Doctors won't take me seriously, help!
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I am 44 years old and at my wits end. I hope someone may be able to offer some sage advice :-) For the last year or so I have been experiencing a worsening of anxiety (have had anxiety for years caused by trauma in childhood) feelings of malaise, fatigue, aches and pains, headaches, period pains without a period, nausea, ibs, temperature changes and thought that maybe I was in the perimenopausal stage. I went to the doctors, explained all this and asked about HRT. They didn't do any hormone checks (or any other blood work) and no physical examination. Put me on evorel sequi patches. Did at first suggest anti-depressants and I know they do this to fob patients off. But I continued to suffer and anxiety increased. So I asked for proper blood tests. Found to be deficient in vitamin D and low fellatin levels and high levels of folic acid (I am a vegetarian) and everything else can back fine. I am now taking multi-vitamins, vitamin B complex, iron and vitamin D. The hormone levels were checked and were okay but of course, taking hrt may have skewered them. I have been to the doctors several times, in the hope they would take me seriously but to no avail. I don't know if I am in the perimenopause stage or not (periods are erratic, if at all). I often feel as if I am premenstrual but don't have a period. Then I am also on Micronor (mini pill) and the last doctor said I shouldn't be taking both! Another doctor said I was too young to be in the menopause. I am so confused and all the while, the health concerns continue. One doctor just told me to sleep more! I have small fibroids too and sometimes I get such extreme period pain in the back, down my legs but often no period. So I asked the doctor if I should come off HRT if I am not beginning the menopause. One said you can just come off it even though I said I'd read that wasn't advisable and another said to simply cut the patches in half! I am so sick and tired of my doctors and have wondered about making a complaint. I think they believe I just want reassurance but I just want to feel better! I don't even know if I should be on HRT! Sometimes I can put on a patch (now half a patch) and get extreme period pain (often on the side where the patch is, put it on my hip). Does anyone have similar experiences or advice please? It would be gratefully appreciated.
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susan21149 star2sparkle
gailannie star2sparkle
I do understand how you're feeling. I am now 58 and of course, menopausal. But I remember all to well the symptoms you are describing. I too, tried HRT in this period of time. The one thing I can tell you is that your hormones are bouncing around, big time. It is somewhat difficult to use HRT in perimenopause because of the wide fluctuations. Some days, it's too much and other's not enough.
Frequently doctors are not schooled in hormone replacement. And therefore are little to no help.
It isn't unreasonable that you could be menopausal at age 44, but the majority of woman don't get there until their early 50s. However your age is perfect for the perimenopause stage, where your hormones are all over the place. Apparently, what you are taking isn't helping your situation. It may be a good idea to get off everything and give your body time to re-adjust. I know that sounds a little crazy, but I found that the side effects of HRT were worse than the symptoms I was having. I went off all HRT and while it took some time and was a rocky road, my body did calm down and I went another 8 years of fairly normal periods and felt ok.
It isn't possible for you to do FSH and estradiol/progesterone/testosterone testing while you are taking hormones. So if you decide to get off them, you could then do some testing to help understand what your ovaries are doing.
The one thing that might help, is to really pay attention to your stress level, nutrition, vitamins and sleep. Your body needs all the help it can get right now to adjust to lower levels of hormone.
I feel for you, I too have been there and understand how awful it can make you feel.
Hope this helps.
star2sparkle gailannie
TeresaJS star2sparkle
I'll be brief. What I'm going to say here is based on my own experience and my extensive research on health during the last few years.
I believe it's better if I PM you some links so that you can listen and learn for yourself ad see if it makes sense to you.
Is this okay? So, I'll put between brackets a number (#) and you’ll know it's the number of the link I'm PMing you.
If you have childhood trauma you'll likely have Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder – CPTSD which in turn creates a HPA Axis dysregulation. Meaning: you have high levels of chronic stress that have severely compromised your Adrenals functioning. With the Adrenals mal-functioning you’ll get high levels of anxiety (1).
By being Perimenopause and with it the ovaries diminishing their function an extra pressure is put on the Adrenals. So the “orchestra” is out of tune. (2) (3) (4)
Your Perimenopause symptoms indicate that you’re oestrogen dominant. That is: you have more oestrogen that progesterone. The patches the doctors prescribed you are estradiol (oestrogen) made. So they worsen your PMS.
On the Perimenopause you’d need natural , bioidentical progesterone – prescription Utrogestan at bed time, for 12 days before menses (5)
For all the rest (and dear, I know, it’s a lot) you need:
- Good, caring trauma psychotherapy/counselling;
- 12 steps Support groups (if you find it where you live);
- Proper Endocrinological assessment (test saliva + serum + urine cortisol levels, + all the other relevant hormones, Thyroid, blood sugars, etc, etc) followed by proper treatment;
- Proper nutrition (increase protein) and supplements; continue the Bs, add extra B5, + C high dose, etc.
- Yoga or Tai chi
- If could go to an alternative medicine consultant it could be beneficial.
I hope you find this useful.
Give us some feedback will you?
A gentle hug. Teresa
susan21149 TeresaJS
i have PTSD due to my childhood and i agree with you because for one a child who goes through traumatic experince being mentally abused phsically abused or sexually abused they grow up with more anxieties and they have a hard time dealing with stressful situations.
I was mentally abused by my mom and sometimes physically and then watching her drink and get mad drunk was really scary for me yes i had my sister and brothers my brothers it did not bother them like it did with me and my sister.
Yes when you have a lot of anxieties in you as a child you grow up with them and then the stress in everyday life.
Its hard because i think about my mom when my boyfriendand i argue and the way she treated me and yes i do have PTSD in me because of the way i was treated by my mom and depression and anxieties
Anxieties will always be there we just have to learn to cope with it
TeresaJS susan21149
susan21149 TeresaJS
Plus PTSD can cause stomach issues because of the anxieties and stress
I have a lot of support thank you
TeresaJS susan21149
star2sparkle TeresaJS
TeresaJS star2sparkle
International non-proprietary names
norethisterone acetate
The latter its not natural progesterone: it's synthetic progesterone.
These two have on many aspects opposite effects. Anxietywise the only effective one is natural progesterone.