Doctors said im FINE! why am I feeling this way then!!!!!
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I had my ECG and ECHO tests done today.
THANK GOD both reports came back absolutely normal.
I was... am relieved but I still have this ...( idk how to explain this feeling,) feels like my heart is being stabbed or pinched or pulled on and off many times throughout the day the sensations last for a sec or less and continue on and off throughout the day. Any time.Sometimes they dont happen at all.
The more I think of them the worse they get.
And they are reallllly uncomfortable.
They're actually happening right now. Every few seconds.
I was CONVINCED something was wrong but both the tests came back nomal.
ECG was normal.
In ECHO, the doc checked up my heart and showed me too! It was scary.. you know, seeing my heart.. ( its like an ultrasound) everything came back normal! And both the docs and nurse were basically smiling
They were like " you're a healthy 20 year old"
Why the hell am I feeling this way then! GAH!!!! And yeah, I get this lump in my throat feeling on and off too... I can still tolerate it but this feeling in my heart. I just wanna cry so hard right now!
Whats goin on!
P.S I visited the Biggest and the best hospital in my Country.
It cost me alot too. * sigh*
7 likes, 78 replies
Ftejeda tiffanyxoxo
alikhalifa tiffanyxoxo
Hey Tiffany,
First I hope ur feeling good now and i want to tell you that i have the same problems, pain in my chest, pain in my heart, 24/7 headache sometimes i feel like i cant feel my body and i get so tiered even sometimes my blood pressure get a lil bit high and its been for like 3 years or more i did all the tests my doctor told me to do , echo,ecg,blood test everything is normal i even got in the hospital for 3 days and everything was normal and the doctor told me that am even healthier from him haha ... if something wrong with me them something would happen in the last 3 years all i want to tell you is that dont be scared to get stressed be brave ur fine ur more than fine i run everyday i do 50 pushups i go to the gym i play basketball and when am doing these i dont feel s**t just when i get home haha so just when i thibk about them i feel pain ...dont be afraid be brave .UR FINEE TRUST ME ??
ricardo22412 alikhalifa
christophe21935 tiffanyxoxo
hi tiffany,
i've felt that way for the past two months i've come to realise i have health anxiety, but was also diagnosed with acid re flux after seeing an ENT specialist, i've also had tests done ct scans, blood tests and everythings come back negative, my advice would be to just sit back, relax, take deep breaths focus on the positive stuff your still waking up every day. your stress about this is just making things worse before it gets better, get exercise do work outs i would dis-advise going on anti-depresents they just make things even worse the best way to get through this is to think "everythings all right i'm fine" maybe also try talking to a therapist and hey sometimes crying is good for you
Guest tiffanyxoxo
I'm feeling same one ..How to get rid of it I have done a lot of test all came normal
darren01232 tiffanyxoxo
danish49564 tiffanyxoxo
But whenever I play football or busy out with friends I don’t feel any pain
So how should I stop this sudden pain that happens
Despite my echo and ecg are normal which I took 2 years ago
Should I use any meds
anthony47600 tiffanyxoxo
charlie56759 tiffanyxoxo
hello all,
well i guess im not the only one feeling like this.... mines come out close to the afternoon, and night. Mine started after i ran 3miles, and it went away. it came back again after i ran 3mi again the next week. ever since this has been with me for a couple of weeks and i have been to the ER, they said everything is normal, that i might have anxiety. i had echo test done and normal for the most part. stress test, same normal, 24hr monitor same normal for the most part...
i guess looking up your symptoms isnt good either it just makes me more aware of little things. also, my hands get cold and i get shaky....
tania27 tiffanyxoxo
i can totally sympathise you posted ages ago i wonder how your doing now? x
samposaivo tiffanyxoxo
Idk if this helps you at all, but I've been feeling the same way! Same stuff but then sometimes i also feel lightheaded, and suprisingly it usually does not happen when outside or exercising. I went to the doctor about a week later I felt this way and my heart and lungs were good! Also took a blood test and nothing. I've also felt some chest pains here and there and little coughing. My mom said it is most likely because of stress or tiredness, but i'm a really positive 14 year old boy and recently I've had nothing to stress about! Some days it doesn't even happen, today it has happened a few times. I'm not really scared for my health, but it does annoy my days... But I'm not trying to stress too much about it and trying to live my normal life. 😃
audra76052 tiffanyxoxo
I have been dealing with this for over a year I have heart palpitations daily! I just wore a heart monitor for 30 days I had an EKG done and I had echocardiogram also had blood work done how many test done and they keep saying that nothing is wrong but I deal with it daily I know what anxiety feels like and this is not anxiety to me I do have a good days every now and again but most of the time I am so sick that I can’t get out of bed I’m sick of people thinking that it’s in my head sometimes I think the only way they are going to know something is really wrong with me is if I end up in the hospital or die God for bid that happens. Its been awful not being able to do daily tasks. so i feel yall pain!
jade19948 audra76052
Hi im a 21 yo female. i get you. i just wish there was a way to know.there is nothing wrong with my heart, then i wouldnt mind the symptoms so much... im so sad i just wish i could be normal. sometimes i spend a month in bed without eating almost bc of my symptoms. i was wondering if there was any way we could keep in touch because knowing im not alone and reassurance really helps me.
amber3711 jade19948
Heyyy i feel the same way ive barley eaten in the last couple of days maybe me and you can keep in contact for reassurance.
jade19948 amber3711
I think they dont let us share personal accs on other platforms... how have u been feeling tho?