Does anyone experience burning face, scalp and head? ;o(

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Hello everyone, I'm brand new to this group and to be honest, not sure which group to join as I think my issue could either be menopausal or neurological neutral however, I would like to check with you lovely ladies if anyone is experiencing the same as me due to the menopause.  Three months ago, I was aware of pins and needles in my chin (left side only).  Since then I'm experiencing on a daily basis, the chin pins and needles, a burning sensation all over my face (both sides), sore jaw and ears, burning and electric shocks in my scalp and back of my head.

I also have intermittent burning/pins and needles in my shoulder blades, arms, lower legs and feet.  Oh and itchy skin too!

I've been perimenopausal for at least 18 months but can't tell when I'll hit the actual menopause from my periods as I have a merina coil fitted so no bleeding.

My folic acid is low (1.6) so currently taking folic acid daily (5mg).  My B12 is within the guidelines but on the low side, 286, but Doc is not treating this so I'm taking a multi vitamin, trying to eat clean, drinking loads of water, etc. 

Please, is there anyone else experiencing these symptoms?  the face and head issue is worrying me senseless, which of course, makes the symptoms worse!... neutral  thank you x 


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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Pam I intermittently get burning patches on my scalp that feel like someone is holding a blow torch to my head, I also get this on my back, pins and needles are a big thing for me at the moment in my hands and feet but this only lasts a minute or two so I think it’s my body positions. Try not to worry if you have mentioned the symptoms to your doctor they would have sent you to see a neurologist if there was anything suspicious. x
    • Posted

      Hello Caroline,

      thank you for taking the time to reply back to me, it's much appreciated ;o) good to hear I'm not alone in the scalp thing, it's the most bizarre feeling, but sorry to hear you are suffering from it as well, as I know how annoying and uncomfortable it is!  Unfortunately, my issues seem to be constant, no let up from the moment I get up to the time I go to bed.  The burning and pins and needles doesn't keep me awake, but I've got the night sweats for that ;o(

      I guess I just have to monitor it and if it gets any worse go back to my GP and ask for a Neurologist referral... meantime, is there any natural remedies you know of that I could take to try and calm the symptoms down?

      Thanks again x

  • Posted

    I went to see a neurologist both NHS and private because I got so worked up about all my different symptoms, I also had a brain MRI, they didn’t find anything and put it down to anxiety. I think it was perimenopause causing all my crazy symptoms but no one suggested this. It’s worth seeing someone though just to put your mind at rest. I’ve tried lots of natural things supplements, meditation, yoga you name it I’ve tried it I don’t know if they are making me feel any better but I’m keeping going? This forum has really helped me I think knowing that other people are going through similar things is so comforting. I hope you start to feel better soon and that we are getting close to light at the end of the tunnel x
    • Posted

      Aaww, thank you Caroline for your comforting words, I've only briefly read some of the posts here (I stumbled across this site whilst googling my symptoms which of course you should never do as it just freaks you out even more!) and I do agree that this is a very helpful place to come and realize that I'm not the only one going through this, and to benefit from comforting words from people like yourself x  I have wonderful family and friends but feel quite alone right now as I don't know anyone else that's either gone through this, or going through it.  Which is not a bad thing as I wouldn't wish this on anyone! Will see how I get on with the Doctor and hopefully Neurologist, I don't hold out much hope sadly, it does seem like we need to work it out for ourselves as to what's going on with our bodies. Research is the key I guess, just try and avoid the scarey stories! lol... x   

  • Posted

    Hello Pam 

    I do get the itchy scalp but is some inflamed I did went to the doctor and he saw some inflammation and gave me some meds to apply on the scalp, I get itchy skin , some night sweats , shoulder pain , hip pain , pain in the ovary specially the left side .  I had a hormones test and was all normal.  My periods are ok some heavy other months are not that heavy.  I do get zaps in the head , neck  and when I turned my head I feel my neck grind.  My doctor don’t believed in peri menopause until I have missed at least 12 months!. Crazy I hope you feel better and I’m here to talk . 

    • Posted

      Hi Eliaimee

      Thank your for sharing your story with me ;o) I'm so sorry to hear about everything you are going through too, I get ovary pain and know that I have 2 cysts growing, endometriosis to thank for that.  A common thread with most people posting here is the lack of belief in our symptoms, and knowledge on this subject, from our GPs and medical field in general - it saddens me. 

      However, I do feel a bit better in myself now that you and Caroline have shared your experiences with me so thank you so much.  It's definitely good to talk! Take care ladies x


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