Does anyone experience ongoing bowel problems?
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Hi ladies..
I have asked this before... apologies for asking again.. . Do any of you experience a windy and painful tummy and neuasea and bleaching? I have developed ibs through the change and I can worry alot about it...its like an anxious bowel.. It is worse at times especially when I am envious.. but I'm just getting tired of this... And worried I've bowel cancer...been to GP and she said its ib. Anyone suffer the same? Thx in advance. CK
1 like, 15 replies
karen96096 CarolKelso
Hi darl yes I'm the same. Developed IBS when I started going through menopause. Been worse the past 2 years. My bowels are all over the place. Go through stages of feeling sick on a morning to xx
CarolKelso karen96096
2chr2015 CarolKelso
CarolKelso 2chr2015
lynda20916 CarolKelso
It's possible that you have IBS-D. But it''s important to remember that this diagnosis Is just a catch-all term for several conditions that could be affecting you that the doctor is too lazy to get to the bottom of. I suggest you go to a gastroenterologist to get the proper tests. Peri and menopause do cause lots of upheaval in women's bodies, but I think it's a mistake to try to ascribe most everything to them. cc
CarolKelso lynda20916
Thanks again. CK
lynda20916 CarolKelso
Wow, you must be really stressed. However, having an endoscopy for your stomach doesn't necessarily help with the diagnosis of bowel problems--unless you have bile backing up into your stomach from your small intestine. Bowel problems, at least in the large intestine, are diagnosed by a colonoscopy. Good luck to you, and I hope you start feeling better. xx.
nancy0925 CarolKelso
Yes yes yes, in fact I get bouts of gastritis where I get really bloated, my tummy hurts and I belch constantly. It had gotten better once I gave up coffee but even right now since yesterday I feel like I have gastritis. Is uncomfortable and embarrassing!
CarolKelso nancy0925
Hi Nancy.... Thanks for the reply and sorry you are too experiencing this. It's awful... I woke today with a nervy tummy like I'm going for an interview... Very windy tummy and on the loo alot and lots of belching... Like you it's bouts of it... I'm possibly stressed as moving house and relocating so I'd say this has something to do with it... Like nervous energy in my bowel... You can worry its something more serious but no point in worrying or going there.. trying to relax here about it and not feel stressed about it but it's hard.. Hope we both feel better soon. Hugs. CK
Marinab CarolKelso
IBS definitely worse. It is like my body is in a fight or flight mode. You might want to try Pepto chewables. They are great for IBS but only after your system is clear.
CarolKelso Marinab
Hi Marina. This has been really useful thanks. Yes I get anxiety with it and constant gurling that comes in bouts. God live you as I don't get vomiting but I get neasua.. I've tried everything but I feel this is something I have to ride out.. Ibs is awful. Are you living in the states as i am in the UK.? Thx CK
Marinab CarolKelso
I'm in the US. What you have sounds similar to morning sickness. Maybe you can try the wrist bands, Benadryl, ginger or peppermint? When I was in the hospital for the vomiting they gave me Valium and it helped stop the nausea. The doctor said they use it all the time for this. Who knew! I hope you feel better and all of the ups and downs settle. I feel your pain
CarolKelso Marinab
evi75119 CarolKelso
I have been officially diagnosed with bile reflux...have the same symptoms nausea, belching sometimes, saliva after eating, rarely lump throat sensation..
I have also IBS, gasses, diarreah sometimes ….
CarolKelso evi75119
Thx Evi for your reply... Helps with the anxiety... Today I am great and let's see how long it lasts... But I'm grateful for the times I'm good... Thx for the support.. CK