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Does anyone else feel awful around ovulating time and before period? I have been feel really good for the past couple of weeks. If you check out my postings you will see that i havent been having good days at all with peri. WOW! I was so excited. Now ovulating week comes, and peri hits mainly with digestion. Stomach feels sick and naseous , bowel issue, acid reflux, bloating, heart palpits, just not feeling well feeling especially in the mornings. What goes on during ovulating time and before the period to heighten these peri.symptons?
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maria76995 mary27278
Hi Mary sounds like me all over..with n sleep to go with it,and feeling hot one nice package..everytime I don't sleep yes feel terrible, do you sleep with that nauseous at night I think it would stop you from sleeping, I think that's what happening to me.
mary27278 maria76995
Posted sent me to physucal therapy today. Im so tired of dealing with all these specialist and no one wants to say that menopause is tbe root of these problems. Well at least the physical therapist acknowledge that perimenopause causes the ligaments to change in your body which contribute to back pain. He descrube somewhat like when you re pregnant how it changes the body. He also thinks that my weigh loss is what has weak so thw muscle has to be strenghten. Is it really weigh loss or just plain peri? Because I feel stronger than ive ever felt since taking the ashwagandha and other supplements. I think i can be much better if my stomach was not so sensitie. The anxiety has decreased alot. It was cimpletely gone until ovulating time. At one point stomach issue.was gone, now its just frustating. A different feel of the stomacg, it feels weak, tingling, and sticky pain under rib cage. Ugghh! Im sick of this!!
maria76995 mary27278
Hi Mary, understand..I feel bit funny in mouth sickly feeling no taste in it because it's dry awful when I get up in the mornings..I have been through this a long time and post I hope is my escape route like all of us that approaching it, I try not to think about it on a daily basis,but it's there on your mind the minute you wake up but during the day I clean up and watch my programmes talk to people on the phone..when you think how long I have been having the crap I'm still here thank God..I use to be isolated and I felt better last year and got back out the door and here it comes again in November leaving me a bit back to where I was but I'm still forcing myself out and not to go back lock in again..if you let it get to you that's what menopause like and will can stop you getting on with life..sometimes I feel like something happening to me and I get up and walk around to distract what ever was coming on..last nigh I was so tired from not sleeping for 2 days because anxiety attacks me at night every time I try to drift off so it try to stop me from getting sleep..I had a good one this time, every night is a struggle but they were times I didn't sleep at all, so I think my sleeping is getting better dropping off when tired..are you still having period if so hope you soon start feeling better hugs xxx
karen60759 mary27278
Hey Mary, yes indeed, ovulating time can be a b***h ! I track my cycle with an app, and I had been feeling great, then literally within a couple of hours I developed anxiety, bloating, nausea, and cramps, so I checked the app to see where I was in my cycle, and i had just started ovulating! I also get really vivid dreams and sweats at night, even though it is freezing here right now - I guess it's when we get a big reduction in estrogen - and peri just makes it more acute, as I never noticed it before. So I'm just hoping it passes in a few days, I take Dim and additional progesterone as Ultrogestan, as I generally have symptoms of estrogen dominance being cysts and endometriosis, which generally have really helped, but I still get the odd blip around ovulating and period. Hope you feel better.
mary27278 karen60759
karen60759 mary27278
Hi Mary,
My experience since I've had DIM is that I feel great 80% of the month, which is an improvement on maybe 50% before, but I still get a week of symptoms - which varies either its around ovulation, or pre/post menstrual, so its not a miracle cure unfortunately, but it has helped a lot. Apparently it works by changing the type of estrogen balance - apparently there are 'good' and 'bad' estrogens, and it balances that out so the good is in balance. I also take Calcium Glucarate, because this helps to processes the elimination of estrogen through the liver, to prevent a build up - you can get the 2 in one capsule as they are recommended to be taken together. I do't know why it doesn't seem to work in the symptom weeks, maybe the hormones are fluctuating too much during this time - who knows? but for me, its not as bad, and much more acute, I can literally be feeling like c**p one day, and suddenly fine the next day, so it's more manageable.
My personal opinion is that blood work seems to be a bit of a waste of time for determining this condition, as its widely known that its the fluctuation in hormone levels that causes the problems, not the levels themselves - so you would have to take blood every day, 3 times a day for a month to get any kind of accurate prognosis , so your test was on a day when your estrogen was low, but clearly you're not in menopause yet,so your estrogen levels may have been much higher on other days- I was actually told by a specialist in London that saliva tests were much better, and I did this for a month - they are still in my freezer though! because I didn't think they would tell me anything I didn't already suspect and also because I started with the DIM and the symptoms were more manageable.
I also take some bio identical progesterone for all but 3 days of my cycle, which may also be helping ease my periods, which were getting heavy, though again it doesn't seem to shift symptoms too much during my hormonal week - maybe we just need to up the dosage during these times?
Hope you feel better soon - happy NY!