Doctors said it could be Ulcers, gastritis & H pylori... Help!

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Today marks one month and a half that i've been suffering with burning in my stomach... this is how it all started: 

Early in the morning i stopped by a gas station to grab my regular decaf coffee. To my surprise they had ran out, they had regular caffeine coffee so i took that one. 20-30 mins. After drinking it i started having that burning sensation on the upper part of my stomach. At first i didnt take much importance and i just grabbed some nexium from walgreens but few days passed by and no effect. I scheduled an appointment with the doctor and i got tested for H pylori and it came back negative. That time i was prescribe pepcid 20mg (twice a day) it kinda help but it didnt take the full pain away. Week later i missed work and ended up going to the ER. They really suck at their job they kept me there for so long just to tell me they though i had an duonal ulcer and was given omeprazole and sucralfate. Omeprazole would cause it to irritate more i felt so i went back to pepcid 20mg. I did started taking the sucralfate for protection of my stomach linning. 2 weeks later i made another appt to see a different doctor . They ran a CT scan and blood work, everything came back positive. No i have a follow up appt. coming up on the 13th of this month to see if i improved or worsen. I think i slighty improved but eating bread and large meals triggers it real bad. Never had bloddy stools or vomited. Have had a few ocassions when i feel a bit nauseas but no vomiting. I think next step with the doc will be ask for an endoscopy. But im aiming more to gastritis because of my symthoms. Can anyone relate to my experience so far? And if you have what was it and how you solved it? Please help! 

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    ****I meant to say after the CT scan and blood work everything came back normal*****
  • Posted

    Does the burning ever radiate up to your Jaw?

    Whats your BMI?

    Do you ever get gnawing pain or feeling sick?

    • Posted

      Hello Ben, no it has never radiate to my jaw. It has radiate down to my belly button like that needle pain sensation sometimes. But 98% of the time is in the middle upper abdomen. Gets worse when im standing , working i dont even wanna run because i think it will trigger it. I do get gnawing pain, not completely sure about my BMI but i think last time doc said it was around 31%
  • Posted

    Could it be your gall bladder? I had H. Pylori it sucked but i was getting bad diarrhea i couldnt keep food down i lost 10 pounds in a week. Then my baby got it and she infected me again about 2 weeks ago so i started drinking cranberry juice natural jo sugar no artificial flavors the actual thing. Proboitics i totally recommend them they clean your gut. And tumeric and milk thistle i noticed my stomach becomes upset if i eat anything fattening which i did the entire last week so my gut hates me rn sad
  • Posted

    But ulcers and gastritis are caused by h pylori as well
    • Posted

      I had my gallbladder removed back in march this year.. so i know is not that unless its related to it like a side effect which i doubt. But anything is possible... like today i had two donuts and i had to use the restroom 3 times in less than an hr. And ive had donuts before and no problem. 
    • Posted

      I tested negative for h pylori. They wer thinking it could be an ulcer but for them to be sure they need to run an endoscopy which ima ask for it to be done on monday when i go back for my follow up
    • Posted

      Gallbladder removal can cause bile acid malbsorption which causes diarrhoea.  You can also be left with problems with digesting fatty foods and pain.

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