Does anyone know of a none religious/spiritial alcohol detox/rehab centre preferrably near West Suss

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most of the ones we've found seem to be church backed and expect my friend t join in, which he wont and then he discharges himslef.  If we can't find a suitable one in West Sussex, then he will travel.  Your help woudd be much appreciated

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Thames clinic in Kinston upon Thames is non religious. I've been there and actually enjoyed it, food & people are excellent. Remember, it's not cheap but prices are negotiable. One person there got 3 weeks for the price of 2. My most successful detox there, stayed sober for 2 years & 2 months👍👍👍

  • Posted

    Forgot to mention, I never went to any aftercare/ meetings during my sober time, I personally think they're a load of twaddle & are more harmful than good👍👍

    Thames will get you sober & make you feel good about yourself, no scaremongering, just enjoyable activities everyday 😃😃

    • Posted

      thank you so much I will make enquiries. Hope everything is going well for you now.
    • Posted

      Everything is really good, thanks 👍 Let me know how you get on with enquireriing👍👍

    • Posted

      I am liking the sound of this - think I will look into it myself.


    • Posted

      having a bit of trouble.  When I look on line there doesn't seem to be a Thames Link at Kingston but there is one in Luton.  However, number is out of date.   Tried the web and it comes up with a group called "Oasis", which don't seem to have centres in either Kingston or Luton.  I'll try to call them tomorrow to see what I can find out.   At this rate Gwen I think I'll have to book myself in!!

  • Posted

    You have, what you already know, are groups like the A-A, higher power/god and what not. They are free, but only group therapy and not to everyone's tastes.

    You have, alcohol recovery charities, which are effectively where the governmnet/NHS/GP will point you towards. These can prescribe you benzos to detox if you are physically dependent on alcohol (the person cannot get through a day, without alcohol due to physical symptoms) amd they can also prescribe you other medication to help with the long term dependenccy, which is more psychological. They will also provide counselling of dubious quality. If you can get them to prescribe the medication needed and tolerate the couselling sessions, that is the route most people take.

    Private clinics for detox and after medication, quick, no hassle, but expensive.

    Add action (they fall in the ARC group) and if you put West Sussex followed by their name, into Google, they have three branches there. You will have to be insistent and resillient in dealing with them if you are after medication, because they prefer counselling, which like most ARC's they are not very good at and counselling doesn't tend to help people much on its own.

    • Posted

      Good post RH.  Spells it out perfectly.

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