Doctor has just put me on Nortiptyline for headaches. Anyone had any joy on this medication?

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I have tried a lot of drugs & i really hope these will work for me & just wondered if anyone has had any joy with these.

Also what dosage is best & any side effects.

Many Thanks for reading


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19 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello, just wondering how you went with the nortriptyline? I have just started the medication and feeling rather weird. I have not noticed it stopping my migraines though but still early days.
  • Posted

    Hello Pinkmuffin,

    I am no longer taking then as i didn't feel they worked for me. What have you tried & how are you getting on with the nortiptyline?

    Butterfly x

    • Posted

      Hello and thank you for responding. Still on nortriptyline, I actually upped my does to 20mg lately because I felt that 10mg was not working. I do feel rather anxious on these tablets, I don't like how they make me feel but still battling away in hope with them as it's only been two weeks. Nortriptyline is the first medication I've tried, it's strange how anti depressants make you more depressed. What medication have you tried? Any luck?
  • Posted

    You're very welcome & i'm sorry it wasn't sooner.

    Yes i actually feel worse than when i started & i have tried lots of things.

    Citalapram, prozac, sertraline & now on venlaflaxine. For headaches i have tried amitryptaline, nortryptaline, topermax, naproxine & i'm now on propananol.

    So how are they making you feel when you say weird? x

    • Posted

      Everything just feels a bit numb, don't feel like everything is real! Maybe because I'm very sedated with it. I do find it quite shocking how doctors give out mind altering drugs and nortriptyline is supposed to be the one with the least side effects. How did you find topermax? I hope you have finally found the right med for you. I was given citalopram a few months back before I was diagnosed and ended up in a&e with it, nasty drug. How do you feel now though, any better?
  • Posted

    I know it's very worrying isn't it. I'm sorry you had a bad time on the citalipram. The topamax for me didn't suit & i had a bad reaction.

    When i was on the nort i got some sleep due to the drowsiness & that was the only good point for me. They also made me feel very cotton wool headed if that makes sense.

    • Posted

      Yeah cotton wool headed, I know what you mean. How long did you try nortriptyline for? Sometimes I think doctors don't actually know what to do with people like us. I've heard a lot about to topamax and how nasty it can be, it will be my next med so a little nervous about it. Unsure if I want to try any further meds to be honest, maybe wean myself off these n just hope the headaches and other symptoms will just go away one day as I've pretty much given up trying. Doctors just make me feel worse.
  • Posted

    I was on them for a good few months & even went up to 60mg with no effect. So maybe give them a little longer & see if the doc thinks it might be worth trying to up them.

    Topamax was just awful for me & i had a bad reaction so i would say stay away, but everyone is different aren't they. I just wish somethingg would work for us & the doctor would care more about how we feel.

    • Posted

      Wow you really did try with them ey! 60mg is a lot to be taking. I've spent most of my day sedated on the sofa feeling incredibly woozy. Doesn't seem to be a drug out there that doesn't mess with ya head. Yeah apparently only one in five people who take topamax can tolerate the side effects so I'm not surprised to hear that you didn't agree with it.
  • Posted

    So what do you think you might do?

    Would be nice to keep in touch & help each other through. x

    • Posted

      I agree, I shall definitely keep you updated. Unsure what I'm going to do really, I suppose I should soldier on with nortriptyline for now. I'm thinking maybe give it a month, I dunno! Keep in touch. confused
  • Posted

    Hi, I realise this post was made three months ago, but thught I'd respod anyway! How are things with the Nortriptyline Butterfly1?

    I just stopped it last week because of...sorry to mention this but...extreme constipation.

    I was unbelievably bloated and my doctor told me to drink more fluid. Easy for him to say; I couldn't fit anything in lol!. Laxatives wouldn't help either. I was only on 10mg, so if I was having so many problems with such a small dose, what would it have been like when I hit 50 mg!? Plus, from what I read online; once you have constipation as a side-effect, it's nearly iimpossible to get over.

    I was also having really bad problems with my memory, so I had enough. I wasn't getting any pain relief either, although I was only on a small dose. I'm going back too my doctor next week and asking for something new.

    How are you getting on? Hope you're ok.

  • Posted

    Hello Holly,

    I am no longer on the nort & am now on propananol & still have these terrible headaches & nothing works sad.

