Does anyone throw up in their mouth?

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Indigestion gurgling comes from the base of my stomach and gurgles it's way up.  My husband can even hear it.  My daughter looks at me wierd and asks did you just throw up in your mouth again? haha help me as it's gross and tastes even grosser!  Happens every couple days.  smile

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Allthe time never had any indigestion and now all the time


    • Posted

      Me too.  smile. I had curry for supper.  The spicy food probably caused it because of my premenopause cause I have always eaten curry.  See old age stuff. (sniffle, sniffle)
  • Posted

    Dottie please take a Zantac to settle the stomach down . Stomach acid can damage the esophagus. See GERD symptoms online..

    get rid of that symptom pronto..

  • Posted

    Poor you!  I often have to stop mid-mouthful as I feel that the last mouthful is still not gone down properly and I can't speak.  Who would have thought all these things are menopausal?
    • Posted

      I had curry for dinner.  I think it's the spicy food that does it. sad

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