Does anyone have relief for chest pain?

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Hey, Everyone. I’m new here and I’m looking for help. I was diagnosed with achalasia very young. I had the Heller Myotomy when I was 12 years old and I’m now 26. My esophagus has since tightened back up and eating is very difficult, but it is nothing compared to the chest pain I get. I’ve been experiencing this pain off and on for as long as I can remember. The first time I experienced it, I thought I was having a heart attack. The pain will sometimes radiate through my chest, into my jaw and down my arms. It can last anywhere from 15 minutes to agonizing HOURS. I’ve tried tracking the food I eat or the activities I do to see if there’s some sort of pattern or connection in hopes of finding out what causes it, but I can’t seem to put the pieces together. There is no rhyme or reason to it. It can happen in the middle of the day while I’m at work, or it will sometimes wake me up in the middle of the night. I can go weeks without having it and then all of the sudden have it every day. It’s almost paralyzing, and I’m not being dramatic. I’ve been to my doctor dozens of times and nothing we’ve tried seems to work. Does anyone experience something similar? If so, is there anything that helps you relieve the pain? I’m desperate and any help would be greatly appreciated. 

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35 Replies

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    Hello, I thought I was reading my own story. I use to drive my cardiologist crazy telling him that I was having heart attacks on a daily basis. The pain is terrible. I don't have any idea if it would help you or not but it did help me. I had a toupee fondoplication done in September of 2017 and I have not had one chest pain since. I had a Myotomynot long ago and it really didn't do much. In case you are not familiar, a toupee fondoplication is a 270° wrap and my surgeon thought it would be the best way to go and thank God, he was right. I suffered for 8 years , most doctors didn't have a clue. If you wanna try , peppermint oil in a cup of tea or something similar is supposed to relax the esophagus. I couldn't use it as I have a problem with fragrances. Its a cheap and harmless fix if it works. If you would like to know more shoot me a message. Feel better and good luck.

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      Thank you so much, Robert. I will definitely try the peppermint tea and see if it helps. I would love to know more about the procedure you had done, but I’m not sure how to privately message you. I’m very new to this. 
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      My husband was diagnosed approx 5 years ago.

      He had the same pain, which we thought was a heart attack...and called ambulance and doctors a few times, before we realised that it was the acalayia.

      Foods such as pastry or cream tend to cause the pain....We have foung two things that work for him, which might not for others...

      Eating a banana...once he eats the banana, for some reason he gets immediate relief.

      Also sipping water..

      For the last few months we have hardly slept, as he has been wheezing and just getting to the toilet in time to be sick,, as if he wakes up drowning. X rays came back clear, then i read that the medication omeprazole can cause wheexing (an anti acid tablet) In thr two weeks that my husband has stopped the medication, the wheezing has stopped!!

      Hope the banana trick works x


    • Posted

      I will definitely try the banana trick! Thank you so much!! I hope your husband is okay. Wishing him the best. 
    • Posted

      Hey Janet, the banana trick works with all kinds of spasms. Glad it helped your hubby. Thisvis a horrible, scary , hard to figure out disease. Wish your husband luck. Before I had my fundoplication done I use to take 5mg valium tablets and it helped a great deal with the spasms in my chest. Good luck.
    • Posted

      Hello ! I am sorry for my english . I came from Albania. My mother suffers from this disease for 3 years now . She had made an operation but it doesn t work well. Now she can eat even these latest months she has some problems with eating but the most painful think is the chest pain . You told about a method named toupee fondoplication but i didnt understand what is that . I dont know how to translate it . Please tell me something more about that . She is suffering a lot . Please !!! I am waiting for a reply. Thank you !

  • Posted

    Hi. The chest pain for the last 2 years usually came right before I regurgitate then it left. Was more uncomfortable than painful.

    But since my last EGD 4 weeks ago it is a constant horrible pain that even sent me to the ER one night last week.

    The only thing I can see I have done different is started flovent inhaler swallowed twice a day. Docs all day no correlation.  Standing versus sitting seems to help, carafate dissolved and I have had the GI cocktails since the ER contains lidocaine, bentyl and Malox. Takes away about 75% of the pain.

    • Posted

      I’m so sorry your pain is constant. I really hope you find relief soon. Keep reading the comments, there have been new suggestions every few hours. Someone just told me to try taking magnesium. I’m willing to try anything at this point. 

      I’m glad you get some relief from the GI cocktail. Those never really worked for me and I’m not sure why. It’s also interesting that you find some relief from standing, because I do too! It seems to be less intense if I lean over the kitchen counter. 

      Don’t give up! We’re in this together! There’s got to be something out there. 

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      Please tell me more about your methods .. are they medicines ? I cant understand very well english that is why i want a reply explaning mee again ! Please help me ! My mither has terrible chest pain

  • Posted

    I've been rather discouraged and haven't followed this site for a bit but after reading your post I'm encouraged to get back into the saddle again.

