Does anyone with Gastritis feel Liver area pain?

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Hi everyone. Hope you are well.

I was just wondering if there are any Gastritis sufferers who get the dull ache or pain in the right side under sternum area...Like tender to touch? Ive had Gastritis now for over a year and its crippling my life...I dont feel myself anymore as ive posted previously. But im worried that the Gastritis and this liver area pain and pain that radiates between ny ahoulder blades after a meal could be down to aomething more serious. Which then feeds my anxiety....and the cycle continues.

Ive altered my diet...tried smoothies and allsorts of pills with no let up :'( 

Thank you in advance. xx

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12 Replies

  • Edited

    Hi Kay

    Yes, me. I didn’t really think that it would be related. I’ve had chronic Gastritis for a long time, and had a dull aching pain at the liver/ gall bladder area, upper right quadrant. I’ve had 2 ultrasounds on my gallbladder, everything’s fine, so I’m thinking it could be my liver, don’t know whether there is any connection with this pain and Gastritis. 

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      gatritis is different and  mild pain in right side under the ribs could be from fatty and inflammed liver

      could be seen in ultrsound

      this pain usually shows by changing position and contractions

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    omega3and milk thistle

    for your liver


    nolpaza morning and metoclobromide at night 

    one month for gastirit

    no alcohol

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    pain under rib is for liver not gastirit

    fatty liver cause dull paine especilly by changing position

    liver sonography is useful

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      Will afatty liver show up with an ultrasound for the gallbladder? 
    • Posted

      That didn’t show up on my ultrasound, if it’s not showing gall stones, or a fatty liver, could it be the pancreas?
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      It can be gastritis as far up as top of back. If your stomach lining is inflamed you can still feel referred pain in the right rib. It's not just local pain in your stomach.

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    i get chest pain intestinal pain back shoulder pain and nausea but i have esophagitis aswell as gastritis ive been hospital 7 times in 4 months with the pain and they tell me to take my meds and paracetamol. im frightened because the scans i need ct scan and ultrasound are being sideline because of covid19 and my endoscopy has also bern delayed often im in crippling pain and when i ring they doctors they tell me my blood tests are fine and theres nothing they can do its ruining my life so i can empathize

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    yes this is gastritis pain. i have chronic gastritis and this was how it was found.

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    Yes, I have it too, but in my case its short sharp pain. Doctor told me that it could be from duodenum inflammation or more likely - from fatty liver.

  • Posted

    omg yes! yes! and yes! this is me all over. ive jad liver pain in the past and ive had gastritis for a year now and i thpught it was my liver again so got bloods done liver seems ok. then because of that horrible pain that goes around the back to my right sholder blade i thought it was kidney stones but had a scan done and no stones. finally went to a dr and he told me gastritis. i was in shock. i really started to think i had some sort of cancerous growth happening as it really does feel like a ball in under my ribs on right side. and my anxiety is just getting worse but now i have found your comment i can finally relax a little. im so friking over this i have five children im 40 and i really just want to lay in bed with this condition i hate it so much.

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