Does anyone else get these anxiety triggers?

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hello i have this things that trigger my anxiety and i I was wondering if anyone else gets them.

  1. if I haven't eaten properly for the day and I have excessive wind that can can cause all types of sensations within my body and can often trigger anxiety sometimes I have to convince myself that is what it is otherwise I panic and its such a stupid thing to cause panic over

  2. does hay fever trigger anyone else's in anxiety sometimes I just feel weird at the start of the day as if something just feels off until the traditional symptoms come into play play a little while later itchy eyes itchy skin etc until then i feel like something is wrong or off and i have to ponder what it is before i l really start panicking.

  3. similarly does anyone else get triggered by slight changes around them including temperature and if I'm already anxious it can be really noticeable and cause panic?

  4. lastly anyone else get anxious while exercising sometimes i have to convince myself that its good to do exercise and your body responds positively to it and that I won't collapse

thanks for reading

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    all of the sensations you are getting are extremely common even in people who don’t have anxiety. Passing wind is way common! People get it for so many non-serious reasons. I wouldn’t even think twice about that. People have allergy symptoms all the time also. You can take a daily over-the-counter allergy tablet for that. I think that you are over thinking all of this. temperature changes or another thing that people sense all the time. not a big deal at all. exercising is great for everybody. I exercise whether I have anxiety symptoms or not. I don’t care because I know it’s going to help me. Everybody should get a complete physical check up at least once a year. Don’t focus on these things at all. Just remember, that for the rest of our lives we are going to have all kinds of bodily sensations that are not her fault. Get your yearly check up and get on with living a life of happiness, gratitude, love and joy!

  • Posted

    Hi there,

    Yes, I also get triggered by these things because they cause bodily sensations that can remind us if panic x

  • Posted

    yeah thanks for your responses

  • Posted

    yeah thanks for your responses

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