    Your words describe, exactly, the pain and symptoms I've suffered (and so many others) for many years. While I was diagnosed later in my years than you, the suffering has been intense as you describe. My achalasia was diagnosed after I was treated for a lung infection (histoplasmosis) and they felt it was a complication of that illness. It came on suddenly along with the illness but didn't start treatment until after the other had been resolved. After a number of esophageal dilations, I underwent Heller Myotomy in 2014. I enjoyed relief for a short 18 months. In 2016 I had POEM surgery and after resolving some comications afterwards I've done well until the end of last year. In a few weeks I return to the specialist to see what more if anything can be done.

    You are so young with a full life ahead of you. I'm 60. If there's nothing else I can do, reading your post gave me the push I needed to keep persuing answers, not just for me but you and other achalasia sufferers like us. Don't stop pressing for answers! Let's get this thing stopped.

    • Posted

      I’m so glad I posted and I’m so glad you didn’t give up! As awful as it sounds, I find comfort knowing that I’m not alone. For years I thought I was the only one suffering with this kind of pain. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. 

      Please let me know how you make out with your specialist. There has got to be SOMETHING out there to ease the pain. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. 

    • Posted

      Hi, I am exactly the same and, I was upset to hear you are suffering. I am 52 and, was diagnosed at 18. It’s very upsetting to hear of youngsters that are diagnosed isn’t it. But, you are only 60 and, also have a life ahead of you so you must push for some answers yourself. I totally understand you get tired, I’ve been there myself especially when you come up against a Dr that dosnt even know what Achalasia is. I’m due to have an oesopegetomy and, saw both my surgeon and, gastroenterologist this morning who said that the Achalasia is the least of their worries as I have had a very distended abdomen for over 5 weeks now, which is causing breathing difficulties. I am awaiting an urgent CT scan which was promised days ago but, hasn’t happened yet. I’ve had an array of blood tests taken so I have to wait. My surgeon was shocked to see me and, asked me who I lived at home with and, was somebody at home throughout the day with me. Which they are not so if things do not improve by Wednesday then I will have to go into hospital. He believes it’s something happening below my sphincter and, not the oesophagus itself but, I have never suffered with the chest pain on a regular basis before as I am now experiencing it everyday. Don’t give up x
  • Posted

    Absolutely and thank you again. God bless!
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      Hi Greeka!! I’m just curious how you made out with your specialist! Any news?
  • Posted

    Hi, lots of good advice below, and I wish u calmer times! Just some tangible things that have helped me with pain in the past.

    -  for a really bad spasm ice cold water would stop it instantly. (Warm works for others). Swallow one big gulp and wait. 

    - high strength magnesium and vitamin b mix. After 2 or 3 days things could improve. 

    -  I have used calcium channel blockers with sucess; one to discuss with your Dr. 

    - Gaviscon etc; there is a chance irritation is causing pain. Even if no stomach acid this can help irration by food. 

    Postive distractions can help too, I use Fishing, art, music,photography. This may help if stress related. 

    Its really hard to know if the pain is muscular, nerve related or irritation related. So a bit of experimentation may be required...Hope this helps! Wishing u healthy karma and warmest...

    • Posted

      Thank you so much, Neil! I will definitely try your suggestions. 
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      Hi Neil! I tried the magnesium and vitamin b mix. It’s been about a week now and I haven’t had a single chest pain! I haven’t gone this long without pain in months. I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or you’re on to something. Either way, thank you so much!! 
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      Awesome. It works for me, especially when stress is high... Banana works for me too; I have one every morn to ease in the day... I drop in and out and swap and change  tricks as much as I can. Far from a cure, but for me A symtoms like to be kept on their toes!smile ... Well if they had 

      On we go! N. 

    • Posted

      Hi. Looking for ways to get rid of this chest pain. Living for over a year with achalasia. Had the POEM procedure but still suffer with horrendous chest pain. How much magnesium did you take? That's the only thing I have not tried. Thanks!

    • Posted

      Hi John. I’m so sorry to hear you’re still having chest pain. It’s so awful. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. 

      As for the magnesium, the kind I take is called MagOx 400. It was recommended by my pharmacist. I’ve been taking it for about a month now and I have noticed I’ve not been having chest pain as frequently. I used to have it several times a week, anywhere from ten minutes to ten hours. I’ve had one or two spells since I’ve started taking the magnesium which is MUCH improved. 

      I really hope it helps you. I know how horrible they can be. I really hope someday they will figure out a cure so no one else has to go through this. Good luck!! 

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      I think any high strength magnesium will do the same thing; just go to the health store and ask for their highest.. I buy the capsules and chew them. The Mag powder feels soothing and tastes ok.... VB and cardio exercise as well...

      Wishing you healthy karma,

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