Does Atorvastatin (Lipitor) cause severe muscle pain

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I had a heart attack in June 2012 and was put on many medications one of them being Atorvastatin (Lipitor) 40mg per day. After a couple of months I was in absolute agony with muscle pain which started in my left arm and shoulder, even had some numbness in fingers. The pain over the last 18 months or so has worsened going into my left shoulder and left side of my neck and now is in the whole of both my shoulders and all the back of my neck.The doctor has constantly denied it is any of the meds that I am taking and has sent me to physiotherapy many times, needless to say none of the various therapists have helped. I have been to see an osteopath, this didn't help either. I have had steroid injections into one of my shoulders, no help from that.

My pain gets worse by the week and is seriously affecting my daily life from work (I am a secretary) to driving to doing any of my enjoyed sports of fishing and golf.

I have spoken to many friends on this statin and they all complain of similar muscle pain. Why won't the doctors listen to me when I tell them this.

I have today stopped taking the Lipitor as I cannot take this pain any more. I have previously stopped this on two separate occasions and found the pain almost went away until the Doctors got quite stroppy with me and told me I was going against medical advice doing what I was doing in stopping the medication.

Is there others out there that have suffered this and have found what to do to get GP's to listen to their patient??

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34 Replies

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  • Posted

    I have experiencing similar pain. I have been on 40mg Atorvastatin for only 8 wks. The pain in the left shoulder and upper left arm / bicep started 3 wks ago and get petty bad when I exercise.
  • Posted

    Hello Debra,

    I'm wondering how you're doing and if you discontinued your statin use. I've been suffering with intense pain below my knee. Did physical therapy, and was given a steroid injection on one side, only to have the pain recur more intensly on the opposite side. Doctor and physical therapist are stumped. I'm beginning to think it is from the atorvastatin I was taking, because after stopping it for a week the pain disappeared. I restarted it, and after two doses the pain has returned mildly. I'm going to continue for a bit to see what happens, then discontinue if the pain recurs again.

    My pain is an intense throbbing on the sides of my shin bone, right below one knee. It comes on without any provocation, and I cannot reproduce it. I can be walking, standing with no weight on that leg, sitting, even dead asleep when it comes seemingly out of nowhere. It got to the point where it was waking me more than once per hour. Touching the area when it was happening worsened the pain, as did removing my hand if I was holding it. this made me think it was nerve related. Yet, when it disappeared, there was virtually no pain in the area. Very strange.

    I'll wait to see what happens then tell my GP. My research shows that small framed people are more prone to problems- I fit that description at 5'2" and 110 lbs, on 20mg atorvastatin.

    I hope you're doing better and that you've found some answers. WOuld appreciate hearing back from you.


  • Posted

    Hello debra97721

    I had exactly the same experience with Atorvastatin but with my feet and legs. I was put on 80mg per day after having a stent inserted. I was fine for a couple of months and then the pains started and I could hardly walk. I stopped the statin and it improved but on restart it happened again so I refused to take it any more. My GP was doubtful but agreed to put me back on Simvastatin 20mg which I'd been on before with no problems. 

    I hope you've found a long-term solution to your problems and have not had too great a struggle to get your doctors to agree.

  • Posted

    Hi Debra,

    I know this has been up here over a year, and I'm going through the same thing. I'm struggling to concentrate on anything as my left elbow and shoulder are so painfull, I'm struggling to sleep becasue I don't know what to do with my arm, as it's painfull if I sleep on it and painfull if rested. My right arm is also painfull but nowhere near to the same level. Like you I can't do any of the sports I like because I just can't use my arm to be fair i.e. just no strength in it.

    Have you had any advice since?

  • Posted

    I, too, am experiencing sever pain in the shoulder muscle, upper right arm, elbow,wrist and the outer fingers.  When I stop taking this drug, it goes away and then when it buids up, it starts again.

    My doctor is 'not convinced' it is the medication but I am!

    • Posted

      I am having severe muscle pain in my left shoulder across my gest and up into my neck area.  Does this sound like something that Lipitor 40 mg could cause?  I started it about a month ago and have had these symptioms for about 2 weeks going on the 3rd work.  They started me on Lipitor due to high cholesterol and PAD. 


  • Posted

    Check the movie called "Widowmaker" on Netflix. It talks about a Coronary calcium scan for preventive diagnosis of plaque build up in arteries. If it is high, statin, exercise and diet are the only options I have heard of. Don't stop the statin though since you have already had a heart attack. Cut down on salt, sugar etc and see if diet and exercise helps along with statins.Try a different statin.

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    I would say that it is the statins. You do not have to take them, whatever your doctor says. GP's are experts at nothing, but they do get guidelines from NHS UK to offer certain drugs to people with certain conditions.

    The choice is yours though. Try to see another GP as well. Not all of them are that rigid.

  • Posted

      Have been taking 20 mg A day for 30 years. Was about 20 years ago that I started to feel tiered and achy all the time. Have had A suspision that it might be the Lipitor or A interaction with the lipitor and A Benzo. Have read the product incert and found no warnings about this possibility. Now over the last 2 or 3 years, I have pain in my joints, no energy. Wake up with severe pain in my left shoulder and kneck. Have also woke up with no feelings in the fingers on one or both hands that takes up to 30 minutes to go away. Have been advised not to stop Lipitor by A few Doctors and they all seem to dismiss the possibility that the Lipitor is the cause.What say you?
  • Posted

    I take 80 mg of Lipitor and I've been having muscle pain all over especially in my buttocks, arms, hips, legs.

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    Neck pain started right after began taking Lipitor about 4 months ago and Dr. suggested it was the Lipitor about 6 weeks ago so stopped. Since then pain has subsided about half way but will not go completely away. Yesterday he sent me for images of neck and head area, all taken while standing. Any idea what he is looking for or has anyone had anything else come up that was causing the pain?
  • Posted

    Hi Debra - wow, talk about looking into a mirror. Yes, yes, yes, statins do cause these dreadful side effects - and more to boot. The reaction of you doc is typical, you will find other threads on this site re: survivors of statins, and the general agreement is that docs have an agenda. The fact you have been referred to other specialists is a red flag. Good on you for taking control of your health and questioning what is happening. I was on Lipitor for two years and had multiple probs - more than just what you have described. I'm still suffering but to a far lesser degree. I treat docs with suspicion now. Don't let them fear monger about heart attacks, cholesterol levels, possible strokes etc. A good diet and regular exercise are the best medicines. The very best of luck to you - you have reacted early which will help your recovery.

  • Posted

    Artovastatin is an extreme inje4ction of statins. I did experience this for a short while, I thought I was going mad; I had extreme nightmares, could hardly walk up a flight of stairs etc. Refuse this poison
  • Posted

    Hi debra ....... am glad you had the courage to put an end independent of your doctors to the awful pain you were in.  You are absolutely right that doctors treat you like you're crazy if you dare to suggest that the joint/muscle pain you're having is connected to statins.

    I have had the exact same experience with statins and so have the others on this site.  Best to listen to them rather than the lying, brainwashed doctors.

  • Posted

    Dear debra97721 , I suffer from pain in my legs all the time and the doctors keep saying they don't know what it is, it is so frustrating , it hurts to walk, and they wake me up at night just hurting all over, not cramps, just pain all over my legs. I just recently had a biopsy on my leg to rule out bone cancer, thank god I didn't have it. But we still don't know why I have all this pain in my legs. Tired of all this pain.

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