Does Anyone Else Feel Like They Are Going Insane?
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Rationally, I know that I am not going insane. I recognize what is happening to me, and I know that it is hormonal. I am turning 52, and as my periods have become more and more irregular, my symptoms have become even more intense. My moods are all over the place from peace and happiness to rage, despondency, frustration, and severe agitation, all in the blink of an eye.
I am a strong person, and I am determined to do this, and I will; it's just that after three years, I am so exhausted by it all!
The physical symptoms aren't fun either (bloating, alternating constipation and diarrhea, disorientation, zinging throughout my body, feeling hot and then freezing...), but I can deal with them. It's the mental symptoms that are so hard to cope with!
I know what I have to do, and I am doing it: staying focused and getting my tasks done, working (I run my own business), seeing friends, exercising, eating well... It just seems that no matter how hard I work to be well, I still find myself in the same place.
I recognize that I can't control my hormones. When things are bad, which they are most of the time right now, I just tell myself that time is passing and, one day, all of this will be over, and I won't have to live like this anymore.
Can any women out there relate to my story? Please share your experiences with me. It helps to know that I'm not alone.
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Pra_Adoni bev27429
Bev, you are definitely not alone! You could have described me above!
I am 53 going on 100 with almost ALL the meno symptoms. My last period was in January, so I am at the mid-point between perimenopause and menopause and having a horrible time of it. I have one good (acceptable) day for every 5 bad/very bad days.
My main issues are mainly physical ones - pains, discomfort, unexplained feeling of doom and worst of all insomnia. How can anyone function on 3-4 hours of broken sleep? I am at my wits end and the doctors here don't want to "treat" or entertain anything other than hot flushes and heavy sweating. I don't get sweaty, but am getting hot flushes now and then, again not often enough to get HRT. I suspect that my thyroid levels are off, but the normal blood test does not show that and an extensive blood test just for thyroid is not done just because I want it. I don't know when (if) I will feel like the old me again.
Please don't lose heart. You are not alone and I am sure we will get thru this...some better than others.
Hang in there!
Kadija1966 bev27429
I can completely relate to your post, you are not alone, Since my period stopped in march all my symptoms have tripled, its there nearly most days, the worse for me is the anxiety and fear. I use to be comfortable living on my own, now im so scared, fearing something will happen to me anytime. I cannot relax or feel free with this, the evening are worst. It also raises my blood pressure as i feel im losing control. Honestly i can understand how you feel. So many ladies going thru this perimenopause are facing this same issue.
Ouch49 bev27429
Hi All,
I am on this crazy ride with you! I am 48 and being tortured daily. A few years ago, I experienced a panic attack (my first time) and I literally thought I was dying. Over the years, they come and go on a weekly, sometimes daily basis. The real symptoms started from not having a period for 9 months and it came back on 10/19 ( i remember b/c I was at a football game... in white jeans!!) Shortly after, I landed in the ER with what felt like I was dying again. I was DX with high blood pressure and prescribed meds (that interaction with that med almost took me out too!) I changed it and at least that got better!
Since November, I have gone to the ER several more times, been to various doctors, had ECGs, EKG, MRI, CT Scans and blood work that all come back normal with fluctuating cholesterol and BP issues, all that stemming from the drastic drop in oestrogen. I should mention I had an ovary removed in 2012 and ovarian cysts on my remaining once that has had my Hormones out of whack for years. I have no idea where to go next! I cant take HRT due to cancer in my family and don't want to b/c I heard it just suspends the symptoms until you come off the drug and you will be right back.
The chest, shoulder and arm pain is unbearable along with the lack of sleep due to pounding palpitations in my chest, neck and head it seems. I also have the hot flashes in abundance, dizzy and light headed feelings all day and intense anxiety. Some days, I can barely drive. The chest pain is so often and painful, next stop will be to a Cardiologist! I believe in God and am praying daily that he takes this pain from me - from all of us! Continued prayer for relief!
kmazz47 Ouch49
I'm 48 and dealing with the same crazy symptoms! The dizziness and light headed feeling is awful. I also get a feeling that my face is warm but it's not a hot flash, it can last for awhile too. I have blood work done to check for everything and all is normal. I love this forum because it makes me feel like I'm not alone.
kmazz47 bev27429
I can relate!! I'm 48. . My sleep is all messed up, some days i get this light headed, woozy feeling, my ears ringing, anxiety, and at times I just feel drained. I have to force myself to take my walks. I have had every blood test imaginable done and everything is normal. I told my gynecologist yesterday that I actually feel better when my period starts. I started taking a multivitamin and have been prescribed a low dose Prozac to take two weeks each month before my period. I haven't started the Prozac yet but am seriously considering it.