Does anyone no if this is normal on my nails

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hello everyone hope your all well

basically I have this thick white/yellow line thro 4 out of 10 of my nails. also the skin around my nails is very flaky. I've been told I have a slight vitamin d deficiency and have been told to take vitamin d tablets daily. I also have a thyroid condition that got tested a few weeks ago and is normal. I've also been tested for iron and vitamin b and both were fine. I haven't been tested for calium but I take multivitamins and minerals every day but still no improvement. it could be completely normal but the reason I'm worried is beacuse it only appeared about 6 months ago and my nails have also started going a tint of blue every no and again. I have fibro so my hands are cold most of the time but even when my hands are warm they still turn blueish. Also I get very numb and the back of my hands and sometimes my fingers and palms of my hands go bright red and feel like there burning. (abit like when stand next to a bonfire warming ur hands up but u leave them there to long lol) does anyone have simalar or know if it could be a symptom of fibro. thanks File size is too big

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Have you seen a doctor? What was the result of you vit D blood test? How long have you been taking vit D tablets and what dose? Have you measured the oxygenation of your blood?

    • Posted

      hi thank u for ur reply. he didnt tell me numbers hes just said it was slightly low but he wasnt concerned to much atm due to it being winter and most people r deficient during winter time. no I'm guessing I'd have to go to doctors to measure that lol I've been taking vitamin d3 one tablet a day witch I think is about 12.5 plus a multivitamin and mineral tablet. when I had the test I was also taking this so my worry is if I stop taking the tablets thats I'm guna get worse cus it still showed a deficiency even when taking both tablets daily. I've been taking them for a few weeks now. shall I stop taking them?? also I've noticed my blood pressure has been abit off as my mum has her own blood pressure machiene so whenever I go over there I have a little go lol my sys is usually around 130 but my dia is usually between 90-102. ovbs dont want to look to much into that as it's not a medically machiene so could be incorrect as doctors have never said my blood 0ressure is bad when done at the surgury. if I'm honest I feel like s**t atm and have done for a while could I be taking to much vitamins?? shall I stop all vitamins and see how i go

    • Posted

      I am nosey and always ask for the results of any tests I have done. It can actually be useful down the line too. I hope your mum's blood pressure machine is wrong as that is quite a high blood pressure. It normally takes around three months to build up vitamin D. If you feel bad I think I would give the doctor a visit.

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