    I'm sorry you had a bad time on them too & i defo put on weight with them!!!

    What are you on now then & how are you getting on? x

    • Posted

      Hi Butterfly,

      I'm so sorry you're going through an awful time. I'm going through exactly the same. I've had my headaches for two-and-a-half years, but they have gotten so much worse lately. How long have you had headaches for? What type of headaches are they, if you don't mind me asking? My neurologist recently said mine are tension headaches

      I'm actually on nothing at the moment. I stopped the Nortriptyline last week and regular painkillers eight days ago because I'm sure I've been having medication overuse headaches.

      About seven weeks ago I finished a course that caused me a great deal of stress. At the end of this course my headaches got a lot worse (I assume because of stress) and my usual pattern of headaches changed from 2-3 days per week, to a continuous headache that to this day hasn't abated. I've had it for 7/8 weeks now. I recently decided this headache must be due to medication overuse, so I've stopped everything. I was taking paracetomol for 6/7 weeks every day, and at full dose. I'm hoping my headaches settle down soon, but they've just gotten worse. I know with medication overuse they're supposed to get worse before they get better, but they would really need to get better soon because the pain is terrible and I can't handle it much longer. So I'm pretty awful right now.

      Funny that you mention propranolol because I'm seeing my doctor tomorrow and that's what I'm going to ask for. My Neurologist suggested it when I saw him a few weeks ago, but he ended up starting me on Nortriptyline. How long have you been on them?

      I see you tried Topamax. So did I. They were awful! They brought on pain with me. Plus, I had every side effect in the book with them. They didn't work at all for you?

      Anyway, I just want you to know you're not alone in this. I'm exactly where you are, and anytime you want to talk don't hesitate.

      Thinking of you.x

    • Posted

      Wow you have been struggling. I myself have basilar type migraine which causes vertigo, I don't have to have a headache to get a migraine, which seems strange but very annoying. Be careful taking so much paracetamol, as using them all the time can actually cause a migraine instead of taking it away. I'd stop taking it. One thing I find that helps is steam, bowl of boiling hot water and a towel for 15mins as many times as you need, also, if you get tension type forehead headaches, have you tried using 4head? It's a stick that smells like mental that you put on your forehead, it's good cos it gives instant relief as well as it's not putting any drugs in your system. I'm currently on nortriptyline, before I started it I had diarrea so it's helped in that department n does seem to take away any headache type pains but not the vertigo or flashing lights in my vision.  I do hope you get better. Keep us updated.
    • Posted

      Hi PinkMuffin,

      Thanks so much for your reply. It really helps to know I'm not alone in this.

      Yes, I've stopped the paracetomol. I went for two-weeks without any paiinkiller apart from the Propranolol my Doctor just started me on.  The pain has been so bad though, so today I took three asprin, but they seemed to bring on a different type of pain. I find that virtually nothing helps me. Do you find that? Yes I've tried 4head and kool n soothe. I don't find either the stick or strips help me too much, but I occasionally get some relief rom the strips.

      Thanks for the tip about the steam and bowl. I'll definitely try that.

      How long have you been on th Nortriptyline now?x


    • Posted

      Hello holly, I have been on nortriptyline for almost a month now. I does take away head pain very well but hasn't stopped the vision disturbances or dizzyness. Changing your dose can also temporary make you feel rotten, like I've recently done and now have a throbbing head, I know it will go though and hopefully this dose increase will stop the dizzy spells. With using steam , I also put on as oil in it, can be a bit strong but it does wonders for me, especially I difficult headache I wake up with. Do you get dizzyness or bright lights in your vision? Hoping your on the path to recovery biggrin
    • Posted

      So you wake up with your headaches? I'm exactly the same.

      No, I don't get dizzyness or bright lights in my vision. I have developed a sensitivity to light when my headaches are really bad though.

      Great news by the way! I'm taking propranolol for my headaches and it seems to working!!!

      How are you feeling today by the way?


    • Posted

      I've been taking 150mg a day of nortriptyline for the last 20 yrs and it's worked well for me. However I lost my doctor after he closed shop and I just stopped taking it suddenly because I ran out.  No insurance and no money to start all over again with a new doctor somewhere so I've decided to see how I do without it after all these years. Feels like the coyote running right off the cliff and the effects are.... shall we say....unpleasant.

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