Does Anyone Experience Lower Back Pain After Bowel Movement With Hemorrhoids?

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Just seeing if anyone gets lower back pain with their hemorrhoids especially after a bowel movement. I am finding I am either experiencing back pain or if that goes away then the hemorrhoids are painful. So fed up with it as its been two months of trying to resolve them. I am coming to the conclusion that I will have to have surgery. I am favouring the Rafaelo treament which I think I can have on my private health insurance. Has anybody here had success with this treatment?

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    This is becoming a commercial gimmick. All kind of hemorrhoids can be treated with banding. Its the simplest and most effective treatment. All you need to do is to find a good doctor. I had grade 4 hemorrhoids which this doc fixed in two sessions with minimal pain and no down time. It was a miracle.

    • Posted

      I have considered banding and it seems to have mixed results with a high percentage of them returning. I am going to discuss the options with my doctor but ideally I would like to avoid surgery if I can...

  • Posted

    Is this the first time you are having them? There are less invasive treatment options than surgery. i know what you mean though, 2 months dealing with them as well and I am getting fed up.

    • Posted

      I have had mild flares on and off since the birth of my last son 23 years ago and they have always gone away with over the counter creams. But since the beginning of December they have been bad and they only slightly improve for a few days with prescription creams/suppositories and then return. I have upped my fibre intake slowly and drinking more water too. Now two months on with no improvement, I'm just SO fed up and deciding whether to try and persevere or seek surgery.

    • Posted

      i had unsuccessful banding. i gave birth to 2 10lb babies no drugs and i would have another 10 over banding again. im booked in for a hemmoroidectomy now and its taken me 4 years to get over what i went through to go back and see someone different. apparantly why i was in so much pain is that they banded external ones and too low

    • Posted

      I'm really sorry you had a bad experience with the banding. Trouble is, researching into it you are certainly not alone and the percentage seems to be high with them returning and being a hideously painful procedure. Good luck with your hemorrhoidectomy and let us know how it goes. I will look into surgery and the options available.... Who would of thought childbirth would be still causing issues. Well it has for me some 23 years on!

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