Does anyone get muscle spasm or twitches in their head

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Hi Ladies!

I'm primenopausal but recently I'v been having funny movement just behind my head towards my left ear.The feeling is very scary, is more like the twitches I get in my eye and some other areas.I'm tired of visiting my GP as I go there vertually every week.I don't know if anyone is experiencing any similar.Any suggestions will calm my nerves down.thanks

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    May be it's Tourettes lol  sorry,

    No Bjay haven't had that one yet, the joys of menopause........................

    have had the very woest weekend, depressed, atleast you've made me laugh with your twitching syndrome 

    have had a period after about 3 months and being on HRT

    can't say I'm feeling any benefits of HRT

    so tired, it's horrendous trying to work when I'm so fatigued

    Well hope your feeling better soon, stop worrying about the twitches, most of these bizarre symptoms come and go hun, but I know, they're just awful when you can't work out what the hell they're about

                                            MM xxx  wink

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      Thank you so much!maybe it will get better if I take my mind off it.
  • Posted

    Poor you Bjay smile,  

    it's hard to take your mind off of a thing when it's as irritating as itchiness, twitchiness and twisted THE MENOPAUSE, 

    drink water +++,  eat oily fish, Vitamin B12, B6,

    wish I could help, really neutral 

  • Posted


    Yep...I get this from time to time...mine starts as a kind of fluttering always left side of head & then seems to be like a whooshing sensaton.

    First time it happened I thought it was my sinuses which since being peri have got worse...I too seem to visit gp with every ailment under the sun anxiety,pins & needles, panic attacks the list goes on...they did offer me hrt but im reluctant...Since reading posts on here I now realise im not dieing & I seem to be better at getting through it all when it happens but that doesnt help when it strikes so suddenly especially during the night... Totally understand what your saying xx

  • Posted

    Hi bjay

    I get the twitches behiind my left eye its a nerve thing. I think it could be due to nerves and anxieties with the twitching. 

    I use to have torticollis back in 2009 it went away with physical therapy but i was getting botox shots to help relieve and losen up the muscles but the botox shots just made me sick so i ended up getting physical therapy for my neck but i had spasms in it and the neck was to the left shoulder thats how much pain i was in. 

    Do you have a lot of anxieties and nerves it could be that 

    I suggest you talk to your doctor about what to d about the head twitching 

    Are you on any meds it could be side effects ot the or it could be spasmodic Torticollis that can happen look it up on the internet and read about it thats what i had with my neck and head and it did spasm a lot and hurt a lot its better now. 

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      Susan I'm going through torticollis now. Very bad last few weeks after my gallbladder surgery. I think mine is from taking meds for depression. Going to get Botox tomorrow. How long did you have it for and is it all gone?

  • Posted

    Sounds like tension and anxiety to me. And worrying about it is making it worse. Try drinking a little tonic water. That works for eye twitching and leg cramps so maybe it will help. It has quinine in it and that's what works. If you want to add something to the tonic, that might help too! 😀
  • Posted

    Dear bjay,

    I had bad eye twitches, thankfully they didnt last long, also i went through a stage of not liking bright lights, still getting watery eyes in morning!

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