I really did not want to but needed to.
After persevering for 2 months with insomnia, fatigue and lethargy( although I have already been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and CFS).. Grinding teeth, poor appetite, nightmares, twitching eyelid constipation depression( mild) and anxiety ..and other niggles.. I told my doctor..SO ... He increased the dose to 100 mgs???!!
i am scared of the very scary anxiety when I wasn't on them .. But I really don't think I can go on like this...My doc has on record that I had these side effects last time.. Just don't know why he's re- prescribed them( just typing this is wearing me out). .. I live on my own, I am 58 and have suffered this way for a long time.. Is this IT????!! I used to be able to dust myself off .. Of sorts.. Now my days are " small" and of poor quality.. Is it the tablets?? The depression? Or CFS and Fibromyalgia.. Goodness knows😒😞
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Gem101 wendylulu
I was put on 50mg sertraline to treat anxiety and I'm 4 weeks in and still suffering really bad side effects poor sleep, feeling down, sick, headaches and just generally awful. People have to said to keep at them and although Im still getting side effects still things are starting to settle down slowly feeling like I can cope a bit better. But totally understand what Ur going through at my lowest it felt unbearable and I felt like there was no light at the end of the tunnel.
Doc tried to up mine to 100mg but I've still been taking 50mg just peservere and keep going with them. It can take some people the full 6 weeks if after that time things really aren't getting better then go back to Ur go and discuss other options
Good luck !
Anniebutterfly wendylulu
Digsby wendylulu
I'm sorry to hear what you are going through. We all hope that medication will take the edge off our daily struggle but it sounds as if Sertraline isn't working for you. I had to change the meds I had been prescribed for 2 months before Christmas - the side effects were intolerable (but I've read other people on this forum have got on ok with the one that disagreed with me). We are all different and medication is a real balancing act. It is frustrating waiting for the benefits to kick in. I think Anne is right and you may need to be more assertive with your GP. Citalopram has worked for me in the past. Do you have any support? Are you in contact with a CFS support group? Do you have someone to talk to when things get really tough? We are here for you, so don't give up, please. Let us know how you are getting on. Big hug.
Digsby x
wendylulu Digsby
To be honest I have tried Citalopram and Prozac in the past Also Nortriptyline for Fibro pain and to help me sleep .. It's like being between the devil and deep blue sea... As the side effects are just as bad as the fibro symptoms and CFS!.. Let alone the anxiety and depression. I used to be so fit and healthy.. Gym.. Water ski .. Badminton..cycling etc... Had very bad marriage and a counsellor said i pass.. Could go on and on lol!.. I live alone.. Don't see family but try to keep busy .. Did join a Fibro group but became more anxious as it was quite a negative atmosphere( maybe how I perceived it).. It hasn't helped as had ATOS assessments a Tribunal etc.. My doctor and local MP has helped and I have been successful.. I would like to meet friends and even a partner but I get anxious.. Ha ha.. Oh dear.. I'm going on so will finish now😉
thank you for your reply 😉
Digsby wendylulu
Stay in touch. Bless you. xx
wendylulu Digsby
im hoping to start medication classes soon.
I have started card making class and then gave it up!.. Didn't enjoy it( depression makes one negative I know).. I intent to start swimming again and maybe yoga.. It's easy to make excuses not to go!.. I have a tiny Shih Tzu called Saffie who i adore( and she adores me!). I take her for a short walk every day and throw the ball in the field for her .. When not too muddy!
even though it tires me out, I do get to chat to people..
I find my doctors appointment goes too quickly for me to remember everything.. He wants to see me again in 6 weeks.. I have been weaning off the sertraline, which i haven't told him as i don't think he will be happy!!
i will write down things next time before i go
Digsby wendylulu
Well done for trying new things - sometimes we don't know if we'll like something until we try it. It often takes a lot of courage but you have the right positive attitude, looking forward. Do you have a friend to go to yoga/swimming with? Someone else can help motivate us. You will have days when you just don't feel like it and that's ok - don't be too hard on yourself. I didn't mean to imply that you - or any of us - are too needy. A member of the mental health crisis team once described me as "needy" and it was a bit of a shock (as it was only the second time I had ever needed to ring them). It didn't put me off reaching out for help to others, but it did make me think first about who best to ask, and share the load. It's tough finding the inner resources all the time, so friends are invaluable to encourage us along life's journey. I'm so glad I've met a new friend in you :-)
Take care. Never stop believing in yourself. xx
wendylulu Digsby
It would be good to keep in touch Digsby( is that your real name)?
here are some photo's of Saffie( the wrong way round)!
Digsby wendylulu
Saffie is super-cute!! xx