Doctor thought it was a migraine.
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4 weeks ago I began to get headaches on one side of my head just dull throbbing and weakness in my right arm felt generally drained and all I could do was sleep and I saw a doctor and he said it is Migranes and the episode should pass shortly...2 weeks after it wasn’t any better and my entire right side began to became weak my headache got worse in intensity and left eye felt a bit blurry than usual, my headache I found was so much worse when I lied down or went to bed and when I woke up in the mornings, I got spasms in my right leg so I saw my GP and he looked at me a bit funny and said hmm okay let’s order a scan for your head and till this day I’m still waiting and I’m getting worse everyday now even if I stand I feel instantly sick and I have this weird pressure like feel building in my head especially noticeable when I do strenuous activities I’ve got pulsating in my ears/swooshing sounds my back is in agony just in the one area and I had a health check with a nurse 3 days ago and my no was 157/110 with a HR of 125 and i thought it would go down and away but I’ve started to check chest pain and just feeling off?? Anyone had this before? What do I do? Out of hours say go to your GP but I’ve only just registered to this GP and he isnt doing much and I’m getting worse everyday and I have exams, uni & work!
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JoyKF53 Patelshriya
Hi. Obviously this can't go on so I have 2 suggestions. You could go to your nearest hospital emergency department, don't tell them about your G.P. unless they ask, and explain all your symptoms to them. They may do a scan while you're there. If you don't want to go down that route email PALS (patient advisory liaison service) and explain how I'll you are and how long you've been waiting for a scan. They may be able to help or advise you. Personally, because I don't like waiting, I'd get myself to the hospital. Let me know how you get on.
Patelshriya JoyKF53
Hello, thanks for the response so I was sent to a&e the other day anyway but they said they can’t do anything for me there anyway and go to my GP and wait my GP said the scans were sent as urgent but it’s now been 2 weeks and still nothing and things aren’t getting better just worse like getting into a warm bath and my feet feel like they are on fire? And pulsating in my ears and feeling like my upper body is pulsating even though I’m on medication to control my BP & HR - just generally getting so snappy and agitated I’m forgetting things like I’ll be driving and completely forget where I’m going or at work I’ve forgot the combos to doors and my log in and all sorts it’s just not me
lynda20916 Patelshriya
I agree with Joy, get yourself to an ER and don't tell them about your gp. You need medical assistance.
y12345 Patelshriya
Do you have any updates?
Hope all is well with you
Patelshriya y12345
So I began to get heart palpitations and feeling as if my head was throbbing so I went to my walk in centre which is also my GP practice they done an ECG and sent me to the hospital and I was told my heart is beating 3 times as fast as it usually should and that I’m a girl and it’s normal and my head is a migraine and my GP is stupid and shouldn’t have ordered a CT Scan and I was given brendalol to bring down my heart since all that I’ve just been forgetting things morning just more irratable and angry. Had a bath yesterday and it was warm yet when I put my feet in they burnt as if they were on fire?? And even though I’m on brendalol I can still hear pulsating in my ears and like my upper body is pulsating when I lie down